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Young Wild & Free

Square One

And that was the first time I finally felt like I had a reason to be alive...

I open my eyes. Saturday. Best day of the week, and I don't have a roommate anymore. Kinda weird without Michael here, or Maria... I sigh, skipping the shower, and changing into a new outfit. I walk out, seeing Luke sitting on the floor outside of his room. Should I go over there? No, we've really never talked before. And? It's not like he's gonna judge you. Just start a small conversation. I argue with myself, and finally decide to go say hi. I take deep breath walking over to him.

"Hey.. Um, Lucas right?" I say, immediately regretting it. I know he hates being called Lucas. He looks up, smiling.

"Uh, It's Luke. You know me." He knew I was just trying to talk to him. He's very welcoming. I sit down next to him.

"Wanna go get breakfast together?" I offer, seeming as he looked pretty lonely, and I had no friends here.

"Actually I was gonna meet up with Calum, and his girlfriend." He winks, making me giggle.

"He has a girlfriend?" I gasp, like a popular white girl.

"Well, no but he likes her! Shh! I'm not supposed to tell anybody!" He whisper screams, getting incredibly close to my face. "Zelia." He whispers, and I feel his messy, flat hair brush against my cheek. My heart stops for a second. I can't speak, as I see gloved Calum walk down the sidewalk.

"Why hello. May Miss. Beer dine with us on this fine morning?" He says, trying to sound extremely formal. It kinda worked... Not really.

"As long as she doesn't spit food all over me, like Michael did." He scoffs. Luke glares at Calum, and I feel my happiness drain out of me... He didn't have to mention him. Me and Luke stand up, and he looks at me, mouthing the word, 'sorry.'

We finally get into the cafeteria, and sit down with our gourmet shit.

"So, what happened while I was gone?" I try to make conversation, as I put a spoon full of Cheerios in my mouth.

"The usual. Tiffany left pretty quickly. Breana finally left. She was one of the first one here. She only really talked to Maria and Zelia. She mostly recovered from her PTSD" He starts to gossip.

"Not true. She told me what happened." Calum says, arranging his food.

"No way. You lie." Luke accuses, sipping on his chocolate milk.

"Yea! She was raped by her father while her mom was tied up in the corner watching. He also lit their house on fire and left. Her mom didn't make it out. And neither did her baby sister." Calum lowers his voice. You can tell he was very sympathetic.

"That's terrible." I gasp, losing my appetite. I gulp down my remaining strawberry milk, disgusted.

"Madisyn Beer, please report to Dr. Rainflowers office." I groan, getting up.

"Luke, can you take care of my tray? I'll see you in a bit." He nods as I quickly walk to Teresa's office.

"Let's get this quick and over with. Michael and Maria are coming back. We haven't found Ashton yet. They have nowhere to go. So, you are not aloud to consult at all with them until all three of you are done with this program."




I haven't read all of this yet, but I've subscribed and voted and I can tell already that I need a second book! And I made the cover for it! THERE BETTER BE ANOTHER ONE.

Will be out extremely soon!
Stay tuned!

@Katie Hemmings

In a week I'm posting the Prologue

Book 2! Book 2! Book 2!
