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One Way or Another


Harry's POV

"Savannah, relax." I place my hand over hers that have been incessantly fidgeting in her lap. "Seriously. You're going to drive me crazy."


"Why don't you...lay down or something?" I suggest, looking back at the chair. She's sitting on the doctor's chair with her legs hanging off the edge, already dressed in her hospital gown. My eyes wander to the stirrups on the other end and I cringe.

"No thanks," she says, looking at them briefly. They look the opposite of comfortable, so I don't blame her. "Where is the doctor?"

"Probably with another woman."

"What time is it?" she says, fidgeting again.

"Babe," I laugh, standing in front of her. I take both her hands in mine and she sighs, tilting her chin up to look at me. In this moment she reminds me exactly of Sophie, the pouting and the wide eyes and how adorable she is. "You need to calm down. This isn't good for the baby, you being so worked up all the time."

Savannah takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "I can't help it."

"Why? What are you so worried about?"

"I don't know. It's like my mind is constantly racing and I can't turn it off."

"Maybe you need a distraction," I suggest. Her legs part as I move forward and I set her hands on my chest. "Hi."

"Hi," she laughs. I dip down to kiss her and she slides her hands up to rest on either side of my neck. Much to soon she pulls away. "The doctor could come in soon."

"So? She's probably used to it." She laughs. "Wait, the doctor is a woman, right?"

"Yes." She rolls her eyes. "I wouldn't care but I figured you would have an opinion."

"Damn right. I don't want a male doctor poking around in your-"

"Harry!" she shrieks, hitting my chest. "They don't poke around."

"Whatever. It would be weird."

"It's a little weird either way, but I'm glad you're okay," she says sarcastically. "Are you sure Niall is okay with Sophie for so long?"

"Yeah, he's great with her. She always makes fun of his accent, it's hilarious."

"Harry, you can't let her do that. She'll do it to other people and that's so rude."

"It's not so bad. She's too cute to be rude."


The door opens and she stops, her eyes going wide when the doctor steps in. I kiss her forehead and take up a more appropriate position next to her, one of her hands held tightly in mind which was more because her grip got way tighter than it was before and I couldn't let go.

"Savannah Williams?" she asks.

"Yeah, that's me," Savannah says.

"I'm Dr. Wells," the woman says. She shakes Savannah's hand and tries to shake mine, but it's occupied so she just smiles in an understanding way. "This is your first appointment?"


"But we have another baby," I jump in. Savannah looks at me and I can see she's only half paying attention because she's so nervous. "Her previous doctor retired."

"Oh, how old is your baby?"

"She's not really a baby," Savannah says. "She's two right now."

"Oh, that's a great age," she says, smiling at both of us. "My youngest just turned seven. It goes so fast. So do you know how far along you are?"

"I think just a few weeks," Savannah says. "Maybe five or six."

"And how have you been feeling?"

"I'm okay," she says quietly. "A little bit of morning sickness and I haven't been sleeping very well."

"Okay, well I can give you a prescription for your morning sickness. Could the sleeping be a result of something other than the pregnancy?"

"I'm not sure."

"She's been really stressed out," I say, jumping in again in a conversation I probably shouldn't be involved in. "The last few weeks have been a little crazy."

"I know you've probably heard this before," Dr. Wells says, "But your level of stress directly affects your baby. You need to make sure you're maintaining a low stress environment. If it keeps being a problem then we need to get you on medication for that as well."

"Okay," Savannah agrees softly. She's so nervous and I have no idea why; this isn't her first time being pregnant or doing any of this stuff. The doctor starts getting things ready for the sonogram and I give her hand a light squeeze, pulling her eyes to me. A weak smile graces her lips, but before I can try to keep it there it's gone again. Savannah is instructed to lay down on the chair with her feet in the awkwardly placed contraptions at the foot of the bed. My eyes remain on her face for a few moments while she closes her eyes and takes some deep breaths to try to calm down.

"Baby," I whisper, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," she whispers in a trembling voice.

"Savannah, we're just doing an ultrasound today," Dr. Wells says, pulling the machine closer to the chair. She turns on the monitor and goes through the whole procedure of getting it ready. My eyes stay on Savannah's face the whole time, one hand held in hers while the other gently combs through her hair to try to comfort her somehow. She opens her eyes and takes another deep breath, staring ahead towards the doctor. Her eyes go wide suddenly, mouth hanging open.

"What?" I ask, ready to help her somehow. She squeezes my hand and that's when I hear it.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

The heartbeat. My own heart stars beating faster as I look at the screen, the only sound registered to my own senses is the tiny heartbeat of the baby. Our baby. Seeing that image, knowing you have a piece of yourself and the person you love growing inside her is something so indescribable. I love her so much and Sophie and adding another person that I know I'll love just as much makes me wonder how much room I'll have left in my heart. I didn't know it was possible to love as much as I love my family.

"A heartbeat?" Savannah questions. "But I thought you can't usually hear it until nine or ten weeks?"

"That is correct," Dr. Wells says. She smiles at both of us and both of their voices sound muffled to me. That's my baby. "Looks like you're a little further along than you thought."

"How much further?"

"I'd say you're about eleven or twelve weeks."

"Really?" She tugs on my arm and I finally tear my eyes away from the monitor. I'd like to see the baby but I can never read the damn things until the doctor points it out. "Harry, did you hear that?"

"No, what's the matter?" I look at the doctor and back at Savannah. "What happened?"

"Nothing, just the doctor says I'm further than we thought," she tells me. "Eleven or twelve weeks."

"What? Really?"

"Yes and here," she pauses and clicks a few buttons, "Is your baby."

Her finger taps the monitor and my mouth drops open again. About the size of a lime and actually beginning to look like a tiny little person. A smile spreads on my face and a bubbly nervous feeling grows in the pit of my stomach. Another baby. We're having another baby.

"Babe," I whisper. "That's our baby."

"Yeah," Savannah breathes. My eyes travel to hers and she honestly looks...terrified. "That's our baby."

"Should we tell her?" Savannah asks, biting her nail as she watches Sophie play with her dolls. I set the pizza we ordered on the counter and sit next to her, pulling her so she's leaning into me.

"Yeah, sure. She probably won't get it, but we can tell her."

"Maybe if we show her the picture."

"Honey, I can't even see the baby in that picture, I doubt Soph will be able to," I laugh as she gets up to get her purse. She just shakes her head and digs through the closet of shit she has in the bag until she finds the picture. "Sophie, come here for a minute."

"Why?" she asks, not looking up from her stuffed animals.

"Angel, just come here," I request, chuckling a little. She huffs and stands up to come sit on my lap, Savannah also sitting back down beside me. "Mummy and I have to tell you something."

"Go to zoo?" she asks in high pitch voice. I smile at her and push her curly hair away from her eyes, now constantly a crazy mess since is started going curly a few months ago.

"No, not today. Look at the picture Mum has."

Savannah holds the picture and Sophie sits up straighter to peer at the image. It looks like a grey and black blur of lines and shapes to me; if I look at it for long enough I can probably find the baby, but usually Savannah has to point it out to me.

"What dat?" Sophie asks.

"That's a baby," Savannah says. She glances at me and I smile so she keeps going, both of us watching Sophie. "That's a baby in Mummy's tummy."

"Mummy tummy?" she repeats, her nose scrunching up. "Why?"

"Well, she grows in there until she's ready to be born and then she's going to come here and live with us," Savannah explains. "You're going to have a little brother or sister, Soph. Mummy is going to have a baby."

"Baby?" Sophie asks. She looks up at me and I nod. "Like me?"

"Sort of. A little smaller than you," I tell her. Sophie thinks about it for a moment and shrugs. "Are you happy? Do you want a little brother or sister?"

"Me no know," she says, shrugging. "Pway now?"

"Okay," I laugh, setting her on the floor. Savannah laughs too and leans her head on my chest again. "Well that went well."

She sighs as I kiss her forehead, and while we watch Sophie play I can imagine another little girl sitting there beside her. Or a boy. A boy would be amazing; I'm not sure if I can handle two girls when they get to their teenage years.

My phone starts buzzing on the table and Savannah reaches for it for me. When I open the message my entire mood shifts and I'm more irritated than anything else. It's the time and place for the fight I'm planning on losing. With everything else getting on I've hardly thought about it, but now it's going to happen in a few days and the timing is absolutely horrible.

"Everything okay?" Savannah asks. I quickly lock my phone and toss it to the side.

"Yeah," I breathe. "Everything's fine."


nooooooooot fine. but a baby :) yay.

took a whle. i have had NO TIME and it makes me sad :(

anyway I hope you like it :)


Harry and savannah having a argument. But they are going to make up in the end.

I love it <3

Jello Jello


Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913

I was Thinking the same thing. How about a guy flirting with savannah. I want to see a jealous harry.

Hiii. could you maybe do a one shot of harry and savannah fighting bc savannah got jealous of another girl flirting with harry or the other way around.. loveee the epilogue by the way :) x

Narryxvodka Narryxvodka