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One Way or Another


Waking up with a pounding headache is never fun, and this morning proves to be no exception. I immediately call Madison to tell her that I won't be coming in until later, and she tells me not to worry and that she has everything under control. I'll still be going by the store later, but right now I need to nurse my incredible hangover. Wine never works well for me, I don't know why I even drink it.

When I sit up on the edge of the bed my fingers immediately go to my temples, trying to nurse the ache that's trying to kill me. I can hear voices in the kitchen, so I stand and pull a sweater over my tanktop before heading out there. From my position in teh hallway I can see Harry, his back turned to me while he tends to something on the stove. When he turns around his eyes catch mine and we both pause.


Immediately everything that happened last night comes flooding back. I actually kissed Harry. And it wasn't a simple hey, I'm dunk and you're here and I've always loved you kind of kiss. It was a full out, me straddling him, tongues involved, hands everywhere make out session.

Harry stares at me for a moment, but then he blinks and looks down, handing something to Sophie who is sitting happily in her booster seat. I make myself keep walking. I did this to myself, I can't hide from it.

"Mummy," Sophie says happily. She holds out a banana to me, but I just kiss her head and keep walking.

"Thanks, princess."

"Morning," Anne says. She seems tired and probably feels similar to me since we each basically drank our own bottle of wine last night. She's probably better at acting happy, though.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, smiling a little at her. She laughs.

"I slept well, it was the waking up part that didn't go so great."

I laugh and nod my head in agreement, searching my mother's cabinets for something for my headache.

"Here." Harry steps up beside me and reaches into the next cabinet over, his bare torso incredibly close to me. Of course he has to torture me further by not wearing a shirt. I try to keep my breathing even, but when he lowers his arm again and hands me a bottle of tablets I know he knows that I'm having a hard time. We stare at each other for a moment.

"Thanks," I say, voice barely above a whisper. He nods and turns around again, going back to his eggs. I quickly look at Anne to see if she noticed and find her smiling down at her coffee. Great.

"Juice!" Sophie exclaims. I wince at her loud pitch and Harry refills her cup while I take my medicine.

"So, I think I'm going to visit with a friend of mine," Anne anounces. My stomach clenches and she looks between Harry and I. The tension in the room is beyond palpable.

"Today?" Harry asks. He's probably dreading being alone with me as much as I am.

"Yeah, she's a friend from when I was young, she sent me an email and I told her I'd be here. So, I think I'll do that today. I'll probably be gone all afternoon and most of the evening."

I nod and take a glance at Harry. He looks about as nervous as I feel.

"I'm going to go shower, then," Anne says. She smiles at me and heads for the bathroom, leaving me and Harry, forcing us to acknowledge each other. I pour myself some coffee and slide into the chair next to Sophie's at the breakfast bar.

"So umm...." I rack my brain for something, anything to say while my fingers tap at the ceramic mug. "What are you doing today?"

Harry turns around and dumps his classic egg concoction onto a plate so it can be divided. I avoid eye contact, but I can feel him looking at me.

"I have to work," he says lowly. I nod. "Savannah-"

"Hungyyyy," Sophie wines dramatically. I look up at Harry, then at her, shaking my head at her whining. I don't have the patience for that today.

"Okay Soph," Harry sighs. He gives her some eggs and half a piece of toast, which she probably won't eat. He leans his palms on the counter, eyes meeting mine with full force. These green eyes...they're my undoing, I swear.

"We could come with you," I suggest. He raises his eyebrows. We're going to have to talk at some point. "If you wanted, I mean."

"Yeah, yeah," he stutters, brushing his hand through his hair. "Yeah, you could do that. I'd be okay with...that would be nice."

I nod and sip at my coffee. Harry and I don't have awkward moments like this very often and I am the reason for this one. I'm not sure how to handle this situation. I have no idea how he's feeling about our kiss or if he even wants to talk about it. Maybe he just wants to forget about it? I don't know, but he was kissing me back pretty fervently and we were both pretty into it. There was too much behind if for it to not have meant anything.

I have no fucking clue what I think.

"I'm going to shower," I announce, desperate to get out of the room. Sophie is eating happily, so I leave her with Harry so I can attempt to get my shit together. Apparently now we're spending the day together.

"I just have a self-defense class to teach and then there's a few kids coming in for boxing," Harry says, holding the door open for me and Sophie. She runs into the gym and I just watch from afar. In the reception area there isn't a lot for her to get into. I remove my sunglasses and look over at Harry.

"What?" I ask. He's smirking at me.

"How's the hangover?" he asks, laughing a little. I roll my eyes.

"It's wonderful."

"Sophie, come back here," Harry calls. She turns around and smiles widely as she runs over to us, holding her arms up for him to carry her. Of course, he does.

"You need to stop spoiling her," I say quietly. He just laughs.

"There's nothing wrong with being a little love-spoilt," he says, wiping the hair from her eyes. "Okay, I'll bring you over to the room and then I have to get ready."

I follow Harry though the halls, completely aware of the lingering stares as we pass. Harry seems to know everyone here, and while I appreciate how charming he is I wish he wouldn't know so many of the women that work here. They're all so fit and pretty and I'm just...plain. Harry walks into a large room with mirrors all along the front wall and a stack of mats in the corner near a shelving unit full of dumbbells. Harry sets Sophie down and she takes off for the mirror, immediately putting her mouth against it. Harry must notice the disgust on my face.

"Don't worry, the room hasn't been used today and the mirrors get washed every night," he says. That alleviates some of my distress. "You'll be alright here? I just have to change."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"People will probably start showing up soon. I'll be back in five minutes."

I nod and he looks at me for a moment before heading for the door. The energy between us is so weird today. This morning we were totally awkward and exponentially uncomfortable, but now we're more playful and comfortable than we are on any regular day. I walk over to Sophie and lean against the mirror, watching her amuse herself in it. She giggles at her own silly faces and makes a giant slobbery mess on the glass. I can't deny that mine and Harry's relationship effects her mood; when we're happy and comfortable she's much happier and easier to deal with. As soon as Harry and I start arguing or getting irritated with each other, she gets cranky.

A few girls walk into the room and I immediately regret what I'm wearing. It's nearing the end of the summer, so I'm simply in ripped jean shorts and a light blue loose v-neck t-shirt. Having a baby did a few things to my body, so I still don't wear tight clothes that often. These girls clearly do not have that problem. All spandex with the least amount of coverage possible seems to be the look they're going for. When they spot Sophie and I they seem a little confused, maybe irritated, but they generally ignore us. They look around my age. I have a feeling I know the reason they're even taking this class.

A bunch more people come before Harry gets back. When he does he waves to them, but his smile lights up when he looks at me and Sophie. I know there's girls glaring at me, but I really don't care. Harry and I might not be together, but they don't need to know that.

"You didn't tell me you only had twenty-year old models in your class," I tell him, looking out at the group. My eyes go wide when I realize what just came out of my mouth. Harry isn't mine, I have no right to be jealous. When I look over at him finally he looks more than amused.

"Should I have?" he asks. I shrug and pick at my nails while he laughs quietly at me. "You having fun, Soph?"

She nods her head and babbles some incoherent words. Her hair seems crazier than normal today, so I take the liberty of pulling it back into a ponytail so it's not in her face.

"Hi Harry."

I look over my shoulder to see two tiny little girls talking to Harry. I could probably snap them in half. They're manicured to perfection and prettier than ever.

"Ladies," Harry says curtly, nodding his head. I can't help but roll my eyes and try to busy myself with Sophie so I don't have to listen to their flirting. Sophie gets too caught up in her playing and winds up smacking her head against the glass. Her cries echo loudly in the small room as I scoop her up and hold her agains my chest, rubbing her back.

"There isn't supposed to be kids in here," one of the girls says to me. I open my mouth to have this little bitchfight but Harry intervenes.

"That's my daughter," he snaps. I'm surprised by how irritated he sounds. He doesn't get upset easily. The girl immediately softens.

"She's adorable," she coos. She comes towards me and Sophie, whose head is rested on my shoulder. I roll my eyes as obviously as I can and get a glare in return. "Her babysitter isn't exactly a ray of sunshine."

"Are you serious?" I ask, my anger bubbling. I'm hung over and my child is crying and I am in no mood for this bitch.

"Don't talk to her like that," Harry snaps again, once again expressing my anger for me. "Savannah is her mother. If you're going to be disrespectful you should just leave."

His outbrurst surprises everyone in the room, including myself, as the two girls go back to the crowd. He takes Sophie out of my arms and she cuddles into his chest, her face hidden against his neck. I smile slightly at him to show my appreciation for him sticking up for me. He seems much more irritated than he should be.

"You okay?" he asks. I nod. "Is she?"

"She just hit her head, she'll be fine," I murmur, putting my hand on her back. It overlaps slightly with his but I choose not to move it. "We can just go if-"

"No," he says quickly. I smile slightly as he continues. "You can stay, I want you to. Stay, I mean."

"Okay," I agree quietly. Sophie lifts her head and looks out at the group, then at her father. He smiles at her and she puts her hand on his cheek.

"Me want go to swings," she whimpers.

"Later," he says quietly. She sighs and her lip starts wobbling. "Soph, I promise, we can go to the swings later. We just have to do a few things here first, okay?"

"Okay." She sighs and leans against his shoulder again.

"Alright," he says loudly. He turns with her still in his arms and I lean back against the mirror behind him. "We'll get started. So in case any of you are new, I'm Harry and I'm the instructor for this class. My daughter and my..." He turns to look at me and I bite my lip. So awkward. "Well, this is Savannah. They're going to be joining us today. Sophie, can you say hi?"

She shakes her head and hides more against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiles adorably and all the women in the room practically drop to the floor. I know they're fucking cute. But get over it, they're mine. Harry hands her to me and she takes up the same position in my arms. She's not usually this shy, but I don't really want her interacting with people that are only here to try to sleep with her father anyway.

Harry starts off with some stretches and 'easy' moves for warming up. Most of the women in the class look like they've been coming for a while, though Harry told me that you're supposed to move up to a different one after four weeks. I think I know why they're staying put. Most of them attempt to get personal attention, but Harry is good at being professional. That makes me laugh a little for a number of reasons.

"Do you want to try it?" he asks me.

"What?" He nods and reaches for Sophie. "No, it's fine."

"Come on, you should learn to protect yourself on the mean streets of New York." He laughs and lifts Sophie from my arms and onto the ground. She sits against the mirror, thumb in her mouth while she peers up at us. I follow Harry so I'm a little closer to the group but more off to the side at the front of the room so I can still watch Sophie.

"Harry, I'm not athletic," I remind him.

"You don't have to be. Stand like this." I try to copy his position. "Feet shoulder-widtch apart. Okay, so a classic move is the knee to the groin," he says. I roll my eyes and he smiles. "Watch you attitude, young lady."

"Sorry, Mr. Styles." I feel a blush on my face as soon as the words come out of my mouth. That obviously brings back a lot of memories. He laughs a little and steps to my side, his back to the rest of the class while he practices whatever he just showed them.

"You get more power if you bend your legs," he says lowly. I get goosebumps on the back of my neck from his voice alone. He steps in front of me more and holds his hand out. "Aim for my hand, alright?"

"No fun," I pout. He shakes his head and the dimple I love peeks out. I thrust my kneed into his hand a few times before he stops me by taking hold of my leg while it's in the air. His strong hand keeps it suspended while he steps forward to hold me up on my other foot. His hand is on my lower back and mine rest on his arms, which are much more defined than I remember.

"You inflict more pain if you use this spot," he says, putting his hand on the top of my knee, "instead of this one." He slowly slides his hand down to what I was using, his eyes roaming my face. My breathing is laboured and he leads my leg back down, sliding against his as he does. I nod so he knows I'm paying attention, not sure what my voice would sound like right now. He steps back and walks towards the front of the room.

"Okay, next move!"

After a quick visit to see the process of the store we head back to the apartment for dinner. Anne called to say she'd be out quite late and not to wait up for her, so it's just the three of us right now. Despite what happened last night, everything is so normal. It almost feels like we're a real family. I don't know how it'll proceed, but right now it's amazing.

"Let's just order chinese or something," I suggest, flopping onto the couch while Sophie runs for her toys. Harry sits beside me and pulls out his phone. We always get the same thing, so he does it without even asking what I want.

"Sophie, did you have fun today?" I ask her. She nods her head and looks up for a moment from her dolls. "Did you like going to Daddy's work?"

"Me like hands," she says holding her hands in the air. I'm sure she's referring to the massive boxing glove Harry tried to get her to wear. I laugh as he hangs up the phone.

"We should have little tiny boxing gloves made for her," I joke. "That'd be adorable."

"Boxing is manly, it's not adorable," he says lightly. I just laugh. "Did you have fun today?"

I sigh. "I did, actually."

"Try not to sound so surprised."

"It's not that," I laugh. "I don't know. It's nice to just...be with the three of us. Having normal days like this."

He doesn't respond and when I look over at him he seems to be deep in thought. He's just staring at Sophie, his brow slightly furrowed.


He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, turning on the couch so he's facing me. Shit. I'm not ready for this. I thought we would avoid it, to be honest.

"We should talk about what happened last night," he says lowly.

"Okay," I agree. "Let's talk."


just draggin it out. you guys will be dyin for more ;)
hehe so mean. im sorry.

please tell me what you thinkkkk :)

comment, vote, subscribee :)


Harry and savannah having a argument. But they are going to make up in the end.

I love it <3

Jello Jello


Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913

I was Thinking the same thing. How about a guy flirting with savannah. I want to see a jealous harry.

Hiii. could you maybe do a one shot of harry and savannah fighting bc savannah got jealous of another girl flirting with harry or the other way around.. loveee the epilogue by the way :) x

Narryxvodka Narryxvodka