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Remember When?

Everything Isn't Always Black & White

Harry's POV
I got a call at like noon from Clary. I have no idea why since I knew she was home with her mom and Niall was with her most likely. I really hope they have figured out that they are acting like twats. But apparently not because Clary called me saying how she might have screwed up big time and how she isn't sure what she wants anymore. So I agreed to go over when she got back which would be until late. I wonder what happened over there in Mullingar. My mom remarried so she lives out in Cheshire now so I don't go back to Mullingar often. I doze off because I am woken up by my phone ringing. I grab it still somewhat asleep, "Helllloo?"
"Harry! Were you asleep? Anyways I'm in a cab and I just got to my building so you are free to come over." I hear the street noise in the background so I flop off of my bed and fumble around.
"Yea okay love I'm getting ready see you in a bit yea?" I flick on the lights and am momentarily blinded.
"Okay! See ya soon Haz." Then she hung up while I slide into a pair of jeans…I grabbed my jacket and went to get on a pair of shoes. I slid into my boots right as my phone went off again. I look and it's Niall. Great just great. I groan but answer. "Hey Niall…what's up?"
"Girls are confusing." I can't help but laugh at that.
"That they are Niall. Besides your epiphany, what else was the reason to call?" I grabbed my keys to one of my many cars and headed out.
"Its Clary…I just don't know what to do anymore! She stays distant but then acts like she wants me back…" I sigh and stop to unlock my car. I hear the faint screams of fans which makes me groan out loud.
"Listen Niall I have got to go but cheer up. Just try to not do anything stupid okay?" I hear him sigh when I slide into my car.
"Yea okay. Have fun mate. See ya tomorrow right?" I start up my car.
"Yea for sure." The call ended and I zoom off while my driver takes another car to distract the fans. I get to Clary's flat about 15 minutes later. I see the buzzer for her and Penny and press it. This is kind of weird for me since I am used to a lobby and a guard letting you in. I stand there with my hands in my pocket until I get buzzed in. I jerk open the door and head to the elevator. Clary told me it got fixed so I press the button. I hear creaking and the doors pop open. I look into it and step it. It looks kind of sketchy but seems safe enough. I press her floor button and the doors slide shut. I hear creaking and it starts to move. A few moments later it opens onto the 6th floor and I head down the hall to flat 6A. I knock and the door flies open to reveal a short redhead. I smile and she hugs me quickly then ushering me inside. She points me to the living room. "What anything to drink? A soda…water?" She looks at me.
"Um water is fine thanks." I sit down and fiddle with my hands until she comes over and sets down a glass of water for me. I take a swig and look around her place. It was pretty nice…kinda small if you ask me. Everything seemed cramped but I suppose I am used to my place now. I put my glass down and look at her. "So why did I need to come rushing over here?" She sighs and bites her lip. Something she does when she is nervous or bored. Its hard to tell.
"Its about Niall…I just…I don't know what to do Haz…I mean a part of me is like girl just fucking go for it! You love him. And a part of me is saying don't be foolish it will never last." I look at her and just shake me head.
"Clary…you are being so stupid. Why don't you think it will work huh? I think a part of you doesn't want it to…or is afraid to be vulnerable again because of what happened. Niall has regretted that argument the second he got back to his place the day it happened." Tears looked to be forming in her eyes, almost begging to fall. I sigh and go wrap one arm around her.
"Then…why didn't he comeback over? Why did he stay away?" She sniffles a bit and sits up, no longer leaning on my shoulder. She was now clutching her father's dogtags.
"I don't know Clary…that's a question for him. Listen it's late and you're probably exhausted maybe I should--" She cuts me off.
"No! Stay come on Haz…wanna watch a movie?" I just smile and nod my head. It really is hard to say no when it comes to Clary. But I know that she will end up falling asleep on me. And I was right, half way through our movie I look over and Clary is knocked out on the couch. I chuckle and poke her sides where she is ticklish. She sits right up and punches me lightly. "You can leave now Styles!"
"Good night Clary! I'll see you soon?" She stands up and nods, smiling at me.
Clary's POV
Harry leaves and I grab my jacket to hang up when something falls out. What the hell? I pick it up and realize that it is the necklace box that Niall took back from me. I drop it and it falls back to the ground. How did it…did he put it in my jacket? I am so confused. First he doesn't want me to have it and now he secretly puts it in my coat? I quickly grab it and head to my room, tossing the box around in my hands. I get in there and set it down on my nightstand. I just sit there staring at it. I groan and flop back on my blue bedspread, I laid there for a while just staring at my ceiling. Then I sat back up and grabbed the box before laying back down. I toyed with opening it but thought better…so I put it down next to me. My phone buzzed so I rolled over and blindly grabbed for it. I got it and unlocked it. My background was a picture of Niall and I from when we went up to his cabin for a weekend. We looked so happy…like nothing could tear us apart…but something did. Well more like someone…I tore us apart. I really did want to try to do long distance…but maybe we did need space. You know distance makes the heart grow fonder. I watched from an ocean away as my Niall slowly changed…he got braces and got tighter jeans. He let his roots show a whole lot more, making me wonder what he looked like with just brown hair, how amazing his eyes would look then. I watched as he dating some fake model, I cried for like a whole week. I had to re-unlock my phone because I got lost thinking about him, us, again. I see a text so I open it.

El: Lunch date with the girls tomorrow…when is your break?

Me: Like 1:30…I'll text you the address.
El: Great! And this weekend we are going to visit Lilly.
Me: Sounds like a lovely plan El. Lilly will be thrilled! :)
El: I know! I can't wait…anyways I have to go…I'm pretty tired. See ya tomorrow Clary!

I smiled and put my phone on my nightstand. I get up and get ready for bed. I slip on one of my dad's shirt. I sleep in just the shirt and a pair of underwear. Penny is over at Ryan's more often now. Not that I'm not happy for them, but I miss my roommate. But Nicole practically half lives here now too since she's just right down the hall. I climb back into bed after putting my hair into a messy bun. I sit down on something hard and yelp. Then I realize it’s the necklace box. I grabbed it and curiosity got the better of me. I opened it up to find a folded picture in there. It was the one I was shocked about from Niall's house. Well more shocked that he still had a picture of us framed in his old room. I unfolded and looked at it, smiling as a remembered that day.

Maura was outside with us while we were playing our guitars. I stopped playing and watched Niall. Then I noticed Maura taking pictures of us out of the corner of my eye. I poked Niall slightly then he looked up and saw what I saw. "MOM! Cut it out!!....god that's embarrassing." I grabbed his hands and played with his fingers like I always did. I looked up and noticed him smiling like an idiot, which only made me smile. He was like a drug…and I was addicted. I stood up and ran away a bit, He sprinted after me. Except I hid behind something so when he got to where I was once standing, I jumped on his back laughing my head off. He almost fell over. Then I heard Maura yelling, "DON'T MOVE I WANT A PICTURE PLEASE DON'T MOVE! I MEAN IT NIALL JAMES!" I was laughing my head off while Niall somewhat pouted. Then his mom almost tripped causing his whole body to shake with that laugh that is so infectious. So here we were in the middle of his backyard laughing like two idiots while his mom must've taken like 50 pictures of us. Finally Niall and I made it back to the blanket and he plopped me down. Then crawled on top of me. He kissed my lips very softly. "I'm going to get you back for that in practice Wolf." I tickled his sides.
"I didn't even do anything Horan!" We now use our last names as little jokes, mostly since when I first got here I only called him that because I didn't really like him.
"You always do something to me." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him again. His hands find my hips and he squeezes gently, forcing a moan from me. He smiled and sat up. "My mother is still out here missy." Then pecked me one last time before diving for the chip bowl.

I laid back and held the picture in front of my face. That's when the light went through showing me something was written on the back. I turned the picture over and saw what he wrote in his handwriting that I love. It was pretty neat for a guy but not too girly.

You are my thoughts
As the sun rises.
And my dreams
After it has set.

I gasp and then dive for my phone. I have to call him. I dial his number and listen to it ring. Then I get his voicemail. "Hey this is Niall, um…I guess just leave a message after the beep. I'll try to call back as soon as possible. And if this is Clary, I still love you." Then the beep happened. I just cried and hung up. I take the necklace out of the box and take the guitar pick charm off, sliding onto my chain that held my father's dogtags. I closed the box then got up and put the picture in the frame of my mirror by my dresser. I had a couple more hidden in a drawer. I'll put them up tomorrow. I have finally realized that it's pointless to fight him when he means so much to me. I sigh and go to bed but before that I grab the teddy bear and curl up with it. Slowly falling asleep to the memory of Niall.
Niall's POV
I wake up around one and roll out of bed. There was a knock on my door, who the fuck? I get up and throw on a pair of sweatpants, not even caring about putting on a shirt. I open it to find Nicole. "Nicole…what are you?" She barged in…she did not look like she was in a good mood.
"OH shut it! I went into Clary's apartment last night to surprise her after my date with Liam and do you want to know what I heard?" My mind flew to many things…an argument, silence, and even worse maybe…just maybe sex noises. I just shook my head, afraid to speak.
"That’s okay I will tell you. SHE WAS FUCKING CRYING HORAN! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HURT HER I WILL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" She was stomping toward me and honestly I was terrified. Nicole was taller than me, granted it didn't take much, and not to mention I'm fairly certain she did kick-boxing. I backed up and finally spoke up.
"I don't know why she was crying! I didn't do anything, maybe it had something to do with who she met up with last night!!" Nicole stopped walking and looking at me like I was stupid.
"Why would Harry make her cry?" Now it was my turn to look confused.
"HARRY WAS WHO SHE WAS MEETING?!" I was now fuming mad. Nicole just rolled her eyes and grumbled that she had to go. So she left just as quickly as she came. How did Nicole even know where I lived…Liam must've told her. I rushed back to my room and grabbed my phone, ripping it from the charger. I unlocked it to find a missed call from Clary. I clicked the voicemail button and heard her message. Which was just her sobbing into the phone, my heart plummeted into my stomach. Why was she crying? What if Harry did something and she called me to comfort her but I was knocked out…I quickly jumped into action. I threw on a shirt and grabbed a hoodie. I put on a pair of shoes, grabbed my coat and keys then headed out the door. I forgot my crutches but I didn't care, I had to get to Clary. I know she was at work but her lunch break was soon. It was a half an hour drive but the traffic was kind of bad so it took 45 minutes. I get there and storm past everyone. I head right up to where I knew she would be. I barged in and only saw Ryan there, who looked beyond confused. "Where's Clary?" Ryan took a commercial break and came over shortly after.
"Uh Clarissa took her lunch break about half an hour ago…Nicole came and got her. She should be back in an hour. If you want to wait." He went back and put on more music. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.
"I'll just talk to her later. Um tell her I stopped by?" Ryan just gave me the thumbs up and I left. I hopped into my car and went over to Harry's. I get there and his doorman smiles at me. I get up to his floor and knock. He opens and smiles his dimpled smile at me. I walked in and quickly said what has been on my mind since Nicole stopped over. "Why did you go over to Clary's?" Harry looked surprised but quickly recovered.
"She called me and asked for me to come over after she got back." He was looking at the floor. Then it all clicked for me. The phone call she ended when I got into the car yesterday was with Harry. But why did she call me crying at like midnight?
"Did you say something that upset her?" Harry's head snapped up and looked at me, confusion in his eyes.
"I didn't say anything that hurt her! How dare you say something like that to me!" I help up my phone and played her message, concern washed over Harry's face. He spoke up again.
"Is she okay? She isn't hurt is she? Have you called her back?" I told him how I went down to her work to talk to her but she wasn't there. So I was planning on stopping by later tonight. He just nodded and said that was a good plan. Well at least he didn't make her cry like I thought. I knew that Clary didn't get back until like 10:30 so I had like 9 hours to kill. I decided to stay at Harry's. We pretty much did nothing. We toyed with making a Tumblr and looking at what the fans said. "We really shouldn't what if management finds out Haz?" I was sprawled out on his couch munching on a bag of chips.
"So what? They can't even prove it will be us anyways!" Harry had his devilish grin on. He got up and left, coming back with his laptop.
"No! Absolutely not Haz!" I couldn't help but laugh at him, while he wiggled his eyebrows at me. He slowly opened his laptop and started typing away. I get up and go sit by him. He's on the website and looked at me for approval. "What the hell, go for it." Man no wonder people practically revolve around this website…its constantly updating or people are posting. Our blog name is NarryIsLife. Yea we don't live in a bubble we know fans have names for us. So we start following people and unknown to us but hours have passed. We check the time and its almost 10pm. We did order Chinese around 6 though. I get up to leave and Harry gets up with me. We got the app on our phones so we both have it hooked up. God I kind of feel silly. I get to his door and he stops me. "Good luck Niall. Clary…I don't know why its so hard for her to talk to you now…" He smiles weakly at me.
"Yea I know…and thanks. See ya tomorrow?" He smiled and nodded.
"Of course! We have a kick ass blog to make!" I laugh and leave, heading over to Clary's. I get there and take the elevator. I'm beyond nervous. I knock and Penny answers. She smiles at me, "Niall! Clarissa just got home. Come on in…I'll let you two be…she's in her room." Penny lets me in and then leaves. I go to Clary's room and peek in the doorway. And what I saw took my breath away. Clary was standing there in her work outfit. Honestly she shouldn't be allowed to wear that to work. But holy shit she looked fucking gorgeous. She was humming and dancing around. She was holding something in her hands then putting them around her floor length mirror by her dresser. They were pictures. I cleared my throat and she whirled around. Her big green eyes looked right at me. "What…how did you--"
"Penny let me in. I um got your message. Her cheeks flared red and then she looked at the ground.


Oh man...what will happen?! Please please please leave your thoughts on what you think will happen! Will Niall and Clary finally get back together? Will someone tear them apart?

Hope all my fellow Americans had a very fun and safe Independence Day! :) Guyss since I work outside like half of my thighs don't really see the light so they got sooo burned today. *sigh* Its really bad and it hurts. My older brother is coming home tomorrow so that's fun. I'm going to put our cutouts in his room and scare the shit out of him. It will be awesome. Nothing says welcome home like some lifesize cardboard cutouts of Liam, Harry, and Nialll. Am I right?

Love you all so much. Thanks for reading my stories and thanks for liking it for some reason. I'm not sure why, I'm not the greatest writer. But thanks. You really have no idea what this means to me.
~Annie xxx



Yeah he is ... I wanted to save the picture that's why i asked but thanks

Chapter 46 is the chapter with the puppy link. ISN'T IT SO FREAKING CUTE?!

Can anyone please give me the chapter where the link given for the timber wolf / malamute hybrid please :) or anyone can just give me the link thank you :)

Omg...you are just the best...for real. LOVE your comments. They always brighten my day. :) I'm glad you liked the story! I'm sad it's over too...haha. And I'll have to see if I want to post it...I might just put up the prologue just to see what people think. I hope you'll like it :)

U are an amazing writer!!! I can't believe that i haven't read this in 21 days- absolutely ridiculous !!
I love the names that you choose for the babies: Arabella, Kiara, Jackson, William they are all so unique:) i like how Arabella has taken a special interest in Xander- that is super cute!!:)
All of Clary and Niall's Remember When moments were freaking adorbs, I adore how much they love each other.... I'm really sad that its ending i feel like ive been reading this for a long time and don't want it too go away:(
I wanted to mention how i liked how One Direction were still touring at the end of the story, I hope in real life the boys never breakup the band
I can't wait for your next fanfic I personally don't think u should wait just because im so excited to read it:) ..... anyways i'm finally done with my killer long comment, bye xx