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Could This Be Love?


When two sisters win a trip to New York, they mistakenly bump into Harry Styles and Niall Horan. Could this be the start of friendship? Or even more than that?


Audrey Stephens

Audrey Stephens

Fifteen-year-old girl whose sister is Laura. Likes One Direction and she's a NIall girl.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Eighteen-year-old member of One Direction. Kind, funny, and lovable.

Laura Stephens

Laura Stephens

Thirteen-year-old Alabama girl who loves One Direction. She especially likes Harry Styles.

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Nineteen-year-old member of One Direction. He's level-headed and kindhearted.

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Twenty-one-year-old member of One Direction who can be mature at times, but is usually childish and fun in a good way.

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Nineteen-year-old member of One Direction. Smart, funny, and extremely nice.

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

Twenty-year-old member of One Direction who is a little shy, but very sweet.



Sorry I haven't updated lately.. I had surgery last week, but I promise I'll write more now that I'm back on. Thanks everybody :)
update soon!!!!!!!
@N.J.H.1292 Thanks so much! I'll update really soon. That's really cool! What city?
This is very good plz update and in from alabama too
Thanks and ur welcome
IluvHazza IluvHazza