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Secrets Within

Chapter Twenty

I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I can smell bacon coming from the kitchen, so Harry must be cooking breakfast. I’m sort of confused though because the shower is running in the bathroom as well. I get up and tip toe over to the door and peek through the small crack. I can see a large very muscular man standing at the stove and I can hear another man shout from the living room.
“Hurry up mate, we have to catch those kids before Romanov kills us too”
I hurry to put on my shorts and the shirt I grabbed from Tessa’s room the night before. I finish dressing and put the backpack by the fire escape window. I hurry to the bathroom and poke Harry through the shower curtain
“Harry we have to go NOW!” I whisper shout
“What? Why?” he says
“There are two of Romanov’s men in the living room. If we go down the fire escape, we’ll get away fine” I tell him
Harry hurries and gets dressed. He carefully opens the window and lets down the ladder.
“Ok you go first” he tells me
“Ok, hurry though”
I climb down the ladder carefully and wait for Harry. I hear a few loud yells and stuff being thrown around before Harry hauls ass down the ladder.
“Garage NOW!” he yells
I run around the house to the front where the garage door is open. There are several cars parked in there but one has lights that are flashing as it starts up automatically. I take it that’s the car I’m supposed to get in to so I toss the backpack in the backseat and climb into the passenger side of the sleek, black, four door Jaguar. Harry climbs into the driver side two seconds later and speeds off just as the two men round the corner of the house.
“What happened?” I ask breathless
“I uh.. uh I tried to sneek into the kitchen to grab a set of keys but they caught me, so I grabbed the first ones I seen and started throwing everything in reach to slow those men down then I hurried down the fire escape after you.” He tells me
“Oh my god Harry, thank the lord you are ok” I say taking his hand and kissing it.
Harry and I drive for what seems like hours before a phone inside the car starts ringing. I look around then open the center consul. There was a small cellular phone ringing loudly.
“Hello” I answer it slowly
“Ah yes Ms. Emery, just the person I wanted to speak to” the voice says
“Who is this?” I say
“Oh I think you know who this is Miss Emery” the man says
“What do you want?” tears start forming in my eyes
Harry grabs the phone from me.
“Who is this and what do you want?!” Harry shouts with the phone on speaker
“Oh Mr. Styles, if it isn’t the popstar himself” the man says
“What do you want Vladmir?” Harry says firmly
“Oh you know what I want and your little girlfriend has it.” Romanov says darkly
Harry tells the man to fuck off and throws the phone out of the window. Harry and I drive until we reach Charleston, North Carolina. We pull into a convenience store and ask for directions to the nearest library. Once we reach our destination we go inside and ask the librarian how to find the location of Kara and Roland Smith. It takes her quite a while but she finds and address for them.
“Thank you so much” I tell her
Harry and I reach the front doors when we see two men standing by the car.
“Shit” Harry curses
“It must be bugged with a GPS device.. how else would they have found us?” I say
We go back to the desk and ask to use the telephone. Harry calls Niall for help.
“Hey Niall, we need your help” Harry says
There is a moments silence before Harry asks Niall if he can make us some fake ID’s and passports. He has an idea and I’m all for it; whatever his idea may be.
“Ok thanks mate. We’ll meet you there in 24hours.” Harry says before hanging up.
Harry leads me to the back entrance and down the street to the nearest truck stop which is 11 blocks away.
“Harry what are we doing?” I ask
“We need to hitch a ride back to Virginia. We have to meet Niall and Tessa at 342 North Bell Ave Apartment sixteen tomorrow night” he tells me
I stand frozen, I’m scared that this meet up will be a set up as well. I’m not sure who to trust anymore. I’m just scared out of my mind. Harry stops after a few paces and looks back at me. I know he can see my red rimmed eyes and tear soaked cheeks.
“Hey, Hey, Hey beautiful now crying. We got this ok” Harry says
I shake my head as more tears fall silently down my face. I’m tired, I’m hungry and I just want to go home…wherever home may be now. Harry holds me, my face resting on his chest as I let out a few sobs. He releases me and takes my face in his hands. He looks at me with his beautiful green orbs.
“I love you Emerson. I will not let anything happen to you or myself” he says kissing my lips softly
While I use the restroom and make myself presentable again; Harry speaks with a few truckers trying to get a ride to Virginia. When I find him, he is talking to a gentleman who looks to be in his mid-thirties with long brown hair and a beard, not a long beard but a short trimmed one.
“Ah there’s my beauty, Em this is Garrett. He said he can take us to the address in Virginia.” Harry tells me
“Hi, nice to meet you Garrett, shall we go then?” I say following behind Harry.
As we make the long drive back I think about all that has happened over the last few days. Romanov’s words “popstar” seem to keep sticking in my head. What does he mean popstar? I’m sure it’s just Romanov being an asshole so I don’t stress over it too much.
I watch as tree after tree flies by and listen to Harry tell Garrett about our exciting little adventure over the last couple of days.
“Wow that Louis fella seems like a real asshole” Garret says
“Yeah , Lou had always been quite the twat” Harry tells him.
Those words play in my head over and over again. “He’s always..Lou” Harry talks like he’s known Louis for a long time. I keep going over and over it. He’s said it two times now; I’m sure not meaning to, but I’ll ask him about it later when we’re alone. For now though I am going to try to get some sleep. I turn to Harry and give him a light kiss on the cheek.
“I love you Harry” I tell him
“I love you too babe” He says as I lie my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.


Sorry about the formatting but my computer is about to die and i'm in a lot of pain right now. I broke my tailbone two weeks ago and my back is killing me. anyways i hope you like the update and i promise i'll fix the formatting tomorrow :) XOXO


No problem :) hope you enjoy it

@Allie Miller
Thank you so much! :)

Secrets within is first then its sequel is His Best Kept Secret


Secrets within is first then its sequel is His Best Kept Secret

Should I read this book first or its there a specific order?