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The Boy I Fell In Love With

Waking Up

Louis's POV:

"I love you."

"Samantha!" I cried, terrified of the sight before my eyes. "Don't leave me." Austin was already with Aria, Samantha has to stay!

Nurses took her away from me as I wept. I screamed out for her, but the wind only carried my desperate cries away. Someone patted me on the back, and I looked up and saw Harry.

"No matter what, I'll be there for you," he murmured, and I hugged him.

"I'm not ready for her to leave me," I sobbed into Harry's shoulder.

Samantha's POV:

I could hear the shuffling of feet as I opened my eyes a bit. It was too bright, so I closed my eyes again. Someone was holding my hand, and it kind if reminded me of something but I couldn't place it...

"It's been five months," a husky voice said. He sounded so familiar... "Louis, are you sure you don't want to take Samantha off of life support? She could be..." His voice trailed off.

Why were they talking about me? I was Samantha, right? My thoughts were shattered as someone snapped, "Harry, no! How could you even think that?" Silence followed. "I'm-I'm gonna get a drink," he said, his voice cracking. He left the room, and another pair of footsteps followed. Someone else entered the room, though.

Somehow, I thought it was the right time to open my eyes. I did, and then gasped. Right then and there, I felt something. I think I just fell in love with the blue-eyed, blond haired leprechaun.


Plz UPDATE SOON!!!!!! X :)
Plz UPDATE SOON!!!!!! X :)

I know I love that fanfic, abducted :)

Yes to a Sequal!!!!!! Did you really need to ask? :{)