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Attached at the hip.

Chapter 13

*Savannah's POV*
Things with Liam have been great these past few weeks. And even though I didn't think I was ready for a relationship again, I think I may be ready for one with Liam. Even though we aren't official, it sure feels like we are dating. He opens doors for me, sends me cute little texts at the most random times, even if we are standing next to each other to help keep our thing private, and he has even taken me out on a few dates. Liam is quite the romantic type, I never knew that about him until now. Of course we aren't out in the public eye yet because we aren't even official, but there are definitely some rumors going around. But hopefully Liam feels the same way that I do, and I sure hope he is able to get over Danielle...It is hard to tell if he is or not, we don't really talk about her anymore, which I guess is a good sign? He used to bring her up all the time, so I guess he is making progress. But I can't blame him, they dated for a long time, and I know she hurt him. We just finished lunch and the guys are getting ready for another interview they have today when there is a knock on the door. I get up and go to answer it, when I open the door my heart drops. It's Danielle. Why is she here? "Hello..." I say kinda awkwardly "Can I talk to Liam?" She asks without even saying hello "Ummmmm..... I guess, come on in" I say and move to let her in. When she walks in Zayn and Niall's mouths both drop and they can tell by the look on my face I'm not happy "I'll go look for Li" I say and walk towards our room where he is getting ready. Niall and Zayn say hello to her and get her a water. "Ummmm...Li" I say obviously annoyed "Yes love? Is something wrong?" he asks and looks at me concerned "Ummm.... You have a visitor." I say and walk back out as Liam follows. His mouth drops "Dani...." He says softly "Hey Liam, can we talk?" she asks and Liam looks up at me as a way of asking if he can. I shrug and turn away "well....I'm going to starbucks.... Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, y'all wanna come with?" I ask and they all agree wanting to give them space to talk. We go outside and as soon as we shut the door I groan "I should've known...." I say softly and the boys look over at me concerned "I saw the way he looked at her.... He still loves her and she wants him back. Great" I say and Louis trys to comfort me "I'm sure it's not that, he really likes you Savannah" He says and pats my shoulder "He may like me, but he loves her..." I say softly and Zayn speaks up "Let's just get some starbucks and not worry about Liam okay?" he says as we all head to starbucks. How can I not worry? Things were finally starting to work out with Liam and everything was falling into place. Now shes going to get him back and nothing will be the same.
We get to starcuks and order. Once we get our drinks we sit down, the boys are talking about something but I am to focused on Liam to pay attention. Niall notices and looks at me "Savannah, stop thinking about Liam, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about." He says and all the boys look at me obviously concerned. "Harry? If he picks Danielle over me can we trade beds? I can't sleep in the same bed with him if he's with her" I say and he agrees "Of course, but you really want to room with Niall?" He asks and laughs "Honestly I don't care" I shrug "What do you think is happening over there?" I ask and they tell me not to worry about it, Liam texts Zayn saying he will meet them at the interview.
After we finish our drinks we head over to the radio station where the interview is. Liam is already there and thankfully there are no signs of Danielle. I'm scared to hear what happened, I saw how he looked at her and I know he still has feelings for her. I avoid Liam as best as I can I stick close to Harry and Niall until the interview starts. It's the same usual questions they always get up until the interviewer asks Liam a question "So....Liam, today your ex-girlfriend Danielle was spotted leaving your hotel...Do I smell a make up in the air?" He asks"Ummm....Yeah, we decided to give it another go, try and see if we can make this work" He says and tears immediately fill my eyes.
I look at Liam and he is looking at me, as are all the other boys. I can't be there. I can't do this. I get up and walk almost run to the girls bathroom. I was right, he picked her over me and now I'm the fool. moments later the station goes on commercial and I hear a knock on the door "Sav, can we talk?" Liam asks me through the door "You've already said enough Liam" I say trying to hide my tears "Look, that isn't how I wanted you to find out,I'm sorry" I roll my eyes and wipe my tears "Not only should you have told me when it happened, but you should have told me before you told the whole damn world Liam" I never use Liam's name, I always call him Li but right now I'm so angry he doesn't get his pet name. "Sav, I tried, but I couldn't get you alone so I could, just please come out so we can talk." he says and I sigh and wipe the last of my tears. I open the door and walk out, I look at the ground knowing it is obvious I've been crying. "Sav, why are you so mad? I get being annoyed that I didn't tell you first, but I don't thinks it's that big of a deal...You knew this might happen..." he reminds me and I almost explode. "This was your idea Liam. You are the one that kissed me, you led me on, this 'thing' or whatever you call it has been going on for weeks! That kinda implies that we may be official soon... I have feelings for you Liam, and you just messed with mine like they were a toy, was this your plan all along? Have a side rebound girl to make Danielle jealous and make her come around?" I ask, I've never been this angry in my whole life, especially not at Liam. "Nothing was official! You agreed, we would just see where things went. I have feelings for you to, but you knew I still had feelings for Dani too, you can't blame this all on me. What happened to nobody would get hurt?" He asks and I just shake my head "I was finally starting to trust again. I haven't trusted anyone in a long time. Except for you, I trusted you Liam. I thought that you actually planned on us having a relationship at some point...How can I not be hurt? My best friend leads me on, takes me on dates, acts like we are dating, and then throws it all away for his ex who broke his heart. Great job Liam. You surprised me. You are the last person I ever expected to hurt me. Congrats" I say and walk away, tears were still coming down my cheeks but I didn't care I just needed to get out, I couldn't be here anymore. I needed to be as far away from this, from Liam as possible.
The boys go back into the interview as the commercial break ends and I go straight to the hotel. I go in the room and pack all my stuff up. But I don't finish before the boys get back. Liam walks in the room and sees my suitcases on the bed "What do you think you are doing?" He asks me "What does it look like?" I ask "I'm going home" I say not looking up at him "Seriously Savannah, You can be so immature at times. You're letting one little thing ruin everything?" He asks "I'M IMMATURE?" I ask "Don't get me started Payne. This may be little to you, but not to me. I guess that shows how much you care. Whatever, my cab is down stairs." I say and pick up my bags and set them down getting ready to pull them. Liam picks them back up and places them on the bed "You aren't going anywhere" He says and unzips my bags and I smack his hands away "Yes I am Liam! This is my decision. I need space and honestly, I just need to be as far away from you as possible right now." I say and I see the pained expression in his face "You always said you wouldn't leave. You wouldn't do what Dani did....And that is exactly what you are doing. You think this doesn't hurt me too? I feel like total shit Savannah. I didn't want to hurt you, I wanted anything but that....I just couldn't get over Dani...but still. I'm sorry that I hurt you, I am, but you need to suck it up and deal with your problems! All you do is run from them and you're only hurting yourself!" He says. Neither of us realize it but we are both yelling and the argument is getting rather heated "And you should have talked to me! You should have told me you didn't think you were going to be able to get over Danielle. You USED me Liam. You never liked me! You only did all this so you wouldn't be alone because you are afraid of being alone. All I was to you was a rebound and a toy." Liam and I are both in each others faces. I have tears in my eyes and Liam's face is red with anger "FINE! Leave then! GO, Get out! See if I give a shit!" He yells at me and I see a look that I've never seen Liam have before. A look all to familiar to me, the look Dylan would have before he hit me. Liam raises his hand to put it behind his head and I wince out of reflex. Tears pour out of my eyes and I run out of the room past the guys who had obviously been listening in the whole time and go to the couch. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees as I cry. They boys all are completely surprised at what happened. They have never seen us fight before, come to think of it, Liam and I never fought, maybe once or twice as a kid, but they were small and over nothing.
After a few minutes Niall comes over and sits by me. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him. "Shhhhh Savannah" he whispers "It's going to be alright" he says and tries to soothe me "Is there anything I can do to help?" He asks me and I nod "Can you get my bags out of the room?" I ask softly and he nods. He goes into the room to see Zayn trying to calm Liam down and the others are still in stun mode just watching what is happening. Niall grabs my bags for me and comes back "You sure you want to do this?" he asks and I nod "Alright, just promise me you'll still be friends with the guys and I no matter what happens with Liam?" He asks and I nod "Do you want me to walk you down?" He asks and I shake my head and tell him I got it. And with that I was gone. I got a taxi and took it all the way back home to my apartment. I fell asleep on the way home and when I wake up I have a million notifications on my phone. I have about five texts from each of the boys, and even more from Liam. I also have twenty missed calls from Liam and twelve voice mails. I can't listen to them. I can't hear his voice right now. I can't believe I just lost my best friend.




Haha thank you(: and only time will tell....

LiamGirl LiamGirl

I really like this story. They are way to cute together, just date already.


Haha thank you so much you just literally made my day/night (: I just uploaded chapter 18 and will start working on chapter 19 in the morning and most likely have it up by tomorrow night(: haha seriously thank you(:

LiamGirl LiamGirl

OMG, i love this like it is literally insane. I need you to upload another chapter noooow. Not even joking.

Thank you so much(:

LiamGirl LiamGirl