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The Wanted Feeling


Harry's Pov:

it's Friday. I hate this school. I haven had one person talk to me since I've been here. All they do is stare and then turn away when I notice.

Michael seems to be having a blast. We still sit together at lunch but the than that he's hanging out with people. Normal people.

I roll over on my bed thankful I don't have to get up for school tomorrow.

I feel Michael tap my shoulder and sit up.

'Are you going to the party?'

'No why would I be going I have no friends.' I sign angrily.

'Don't be like that; I want you to go with me.' He smiles as he sits down.

'Why? I'm not cool like you.'

'Your going I already talked to Anne.' He smirks.

God I hate it when he does that! I shake my head no. He shakes his head yes.

'No body takes to me; why would I go! Your gunna leave me anyway.' I frown. He raises his hands about to sign something but instead he moves his mouth.

I stare at him in awe as he moves his mouth and I make out the word please.

'Did you verbalize it too?' I smile surprised he did that.

'Yes; now please come I just talked for you man.' He nudges my shoulder as he finishes signing.

I nod.

he jumps onto me clutching My neck with his hands. I just laugh and push him off of me. he runs out of the room.

I really do not want to go but I will for him. I can already imagine what it's going to be like. I'm going to end up being alone while Michael goes off and hangs out with his friends. I don't know how he made so many friends. Maybe it's his 'Galaxy hair' as I call it. He changes his hair style a lot. And I mean a lot.

I go down stairs and see my mom drinking yea as the lights flicker on and off. The door bell is hooked uo to the lights in the house so we as in me and Michael, can see when someone's at the door since we can't hear, the lights flicker.

Mom rushes to the door. I peek over to make out who it is but I can't. Instead she comes back smiling and holding an envelope in front of me. Michael is in the room too. I grab the envelope and begin to read it's contents. It's a letter from the deaf academy.

Harry and Michael,

we hope you guys are doing well in a hearing school. We are terribly sorry about the school closing. It has hurt us all in different ways.
We hope you guys are doing well. And in always remember to verbalize.
Our dearest apologies,
North side Deaf Academies.

I frown upon the letter. Nothing about it was comforting. I throw it on the table and go upstairs Michael running after me.

' We have an hour.' He signs once he gets In front of me.

'Okay.' I go the bathroom. I need to get ready for this hell of a night.

'Have fun please.' Mom signs as we turn to walk out the door.

I chose to wear a hug black blazer with a pair of denim skinnies. Nothing to fancy. Michael on the other hand looks like a Tim Burton character! He is wearing galaxy leggings with a striped American shirt. A pair of light oink converse to too it off. He doesn't match at all. But that's Michael for you.

The car ride is smooth and he chose good rhythms. ( rhythms are just bass; since deaf people can't hear they play there music really loud and have the bass all the way up so they can feel it)

As we pull in he turns to me signing.

'There are a lot of people; Just please try to stay calm. And good god fix your hair.' He reaches over and moves my fringe out of my face. Whatever.

We climb out and I see an abundance of people and red solo cups. This is going it be a riot.

"Michael!!" People shout as we walk up. They seem to talk slow enough for me to read them.

'Hi!' He waves. Around his friends he just mouths a lot of words instead of signing. He turns to me.

'Harry; meet these guys these are my friends. Alyssa, Denver, Luke, Louis and Sophia.' I smile at them politely as he finishes.

'Hi.' They all laugh and pull me with them inside.

The house is covered in decorations. I can smell alcohol and other substances in the air. People are clashing together and running into me. I don't look at there lips because Im afraid of them saying hurtful things.

'Here drink this.' Michael hands me something as he puts a powder In the drink.

'What did you put in it!'

'Nothing don't worry about it.' He pushes the drink at me. I take it and slam it back down.

'I want to go home.' I sign quickly hoping people won't tell what I'm doing. he grabs my arm and yanks me outside. It's dark but we are lit up by the porch lights.

'Why? We havnt even been here for two hours!' He's quite angry.

'Because you have all these friends and I have none! I'm bored. No one will talk to me Michael.' I feel my cheeks turn red as I'm about to cry. I know I'm a sucker for emotions. Fuck off.

'You need to engage with them!'

'No I don't like them... They aren't like us Michael. They just aren't!' I'm on the verge of just yanking him to the car.

'Grow up; Text Anne if you want to go home. But I'm staying and I'm trying to ave a good time you dick.' He storms back in the house. I stand there alone and cold.

Ive been outside for about a half an hour. He hasn't even come out to check on me. I feel awful. I feel like he doesn't need me anymore. But we are best friends he won't leave right?

I suddenly am being picked up by my collar and I feel spit hit my face as a Boy is moving his mouth so fast I can make out what he's saying... By the amount of redness in his face I assumes he's yelling. Then I feel his fist hit my cheek and I wince as he drops me to the ground. He's being pulled at by someone although I can't make out who. I roll over trying to see him but I can't. My vision is blurred by the water that has filled my eyes.

I stay in fetal position until I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look up an it's a girl. She has long blonde hair. She starts to talk probably not knowing I'm deaf. I hold my hands out in front of her and point to my ears.

"Oh your the one with Michael?" She moves her mouth slower and I can read her lips.

'Yeah; why did that guy attack me?' I sign well also mouthing the words so she knows what I'm saying.

"Don't mind him.. He's just drunk and is looking for trouble." She smiles and helps me to my feet. She reaches up and touches my cheek.

'It hurts.' I mouth.

"Yeah it's really red.. I'm so sorry. And I'm Kaetlyn by the way."

'Harry.' Maybe this is what making friends was about. I just need to get beaten up more often.

She opens the house door and I walk in instantly spotting Michael. He doesn't look to entertained but when he sees me his face lights up and he runs over it me.

'I thought you left; I'm so sorry about earlier I was a jerk.' He hugs me. Kaetlyn smiles in from of me.

'It's fine really; I was too. This is Kaetlyn; my friend.' I smile as he faces her and shakes her hand. It felt good having an actual friend. I know we just met and all but at least for now she's my friend.


This is fun to write. I have a lot of deaf friends and it's exciting to write from there pint of views.
and deaf people become attached to people quickly and are extremely sensitive so I'm adding real life things to the story just so if so,ething doesn't sound like 'harry styles' is because it isn't it's 'deaf styles' please comment rate and voooooooooote. Feedback is. a. Must.


Haha and thanks.

That_Moment That_Moment


Yeah it's gun be good.

That_Moment That_Moment

Sounds interesting.

Lazylazerpants Lazylazerpants

Looking forward to this fanfic

leoleo leoleo


Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913