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Tongue Tied *some sexual content*


Harry's pov:

I wake up with the sun shining on my face. When did I even get home?

" Hey." I hear Lindsey say from the foot of my bed.

" Oh Hi.." Is say. It's a little awkward now with the whole Louis thing.. I don't know what to feel about her now.

" Don't act like you don't know what to say Harry." She laughs touching my leg.

" Well I feel bad... I mean I thought I Li-"

" Harry don't get yourself down on it... I just want you to be happy.. And I want Lou to be happy also." she says softly.

" Well we arnt even dating or anything! It was just a kiss and all..." I say blushing remembering I kissed my best friend and fucking liked it.

" Well do you like him?" She asks looking at her phone. I sit up a bit.

" Well I don't know... I guess he- he is attractive." I say letting it slip out of my mouth.

" Don't be so shy Harry tell me everything! When did you know?" She says pushing me further to tell.

" Know what?"

" That Louis was gay! Of course." She says smiling.

" I never.. Thought he was... He was always banging different women." I say.

" You had to know there was something off about him Harry I mean come on! He was always all over you in some sort of way!" She shouts.

" What! No he would once In a while fling his legs over mine or put his arm around me but.. Nothing screamed gay to me."

" Well believe it because he is literally head over heels for you!" She says as she stands up.

" What did he tell you exactly?" I say truly curious. Bause I never thought something would happen like this. Between me and him. I don't even know if I could be gay!

" Well the day we left... Because you were lounging with his ex wife. He just kind of told me everything, why he left and everything. He spilled his life to me honestly." She says.

" What?"

" Well he said that he was jealous of me. And I asked him why and he finally just said it. His exact words,
' I like Harry more than a friend should.' Then he went on to say how he has known for ever and had tried to push it away but he couldn't. I'm not going to force you to be gay... But Louis worth it." She says.

" I know... I just need to think.. You know it's not going to be easy." I sigh. She goes to leave the room.

" Well straighten up because he's coming by." She smirks.

" Don't get to frisky." She winks. I scoff.

" Disgusting! You are so.. Ugh just go Lindsey." I laugh.

" Well that's what being gay consist of. It has to go some-"

" Stop oh my god!" I laugh and stand up.

" When the time comes I promise I'll Tell you first." I smile. She gives me a quick hug and walks out. She was a good friend and had a good heart. She really cared about other people and I'm glad to have her to help me throughout what ever the fuck is happening right now.

I take a shower quickly not knowing when he's going to show up.

" Harry?" I hear Louis shout as I pull on my pants. I walk out without a shirt on forgetting about the whole 'I might be gay and he is gay situation.'

Louis pov:

I see Harry look down from the stairs. He doesn't have a shirt on but he has infamous black skinnies on. I try not to stare and quickly look away before I get a boner. And he would have no idea how to handle it.

" How are you?" He says plumbing down the stairs. Isn't he going to put a fucking shirt on! Oh my god. My mouth is probably visibly watering at this point.

" O-okay... You?" I say trying my best to keep my cool. If I ever want a chance with Harry I can't come off like a Sex craved animal hungry for his meat rod.

" I've been okay... No hug?" He says.

What the fuck! I don't know if I can!! His bare chest is sending me in circles and if I touch it I'll cry.

" You okay?" He says in a deep voice and wraps his arms from behind me gripping my waist and pulling Me into a back hug.

" Yeah.. I'm fine.. Fine." I manage. What is he doing! If he wants to take things slow he also needs to not be so... Seductive oh my god.

" Want to go and eat?" I ask trying to get out of this situation.

" What no, hello kiss either." He says looking at my face.

" Okay Harry your the one who said you want to take it slow and ki-" I'm cut off by his lips softly touching mine. I close my eyes for a second then pull Away.

" Harry your making it hard on me!" I say. Because he is. I want him to be mine so bad he doesn't even know. And if he doesn't have the same feelings for me can he not kiss me. Like can you not.

" Louis I'm just trying to see if I like it." He says.

" What! Harry you can't be with me just for the 'pleasure part' that's not what I'm in it for..." I say truthfully.

" You know I'm not like that Louis!"

But in all honesty that's what he's always been in things for pleasure.

" Well you should want me for me.. And like me for me, not my Body." I say crossing my arms aggravated.

" But your body is so cute and.. Irresistible." He says winding In front of me Grinding our hips together. A small moan escapes me. Fuck!

" Well this is nice, Really nice." I say pulling away. I blush like a mad cow.

" Someone's shy." He grins looking at me.

Its going to be hard to tell what Harry really wants.

Me or sex.

Me or Lindsey.

Me or other women.


I have no words. Kay? Kay.
this story is going to go how I'm sure most would like to see it go so be happy. And I like it now so whatever.

please vote comment rate and subscribe and those of you who offered to take over thank you. But I wouldn't mind a co author I got all the issues worked out and would love someone to write with on this.;) message me if interested.


I thought tongue was too important.

zoemalik853 zoemalik853

I'll try but my phones a little fucker,(:

That_Moment That_Moment

Keep updating! ;)

@Aj iobe
Thank you.(:

That_Moment That_Moment

Awesome chapter

Aj iobe Aj iobe