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Tongue Tied *some sexual content*

Rough start

Harry's pov:

I walk quietly through the abandoned looking street. I know it's somewhere over here. It has to be. Unless she moved.... I don't know. I keep walking looking at the different houses. Then I see it. The big blue house where Louis hell began with Natalie.

I take a deep breath before walking up to her house. I need to do this. This is my only way out right now.

I knock quickly.

" Harry?" She answers fast.

" Can we talk.." I say looking around.

" Sure sure.. Come in."

I walk in and find a seat on the couch. Tears are rimming the edges of my eyes. She sits down next to me.

" That one.. Thing you did drove all I had good... out of my life..." I look at her Intensely.

" No I did what I needed to do.. If you weren't a no good low life you wouldn't have done it harry.. I was just speeding up what you were bound to do later on." She stands up and walks over to the counter.

" Your a fucking freak! You know that! And no you played me! You wanted this to happen... You wanted me to be alone because your alone!" I stand up and walk over to her gripping her shoulders and slamming her into the wall.

" STOP!-"

" No.." I raise my fist.

" Harry fucking stop! Please I'm sorry stop! Help me! Harry!" She screams under my touch. I stare her down intently before lowering my fist. I slam her in to the wall one more time getting really close to her face.

" Take this as a warning.." I release her and bolt out the door. I run down the road catching my breath. I was about to hit her... I was really about to. I cry as I run faster and make it to my car. I need them... Louis and Lindsey.. There my only friends. But now I have no one!

I pull out my phone and dial Lindsey's number.

" Hello?" She answers.

" Please don't hang up." I say quickly.

" Don't call again."

" No hear me out please!" I shout. My hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly.

" Make it quick..."

" I never met to hurt you guys. It was all her!" I plead.

" How am I suppose to believe you Harry? I trusted you... Damn it I wanted you.. But fuck it... I've realized your whole life is one big act to you and I don't want to be an extra." She hangs up leaving me breathless.

Was I really that bad... Fuck! What am I suppose to do. I put my car in drive and grab the wheel tight and hit the gas. I speed down the road making a sharp turn hitting a mailbox with the end of my car. I'm so fucking angry right now! That fucking Bicth! I hate Natalie I fucking hate her! I could kill her damn it!

I soon park and fine a small Bar on the side of town. I park and get out. The air is damp I can tell it's going to rain. I shake my hair and pull it back hoping I look alright. I just need something to help me calm down.

If this is what people think my life is then so be it. It's what it is.

I sit down and scan the bar there's another man hovering over a 'modern' jukebox. He changes the song to a slower one. I order a beer with two shots of vodka UV BLUE.

I down them quickly. What am I suppose to do now.. Go home? Act like everything's fine when it's not. My best friends gone... And Lindsey's gone. My whole life... Gone. But if they were my true friends they would believe me right?!

" Aye you alright?" I feel someone touch my shoulder. I stiffen up and face them.

" Yeah.. Yeah I'm alright." He stares at my face for a moment. He has colored hair. It looks almost purple in this light.

" Well you don't look alright.." He sits down and takes a drink of his beer.

" Just another, bad day." I hang my head low and hold back tears.

" Tell me about it. That's everyday for me." He sighs.

" I'm Harry Styles."

" My names Michael. Michael Clifford." he smiles gently as he pulls out some bills and throws them on the counter.

" I'm not good with making friends to be honest... And the only friend I did have left me because of-" I stop myself before I spill out my whole life story.

" No keep going I'm actually interested." He says.

" Well I'm an asshole... That's a shorter version."

" What drove them away... If you don't mind me asking." He inches closer deeply interested.

" Well Lindsey and Louis. My two friends... I uhm... I'm.." Realization hits me before I speak. " I'm a whore." Tears flood my eyes and I can't hold back.

" Hey hey.. You'll be alright... Really it's okay. Here let's get out of here yeah?" He helps me up.

I've never felt this vulnerable before. But I feel as if my whole life has just been ripped from me. I can't do it.. I can't do life like this. I've noticed too late that I was a monster and needed change.

He he buckles me in as u whine like a baby staring out the window. But I'm not in my car... I see him pull out and my car in the distance becomes a blur. But right now I don't care where I'm going. Hell I don't care if I died right now or not.

" Where are you living?" He focuses not he road as he speaks.

" 12320 rich street... It's coming up." I point out my window.

We lull I land I see Louis car In The driveway. They came back? I lift my head up and jump out if the car quickly. I run to the door and burst in.

" Lindsey? L-Louis?" I shout looking around. The house is still trashed from when I flipped out. I hear a faint mumble then Louis appears from behind the kitchen door.

" Don't even try Harry... I came to get a few of my things." He doesn't make eye contact with me.i can hear Michael gasp when he walks I the house.

" Harry? Are you alright?" He says walking up behind me touching my shoulder. Louis head shoots uo as he eyes Michael.

" Louis please... Don't be mad at me I swear I never ment to hurt you guys.!" I ignore Michael and keep talking with Louis.

" Never ment to... Harry your full of shit you know that! You fuck everyone and you don't give two shits about people's feelings." He shouts. Michael stiffens up and steps in front of me.

" Hey! If he didn't two shits he wouldn't be trying to fix what's going on." He yells in my defense.

" Who the fuck are you?" Louis says getting close to him.

" I'm Michael fucking Clifford and get a little closer to me and prepare to meet your maker you dumb fuck!" He says towering over Louis. Louis just scoffs.

" Wow harry... He's just like you.. Maybe you to will get along lovely." He pushes past Michael and stops in front of me rolling his eyes.

" Louis don't.." I beg.

" I can't keep up with your shit anymore."

" I let you into my house for god sakes. I put up with you fucked up wife! And you can't sit here and call me a whore when you fuck everyone too!" I shout pointing my finger at nothing.

" It's not like I fucked your wife." He says.

" What?" I say getting closer to him. He has a smug look on his face and it makes me wonder.

" Well Lindsey's not your wife so.."

This sick fuck! I go to lunge at him but Michael grabs my arms.

" Harry.. He's not worth it." He's still holding me as I cool down.

" It sucks to suck..." Louis walks out of the house.

I can't believe he slept with Lindsey... How could he do that to me! I didn't fuck his wife intently! That dick! He is such a cunt. Michael releases me and I fall onto the ground clutching my knees. I can't believe Louis did that to me.

I can't believe Lindsey did that to me...


This chapter was kind of a filler.
just trying to add more to the story.
next chapter won't haves I much action but it may trigger symptoms of depression and such. So read with own caution please.
ilyassssm.Vote and please comment your thoughts I want to know what you guys think and whatever.
And please stop ymessaging me about how much you hate larry.. ( this isn't a larry story although I write them)You know who you are and it's rude considering this isn't even a larry story so bye.


I thought tongue was too important.

zoemalik853 zoemalik853

I'll try but my phones a little fucker,(:

That_Moment That_Moment

Keep updating! ;)

@Aj iobe
Thank you.(:

That_Moment That_Moment

Awesome chapter

Aj iobe Aj iobe