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Mirrors (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

Chapter 28

(I'd like to point out that, for those who read chapter 15 before I edited it, Jane was going to have a boy, but I had a change of mind and decided she would have a girl. The chapter is fixed but didn't want to confuse anyone who already read it :D )

I walk out of the room, leaving Markie inside with Prim; as I approach Nan, Mr. Adams walks inside the room. Nan wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace, I've missed her hugs so much.

"I'm sorry Nan," I say as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Sorry for what my love?" She pulls away to look at me, "You haven't done a thing wrong," she smiles warmly.

"I haven't visited you in like forever, mum would've-"

"Hazel would be so proud of the amazing woman you are becoming," my mother's name makes my insides churn, "don't apologize for not visiting little old me, I know you're very busy."

I wrap my arms around her again, that cinnamon smell still hinted in her hair. I feel awful for not visiting her, she raised me for most of my teenage years like them most amazing grandmother she is, and now I can't even bring myself to visits her, I know it hurts her that I don't visit.

"She would also be proud about the way you're handling the new baby, and the way you treat your brother," she strokes my hair and sight.

"She'd be proud of Markie," I state as I kiss her cheek, I walk over to the seats and sit in the large one. She sits next to me and nods.

"So how's Harry? Are you guys like official?" She giggles at me.

I can't help but grin, "Yeah, he's you know, working and singing and stuff," I don't really want to talk about him being away.

"Hope he comes back soon, take him to the house," she smiles, "I like him, he's a charm."
"That makes one of you," I grunt, "my father isn't so fond of him."

"Because he hasn't officially met him," she points out. Harry's offer tugs at the back of my mind, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have the family over with him and his lovely family.

An hour later, Bella, Nan, and I are headed back to Nan's. Markie decided to stay with them since they're leaving in a while, I promised to go visits Prim tomorrow, once they were settled in. For now, I needed to get Nan and Bella home.

"Can you drop me at Niall's after you drop off Luna?" Bella asks from the back seat.

"Niall's?" Luna and I say at the same time.

"Chill out," she sights, "I'm not living there or anything, I just left my stuff there."

I decide not to question it anymore, I don't want to push her too much about Niall. We drop of Nan, who I promise I will visit much often, and promise to take her and Markie for dinner. As we head over to Niall's, I wonder how Bella plans to get home, or if she's going to stay there.

"Do you want me to wait, and drop you off at home?" I ask as I park the car, she sat at the passenger seat after Nan got off.

"Erm, no, it's fine," she pauses, thinking of how to answer, "he insisted I take one of his cars" she looks down at her hands.

"Hey, it's okay," I say, "they can be pushy, rich people," I laugh and she laughs with me. I think about how pushy my father is, I never thought Niall would, but then again I can see he wants the best for Bella. Then I realize someone else I know who has quite some money and is a little pushy; Harry. He's always stopping me from paying when we go out to eat or order, but he can't win when I want to buy something for myself, I would never let him pay. It's strange to think of him as a "rich person," he's just my Harry.

"You can say that again," she sights, turns to hug me and steps out, "I'll call you Pie."

"Alright Bells, goodnight," I wave.


I wake the next morning quite early, I shower fast and slip on some black ripped skinny jeans, drape on Harry's "Ramones" shirt, and put on my Chucks. I put my hair in a loose bun, grab a black blazer and grab my phone. As I head out of my room, my phone starts ringing.

"Hi, babe," I say excitedly.

"Hi, baby, how are you," his voice is rough and tired, then I remember the time it should be over in Chile.

"Isn't it like the middle of the night over there, is everything okay?" I say worryingly.
He chuckles, "Yeah, I'm about to go to bed-"

"What! Barely!" I can picture the tired face he must have right now, chills run down my back. Oh how I wish I could have him with me right now, to wrap my arms around his warm body, bury my face in his neck as his hands run up and down my back. I shake my head, to rid myself of the torture, but his voice in my ear does little to my plan.

"Yes," he laughs lightly, "are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Prim is gorgeous, I'm on my way to see her," I smile even though he can't see me, "how are you?" I step out of my small apartment and lock it behind me.

"I'm alright, shows are great, boys are great, fans are amazingly loud," he sounds so happy when he talks about his job, the pain of having him miles away is slightly brushed by the fact that he's actually really enjoying it.

"I'm glad," I step inside my car but don't turn it on.

"I miss you," he says quietly and seriously, I can't help but groan.

I bring my hand up to my forehead, "I miss you, too, I miss you a lot," I whisper.

"I know, baby," he sights, "I wish you could come to this leg of the tour."

"I know, I'm sorry, I won't have break until June," I rest my head on the window, moving the phone from my right ear to my left.

"Yeah," he whispers, "hey, have you asked Nick about May 12 thru 16?"

"Erm, no, I have not," I admit.

"What's wrong?" he clears his throat, "You don't want to come?"

"No, baby, it's not that," I realize it's rare when I call him that, "I just haven't told my father about it, but I promise I will find out if I can get a week off, I might have to work in June though," I point out.

"Well, let's hope you can convince him, but you can still bring Luna and Markie," he clears his throat again, he's probably so tired, "oh, I forgot, get that whatsapp thingie so we can text easily, yeah baby?"

"Sure, it'll be Markie's birthday that fourteen," I smile, "I'm gonna go so you can sleep now."

"No, don't, I wanna hear you," he sounds desperate and tired, his voice gets lower and his words break, "I'll, erm, I'll go to bed and you just talk, yeah?"

"Okay," I oblige. I hear shuffling and wait for him to speak. A couple minutes later his low, tired, voice speaks again.

"Pipes," he yawns.

"Go to sleep, baby," I whisper.

"Hmm, miss you" he whispers.

"I miss you as well, I love you."

"I love you, more, much more," he yawns again, my heart skips a beat at thought of not being able to be with him as he sleeps.

"Just sleep, and dream of me yeah?"


"I'll see you soon, I promise," I whisper. He doesn't speak, and in minutes his breathing evens out and I hang up, a knot in my throat as I press the screen. I miss him so much, talking and texting him doesn't help, but I wouldn't prevent the affliction his voice causes for anything.

I drive in despare over to my father's. I'm determined to to ask him about Miami, but first I have to ask Nick, since technically he's still my boss in a way. I think of all the ways I can ask my father to join Harry, and his family, on a holiday. If it does happen, I hope he likes Harry, or at least isn't rude to him and his family. Anne, Robin, and Gemma are so sweet and nice, I think their personalities would clash with my father's. On the other hand, Jane and Anne will get along, maybe that'll warm my father up.

As I park outside the huge house, I take out my phone and dial Nick's number. As I suspected, I will have to work for an extra week in June to be able to get those five days off in May. He was sweet about it, he said he was glad I got to see Harry soon, and boy so am I. I step out of the car, my hopes are up about asking him about Miami now that I know I can attend. I step inside without knocking, and I wonder if I should've.

"Don't you knock?" Mr. Adams says from the living room, his wife huffing in agreement, I'm glad I didn't knock. I ignore them and head over to Markie's room.

He wasn't there, so I go around the corner and into the nursery, and sure enough he's there, carrying Prim and laughing at something Jane said. They notice me, Jane stands up and goes over to sort some baby stuff, Markie walks towards me with a grin.

"Hi sis," he says, picking up one of Prim's hands and waving it.

"So cute," I say, I stretch out my arms, "may I, you've had her long enough," I joke. He laughs and hands the nugger over.

Her mouth opens, unrecognizable noises followed by saliva slip out, it's the cutest thing ever, almost cuter than Harry's laugh,almost. Her eyes blink open, I gasp at the blue orbs, light and soft, so beautiful. She's wearing a light blue onsie, with tiny little white socks, her hair short and a dark blonde. She's so different from Markie and I. I have an urge to protect her, to never let anything happen to her.

"Hi Prim," I tug at her little hand with my index finger, she wraps her hand around it and I feel like crying. I'm so overwhelmed by her, it's so different, I'd never been around a baby while conscious about it being a tiny human being. When Markie was brought home, I was about four, I just knew he was a baby and he couldn't speak. Also, that he was freaking cute and easy to make laugh. I kiss her warm cheek, her head turns and she opens her mouth, thinking that I'm about to feed her. I press my cheek to her lips and she opens her mouth, her tongue leaving saliva as she tries to suck. I can't help but laugh.

"Your father loves to tease her like that too," Jane says, I look up and she's smiling. It's strange to think of my dad as playful with a child. I see Jane approach us from the corner of my eye.

"May I? I think she might be hungry," she asks. At the word hungry my stomach growls.

"Sure," I hand Pri to her.

"You sound hungry too," she laughs, "your father is making burgers outside."

"Did you eat anything today?" Markie asks.

"Erm, no, I was going to get something on my way, I guess I forgot."

"You two go downstairs, I'll be down once she's asleep," Jane says. Markie and I walk out, leaving her to feed our baby sister.

"Hi dad," I say as I step out into the large backyard, the pool to the side looks unappealing with the cold weather.

He turns from the grill and smiles, still very foreign to me, "Hi kids, want some burgers?" I remember when I was little, dad would make burgers in the grill outside our small backyard. Mum would make some pudding for dessert, Markie and I would mix it with ice cream.

"I made pudding," Markie whispers beside me, "and there's ice cream," he smiles at me, I wrap an arm around him and squeeze him, how he and Harry manage to read what I'm thinking? I will never know. I turn back to my father, hoping he didn't hear.

"Sure, dad."

We sit by a table a couple feet away from the grill. There's ingredients for the burgers in the middle of it, along with some cups and pop bottles. My father serves Markie and I a burger, smiling, he looks so happy, it's so strange, I can't help the scowl in my face.

"What?" my father asks with a laugh, "Something in my face?"

"No, nothing," I look at my burger and start adding lettuce and tomato, the whole lot.'

I'm about to bite my burger, when Jane comes out with a bucket of ice, followed by her parents.

"How's the little princess?" dad asks her, he eyes me worryingly. I ponder why, then I realize it's because he referred to Prim as "princess." I guess he realized he was never that affectionate towards me.

Markie looks at me, he obviously noticed our father's look, I shrug at him and take a bite from my burger. Once everyone is seated and eating, I decide to go ahead and ask him, get the question and whatever comment he has out of the way.

"So, erm, dad?" I say, my burger is only half way, but I already feel it coming back up.

"Yes," he says as he chews on his food, I interrupted a conversation he was having with Mr. Adams about work but I really don't give a rat's arse.

"So, er... my boyfriend," I've never actually called Harry that, it feels good, "wanted to know if you, Jane, Markie and Nan, would like to join us and his family on a little holiday for a week," Markie jumps, wide eyed and staring at him, "it would be May-"

"Does that sound like a good idea to you?" he asks, his tone condescending and rude as he cleans his mouth with a napkin.

I clear my throat, "Yes, of course."

"How long have you been dating?" Oh hell no.

"Marcus-" Jane starts.

"About two months and a half, officially," I raise a brow at him.

"Wasn't he dating that reality show girl-"

"Dad," Markie says.

"No Markie," I tell my brother, "what is it dad, what do you want to know about Harry?" I'm fed up with people not giving him a chance because of what they hear about him.

"I'm just saying, I don't think you should take him so seriously, he's obviously not the type to keep a girl-"

"Marcus," Jane warns.

"Dad," I start angrily, "Harry and I have been friends for almost a year, I care about him a lot, he just wants our families to bond, that's it," I push my burger away. I sight, exasperated by his questioning.

"We'd love to, Piper," Jane says, I give her a halfassed smile.

"I'm not so sure about him Piper," my father says, "he's a celebrity-"

"No dad!" I sort of scream, "He's a person, a beautiful person who cares so much about me," I sight in frustration, "the guy I dated in New York would've never wanted to meet my family, nor would've been so nice as Harry is towards Nan, and Markie, and to you," I point out.

"He's awesome," Markie starts, "he's a god," he says, I can't help but laugh and shake my head.
I take a deep breath, "If it wasn't for him, I would have never called you back that night after I left this house angry as hell."

"I'm not going to like him just because you say nice things about him, he's still a pop star, it doesn't change his nature."

"Marcus, please," Jane begs.

"You don't know a damn thing about his nature," I point out, "dad, you can come and try to at least meet him and his amazing family, or you can fucking forget about building something with me because he's part of my life, whether you like it or not."

"He's going to hurt you," he scowls angrily. I don't know if I should be touched that he's worried, or angry that he won't at least give Harry a chance.

"No dad," I whisper, "maybe he'll make me cry, or be in pain, but he loves me enough to never hurt me, unless he doesn't love will he truly hurt me," I raise a brow at him, the tension in the table is so thick, I can feel it, I can feel everyone starring as I point out his mistakes, "I know he loves me, and cares about my family, at least the ones who give him a chance." I get up from the table and head back inside.

As I'm about to open the front door, an arm stops me and turns me around, Jane frowns at me.

"We'll join you guys," she smiles, "he'll come through, he'd do anything for you, he's just a little shaken that his daughter is getting serious with a bad boy."

I snort, "Harry's not a bad boy," I fold my arms in front of my chest.

"I know, I'm just making a joke," she smiles, I look away as Jane and I bond? "I'll get through him, I promise, but can you do me a favor."


"Don't stop visiting because he made you upset," she smiles.

I sight, "Of course not," I look towards the stairs, towards where my baby sister is sleeping.

As I walk out to my car I remember something, I remember the day Jane and my father showed up at Nan's when my father found out about Markie. Jane did apologize.


New cover! My editing skills are awful lol! Anyways, soon I will have to start going into the future, although the story isn't AU, there will be some inaccuracy because I don't really know the boys schedule 100%. I will write it as it pleases my story, so don't get confused if I write about Harry being in London when in reality he is or was in Los Angeles or somewhere else lol.


I hope you guys see this, the website didn't let me log in to my account anymore and sent me to make a new one, I don't know why but I can't contact anyone. I can't upload the story on here anymore but you are welcomed to read it at Wattpad. I am really sorry that this happened but I can't do anything about it. I concluded that it might have something to do with me changing my username on the website I use to log in, but nevertheless it is still the same email so I don't get it. I am really sorry and I hope you see this.

MidnightLight MidnightLight

Another great chapter, looking forward to the next update!

Snazzy Snazzy

Your most welcome love .. I love it Hope so u can update soon

Wildcats Wildcats

Your most welcome love .. I love it Hope so u can update soon

Wildcats Wildcats

Thank you! I will try to update soon <3

MidnightLight1D MidnightLight1D