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Unexpected Blood.


Its Halloween night, and Amber is 18 , basically still a teen. Next year she goes college wheres there is no trick or treating. So for the last day of her days of trick-or-treating she goes out with friends. Well, she doesn't go out , she goes trick-or-treating. When her and her friends accidentally go inside a old house whatll happen.??????


Amber Anne Ross

Amber Anne Ross

American . 18 . Nice , pretty , friendly , besties with Berry and everyone else. Innocent ,. Might have a crush on Harry.

Berry Love Antoinette

Berry Love Antoinette

Is now dating Louis , American, Nice , sweet , smart and friends with Amber and would never hurt her.

Carmel Candice Flynn

Carmel Candice Flynn

American . She is eighteen and bffs with Amber. Fun and very nice. Kinda is crushing on Liam

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

18 forever , well 18 since 1775. Has interest in Amber. Sweet, charming, cheeky British

Liam James Payne

Liam James Payne

20 forever. Vampire. Sweet , nice , innocent, smart. Has interest in Carmel. British

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

22 Forever, vampire along with Harry.Nice and Awesome, dating Berry. British

Marie Kara Ann

Marie Kara Ann

. American. She is nice, very nice.Been friends with Amber 16 years, not as long as Berry . Still 18 and would never hurt Ambs, knowing how sensitive she is

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Irish and 20 forever. Vampire , sweet , funny , and ALWAYS HUNGRY. Has interest in Shiela

Sheila Karten Russo

Sheila Karten Russo

. American. She is 18 , like the rest. Loves Ambs and would never hurt her. Nice , popular and innocent

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

British , Cute , calls himself a bad boy , but is afraid dark. Nice and has interest in Marie


  1. Costume

    Time to get ready...

  2. The House

    It opened and...

  3. It couldn't have been a dream???!!!

    It couldn't have been a dream right?!

  4. Run

  5. OH NO

  6. i h-h-ave to meet them.

  7. The transformation

  8. New Morning

  9. Care and Crush


ok i will try i have to ask talknerdytome

sweethoneybee10 sweethoneybee10

please update!!

true_love true_love


@TALKNERDYTOME the story doesnt suck small twicks thats it

sweethoneybee10 sweethoneybee10

Ok...I'm just a teeny bit bossy. So you'll have to get used to it

TommoTomlinson TommoTomlinson

no it dosent i like it

sweethoneybee10 sweethoneybee10