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Chapter 10

"What are we doing, Niall?" I ask him very impatiently. He glances at me and smiles. He pulls the sheet off of the object from the backseat. It was his guitar. I watched as he put the guitar on. He begins to play a familiar tune. I can't help the smile spread across my face as he sings to me. After he finishes he smiles at me. "Niall... That was perfect!" I admit. I walk over and hug him, though the guitar is in the way. "Niall... I feel something with you.." I admit. "What do you mean?" He asks tilting his head a little. "I mean I think there's something between us." I add trying to hold back my laughter. He shakes his head and laughs. "Yeh I feel it too." I can't help but laugh at him. He takes the guitar off and hugs me again. "That's better" He smiles. I smile back up at him. I can't help but stare into his sparkling blue eyes. His smile is gone and i'm pretty sure mine is too but we both continue to sit in silence. It's not awkward, more comfortable actually. Next thing I know he crashes his lips down on mine. I'm shocked at first, but I kiss back. It feels like electricity is running through me. His lips taste sweet as is the kiss. It doesn't last long before he pushes me away. It wasn't rough but enough to make me stumble backwards. I look at him shocked as he walks away from me. What the fuck just happened? "Niall, Wha-" I start to say but he cuts me off. "Just stop Aubrey.. Let's go.." He demands. He sounds serious. It kind of scared me how quickly he changed. He goes from kissing me to pushing me away. I don't say anything though as we walk back to the car. Half of the car ride is silent. "What was that..?" I ask breaking the silence. "Nothing." His voice is emotionless. How can he say that was nothing? "That was not just nothing, Niall.. What happened back there?" I ask again. "I said it's nothing." He still stares at the road. He hasn't looked at me once since the kiss. "What is wrong with you?!" I raise my voice a little getting annoyed. He stays silent. "So you kiss me then you-" again he cuts me off "That was a mistake." Ouch. "W-What...?" I ask feeling hurt. "It was a mistake Aubrey! As in it shouldn't have happened!" He squeezes the steering wheel. What has gotten into him? "Wow.. I don't even know what to say to that. You bring me out here, act all sweet, kiss me, now this. What the hell??" I'm beyond annoyed now and hurt. "Just forget today even happened okay? I shouldn't have brought you out here." Something's wrong. "Niall, you can tell me what's wrong.." I calmly tell him. Instead of telling me he blows up. "No, I can't tell you! You're just a stupid a girl I just met! By force I may add!" He shouts as we pull into the parking lot. Tears brimmed my eyes as I jumped out the car and ran up the stairs. "Aubrey wait!" I heard him yell behind me but I kept running. I knew being this happy was too good to be true. When I get to Niall's door I use the key he gave me and run in to his room. I shut and lock his door as I fall to the floor and break down. How could he be so cruel to me? He beats on the door for about an hour calling for me to open it but I won't. I don't want to see him. I scoot to my bag and finish putting my stuff in it. I start thinking as I relieve the pain. He is the one who helped me stop. He's the one who made me feel beautiful and loved and worth it. Now I feel stupid and useless and just terrible. I hear a soft knock at the door as I hide my materials. "Aubrey... It's Liam... Can I come in?" He asks softly. I don't answer though. "Aubrey please? It's just me. I'm alone. Niall isn't here." I put my hoodie on and open the door for him. He gives me sad smile as I look up at him. He wraps his arms around me and I hug him back. Somehow he seems to calm me. "Can we talk about it?" He asks and motions for us to sit on the bed. I nod and sit across from him on the bed. "Niall told me pretty much what happened but how are you feeling, love?" He asks placing a hand on my knee. "I-I don't know. You boys are the one's who saved me, who made me feel good enough and pretty and worth it and you helped with with my uhh problems and-" I stop as he gently grabs my arms. Oh shit... He looks up at me and slowly rolls my sleeves. He doesn't take his eyes off of mine. He begins to look down at my wrists and I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel his hand tighten on my arms a little. Finally I open my eyes and look at him. He's staring at my wrists. "Liam.." He looks up at me and I see a tear fall from his eyes. He pulls me into another tight hug. It really hurt seeing him upset. It's my fault. I shouldn't have even said anything. He pulls back and holds my shoulders while looking at me. "Aubrey.. I didn't know you.. Why?" He asks sounding worried. "I have a terrible life I admit. "I'm made fun of, called fat, ugly, stupid, whore, and alot worse.. My parents fight alot and blame me. My brother is just horrible to me. Just everything. It's painful and I tried to control it but I can't. This is the only pain I can control, but it relieves me." I say looking down at my wrists. "When's the last time you did it?" he asks as I rub my fingers over them. "Earlier, when I got back from being with Niall.." He shakes his head. "Besides then, it's been a little while. Do you know why I stopped?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "You. All five of you. Like I said, You boys gave me reason to live." He looks up and gives me a half smile. "You , Zayn, Harry, Louis, and... Niall..." I add instantly regretting saying his name. "He didn't mean it.." He tells me. "Yes he did.. I'm just a stupid girl he was forced to meet.." I said quietly. He grabbed my hand and it tingled. I slowly raised my eyes to look up at him. "No, he likes you Aubrey, he just.. He had a bad experiece with a girl before. Her name was Corra and she was just terrible." He told me. "Nothing like you.." He smiled. That caused me to smile. "There's that beautiful smile!" He said happily. "Thanks Liam.. You really helped." I smiled. He really is the best. We stood up and hugged again. I quickly put on a little make up to hide my puffy eyes and not look like i've cried. "You ready?" I nodded, even though I honestly wasn't ready to go. He helped grab my bags. As we walked out I stopped at the door and Liam watched me as I took one last look around. I turned around and Liam put an arm around me as we walked out to the car. We put my stuff in the back and we climbed in. Zoey was asleep on harry's chest. Lazy ass. I looked at where I had to sit and before I could turn around Liam was behind me smiling. I sighed and sat down. Niall on my left and Liam on my right. After we had been driving for about 5 minutes I looked up at Niall. He was staring straight with a distant look on his face. I don't know how long as I sat staring at him until he finally looked to me and smiled slightly, not a real smile though. I just looked away. I couldn't smile back at him. I know Liam said he didn't mean it but still.. "Guys, we're here." Paul said from the front. We all started piling out of the car. Of course my clumbsy ass trips and falls into Niall. "I-I'm sorry.." I say. "You okay?" I just nod and keep walking up to Liam. I felt like I could trust him most now. He wraped his arm over my shoulder as we walked into the cafe. Just as we got in the girls were waiting for us. Sophia was staring at me and she didn't look happy.


Got two comments so here ya go. If you want chapter 11 I need votes. No votes, No chapter. So go vote! ENJOY!


nice love it update soon
update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im dying with out this story!
Update!!!! Please this is sooooo goood
ha i figured it out!
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Niallersbby Niallersbby