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Thank You El.

chapter 7

Demetria POV:

After he told me that, part of me understood and another was angry. I still had questions about it but we had school tomorrow and I needed to sleep off this alcohol. I was awoken by pancakes, sausage, milk, and a note. The note said "Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up but we had an early meeting. I hope you enjoy your special breakfast made by yours truly and if you hate it, hate it with love. I asked Eleanor what you usually eat and she said nothing. Sincerely, your next boyfriend." I laughed at the last part. I decided to give him a call. "Hey." "Why do you sound so sad?" "I'm in the hospital!" I joke. "FOR WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY? WHICH ONE?" "You fucking gave me food poisoning." “Oh my God Demetria, I am so sorry. I'm on my way. Where are you?" I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore. "I'm just playing but thanks for the breakfast, Swift." with that I quickly hung up and started getting ready for school. From Harry Swift: "I believe the S was right but everything after that wasn’t. See you later Demetria Styles ;)" As I was thinking of a witty comeback, I was interrupted by ele screaming, "WHY WOULD THEY HAVE A MEETING AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING!! WHO DOES THIS SHIT?" I went to her and smacked her. "Shut up. Calm down. Get dressed." She looked at me, deeply breathed and went to go to the other bathroom. Once we finished, we were off to school.
***After school***
We came home to a weird aroma in the house. It smelled strangely like someone cooked a really good meal. I went to my room to set down my stuff only to see my bed covered with roses, roses spilling out of my once filled with clothes dresser, roses in each shoe, and a note stuck to my mirror: "Meet me in the kitchen. XOXO" I went into the kitchen and saw him standing there holding two plates with covers over them. "Bonjour Madame. Would you care for dinner with moi?" I laughed a little, unable to stop my blushing, and nodded my head yes. He sat the plates down and led me to the table. He dimmed the lights in our kitchen, sat the plates in front of us, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down. "What's all this for?" I ask. "Because I want you to know that I'm going to do whatever in my power to make you mine." I let out a small chuckle. If only he knew, he had me at the airport.


Sorry for the short chapter! Going to update as much as possible


I just wanted to say, i love Taylor's character description ;). Great update :)!


xCatienator xCatienator


xCatienator xCatienator

wow wow wow please updatee

xCatienator xCatienator

WTF just happened here

gummybear5678 gummybear5678