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Los Angeles to London

Isn't Yours

Alex's POV

"Push! Alexandra I need you to push."

I'm in excruciating pain and everyone is yelling at me to push. Don't they see that I'm trying? I'd like them to try pushing a watermelon out of their bodies.

"Breath. Breath. 1-2-3"

I stopped pushing to catch my breath, damn this is harder than I thought.

"Okay, don't stop pushing until I get to ten, okay?"

I shook my head letting the doctor know that I understood what she said. "1-2-3-4-5 Alex, don't stop pushing! 6-7-8 push Alexandra. 9-10."

I relaxed after pushing for what felt like an eternity, just to be told to push again after only a few seconds of relaxation.

"Okay, I think that is going to be the last push so make it a good one so we can get this baby out."

"Okay." I groaned in agreement.

"Another contraction is coming up so get ready."

I nodded my head again, I really just wanted to be finished with this. I felt someone squeeze my hand, I looked up into those beautiful eyes. This was it, we're about to officially be parents.

"Alright, push on three. 1-2-3 push."

I grunted in pain as I pushed for the last time. An overwhelming sense of relief flooded my body when I heard the first whimper from my perfect little baby.

"He's a boy!" My doctor called out to me. We had decided not to find out the gender of our baby, we wanted it to be a surprise to us as well as everyone else.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" I felt the hand holding mine release as he made his way over to cut the umbilical cord.

After the umbilical cord was cut the doctor placed my little baby on my chest. He was beautiful.

"What's his name?" the nurse that has assisted the doctor asked me.

I looked down at him, my eyes cloudy from tears, before answering.

"Max, what do we name him?

I shot up in bed, breathing erratically.

"Alex! What's wrong!?" Harry asked me with confusion written all over his face.

Instead of answering him I started sobbing. What did this dream, no, what did this nightmare mean? Was Max the father of my child? He couldn't be. I didn't want him to be.

"Baby, no don't cry." Harry pulled me into his arms and smoothed my hair down, kissing my head every so often. "It's okay, I'm here. You can tell me whats wrong."

I sobbed some more into his chest before containing myself. I wiped my eyes before looking up at him, his eyes shinned with confusion and compassion.

"I love you." I choked out.

"And I love you." He stroked my head before closing his eyes and kissing my forehead. "Can you tell me what's wrong? I'm worried."

"I- I had a nightmare."

"I gathered that, but what was it about." He continued to look down at me with incredulous eyes.

I told him about the beginning of the dream and then gauged his response.

"So you're afraid to go into labor?" He asked, clearly still confused.

"No, it was the person that was standing next to me that scared me."

"What do you mean? I'm confused."

"It wasn't you Harry, it-" I paused and took a deep breath. "It was Max."

I felt his body tense around me and his eyes went hard, filled with anger.

Harry's POV

"It wasn't you Harry, it- it was Max."

My body tensed at his name, I was filled with anger at the possibility of Max being the father. I closed my eyes and let out a sharp breath.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" I asked her with my eyes still closed, trying to hide my anger from her. I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at the situation, at the possibility that the baby she was caring, the baby I only found out about yesterday but already loved with everything in me, could possibly not be mine. I wanted to be mad at her, but how could I? It's not like she cheated on me. She ended a terribly abusive relationship just days before I met her, I couldn't help that I fell in love with a girl as broken as her. She had less than an ideal past, but she opened up to me, that was something that I knew in my heart she had never done before.

I opened my eyes to look down at the woman I loved. Her eyes were filled with hurt and uncertainty.

"There's a possibility that the baby isn't yours. When I first went to the doctor he told me that I was any where from 6-8 weeks pregnant, but that he couldn't be sure, that meant that I would have gotten pregnant the last time Max and I had sex or one of the first times you I did. He told me to make an appointment with an OBG/YN so that they could give me a better answer to how far along I was. But when I went and got the test redone, she gave me the same answer as the first doctor. She said that the only way to be completely sure as to who the father is was to have a paternity test. I'm so sorry Harry. I never wanted this to happen this way. I never wanted to be one of those girls that didn't know who her child's father was. I wanted to be happily married and then raise a family with the man I loved. I'm so sorry." She started to sob again. I tightened my grip on her to show her that I was here for her, that I wouldn't turn my back on her.

"Alex, I'm not mad at you. I'm here for you and we will get through this. Heaven forbid if the baby isn't mine I will still be here for you, I'm not going to turn my back on you. You'll have that family you always wanted with me."

"Harry, I can't ask you to do that for me. If the baby isn't yours you should just go on with your life, you're young and you have your entire life ahead of you. I don't think I could live with myself knowing that I held you back from living your life."

"Stop, just stop. This is my decision. I've decided that I want you and this baby. It doesn't matter if biologically the baby isn't mine, because I will love this baby more than Max ever could. Yesterday when you told me I'll admit I was scared, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I want this. I want us, I want a baby, I want a family... with you. No one else. Maybe this isn't the most ideal situation, but our relationship hasn't exactly been the most ideal. But I already know that there isn't a single thing that you could do or say that will drive me away, because loving someone means that you love their flaws too."

Alex's POV

"... because loving someone means that you love their flaws too."

I looked up at Harry and saw the sincerity glistening in his eyes. As much as I loved hearing everything that he just said, I couldn't ask him or expect him to raise someone else's child. He's young and just doing what he feels is right. After we get the paternity test done and if the results are not what I hope for them to be, then I know I have to go back to Los Angeles. I can't ask for him to give up his life like that for a child that isn't his, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The fans, the media, his family, they would all hate me. They would say that I was trapping him and that I'm a gold digger as well as other hurtful things. I can't live with that kind of hate and I sure as hell won't let Harry live with it.


So who's the father? You tell me! Who do you want, Harry or Max?

Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Also, in the last chapter did you catch that Harry had a pregnancy scare with Cara? No one commented on that...

Random fact about me!

I have two tattoos!

Do you have any!?


I hope you're okay, love. You can always talk to me if you feel the need.

hair hair

Read your note <3 Hope things are okay, love. I understand how it is, though. xx

Hahaha thanks!! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords

Just AMAZayn is all I have to say love yur stories

Aw! Haha thank you, so much! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords