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The Right Road to Love

Chapter 4

Alyssa's P.O.V.
Oh my gosh! Zayn was so wonderful, and Jenna and Harry were adorable! The directors told us we could leave, so Jenna and I waved goodbye and started to leave the set. That was until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around to see Harry, and Jenna turned around to see Zayn. "You guys know you are really good actresses right?" Harry asked.

I blushed shuffled my feet. I already knew Jenna was blushing too. "Do you girls want to maybe hangout sometime?" Zayn questioned this time.

Jenna and I smiled a toothy grin and replied in sync "Sure!" The boys nodded and took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote some numbers down and handed them to Jenna and I.

I took Jenna's arm and told her "C'mon let's go walk home." We began to walk away when Harry asked "Oh! We can drive you guys over there."

These boys were too sweet. Jenna nodded and Zayn called all of the other boys over here. Liam, Louis, and I think his name was Niall came over.

"We are gonna go drop Jenna and Alyssa off, do you want to come?" Zayn asked. The lads responded with nods and smiles and we began to walk away from the set.

There was a car waiting for the boys on the road with hundreds of fans screaming and surrounding it. A man opened the door for us and Louis offered for me to go in first. I blushed and Jenna followed me. Once everyone got in, Liam told the driver that he was going to be driving.

When Liam started to drive a little bit faster, girls ran after the car. I was shocked but shrugged it off.

"Where do you love's live?" Liam asked. Jenna gave him instructions on where our apartment was.

When we arrived, we said goodbye to the boys and ran to the lobby entrance. Jenna and I chattered away about how sweet the boys were and stepped into the elevator. We finally got to our floor and ran into our place.

It was only 4:00 p.m. so I thought I should tell Jenna about the surprise I had. "Hey Jenna. I have to tell you something." I said.

Jenna replied smiling and responded "What's up?" I think she was really going to like the good news I had for her and I.

"I got a job for you and me! It's like this fashion business and we have to design clothes." I blurted. Jenna looked shocked and ran to me and hugged me.

"OMG! How and when did you get the job?" Jenna shouted.

She seemed really excited. "I filled out an application last week and they accepted it!" I exclaimed.

"When do we start?" Jenna was filled with questions. I laughed at her excitement and said "I think tomorrow."

Then Jenna started to chatter away about how much she loves designing and this is a dream come true. "You want to eat some burgers?" I asked. Burgers were my favorite food.

Jenna nodded and we walked into the kitchen. We took about some buns, meat, cheese, ketchup and some plates.

I wasn't that great of a cook so Jenna tried to make the burgers. When we finished eating, it was around 6:30. so I went to my room and opened my laptop. I went on Twitter and typed in One Direction. One of their latest tweets was 'Just finished shooting our music video for Nobody Compares. Had a blast working with some really cool girls. ;) See you guys later." I stayed on my computer for a couple hours, watching some videos on YouTube about One Direction. They had really good music, it was my taste.

I didn't realize it was 9:00 p.m. until I glanced at my clock. I shut my laptop and turned off the lights. I covered up with my blue blankets on my bed and went to sleep.


How did you guys like it? I hope my readers enjoy.


If we get two new comments, I think Jenna might update, I'm busy today. Bye bye!


Update please
oh yeah thanks jenna. that comment was from days ago and I haven't asked for an update for almost a week now! total..you know what im not gonna say anything else.
you know i was about to do it.. but now let's keep the suspense shall we since you said that
Yeah, I will put it that way. You don't feel the need to make the next chapter cause you just wrote a filler!