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The Start of Something Beautiful

A Thousand Miles Seems Pretty Far...

"Good night my sweet girl." Taylor cooed to her daughter— now seven weeks old— as she pressed her lips to her downy skin. The infant’s breathing was slow and even as she suckled on her pink pacifier. Taylor smiled looking down at her little girl sleeping serenely in her arms noticing how her soft hair was starting to curl just slightly at the ends, reminding her of Harry.
The young mother laid the infant down in her crib, watching carefully as she cuddled into her warm blankets.
"Night baby girl." She whispered stroking her soft cheek before quietly walking out of the nursery.
The big house felt empty, even with Darcy there with her. Her heart ached for his touch, his warmth, his smell, his kisses, him. It had only been a week and already she felt like he’d been gone an eternity.
As she walked into the bedroom, she heard her computer ding, her heart leaped. She had forgotten all about their Skype date, rushing over to sit in the swivel chair in front of the monitor. She clicked the green button to answer his call, his smiling face instantly popped up on her screen making her grin widely. Every time she saw him, she still had the same butterflies she did when they first met and she never wanted that feeling to go away.
"Hey beautiful."
"Hi baby. How was your day?" She smiled, resting her chin on her hand.
"It was a day, I can’t complain. How’s my two girls?"
"Just put Darce down-"
She stopped when she heard the tiny cries through the baby monitor, Darcy was awake. Taylor held up a finger to Harry before shuffling back to the nursery.
"What’s wrong baby girl?"
Darcy was brought close to Taylor’s chest as she started to sway back and forth. She bounced around the room occasionally pressing kisses to Darcy’s downy skin to calm her. Darcy’s cries only increased.
"Baby girl, what’s wrong my love?" Taylor pleaded, trying to think of what could be wrong. She had just nursed her twenty minutes before, so she couldn’t be hungry.
As Darcy continued to cry out in distress, Taylor laid her down on the changing table and unbuttoned the little onesie that Darcy had been dressed in.
“I know baby, I know.” She cooed to the now red-face infant, pulling off the dirty diaper to replace it with a clean one. Darcy seemed to settle slightly as her mother buttoned her back up and brought her close to her heart. “Now, is that better sweetheart?”
The pacifier fell from Darcy’s small mouth as her lips parted to release more heartbreaking cries. Lips were pressed to the side of her head, Taylor’s arms holding her close as she continued rocking her around the room. To no avail, Darcy kept crying.
Just as she was about to break down herself, Taylor sparked an idea. Kissing Darcy’s head one last time, she shuffled down the hall back to their bedroom where Harry was still waiting patiently on Skype. As soon as the two were in view his face lit up but a frown quickly formed on his face as he heard Darcy’s relentless cries.
“Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. There’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.”
At the sound of her father’s low, soothing voice, Darcy calmed slightly. Taylor sighed in relief, watching her daughter carefully.
“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I’ll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where trouble melts like lemon drops, way above the chimney tops is where you’ll find me.”
Darcy’s cries had come to an abrupt halt and she began simply listening to her father. Taylor turned her around so she could see Harry and he could see her. The tiny girl’s eyes that mirrored her father’s looked on at him in wonder as he continued to sing to her.
“Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can’t I?”
Taylor smiled, listening to her husband sing her favorite song to their baby girl. He really had a way with her, like they had their own language and it was top secret. Darcy stared at him as if he was the greatest thing in the world, she was in her eyes, he was her daddy and no one could take that away from her.
“A place behind the sun, just a step behind the rainbow. Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can’t I?”
Darcy’s little eyes began to droop, but she was determined to fight the sleep that was coming, wanting to stare at her father more as he sang to her. Harry looked at her, his whole world bundled up and cuddled to her mother. To say he missed them was an understatement.
“If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why can’t I?”
Harry finished and noticed little Darcy’s eyes completely closed as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber. “Goodnight baby girl. Daddy loves you so, so, so much.”
“That was beautiful baby.” Taylor wiped a fallen tear from her cheek, wanting to hear more of her husband’s beautiful voice that never failed to make her melt from the inside out. Her heart and entire being ached for him. “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too my love. Soon, very soon, I’m going to fly you out.” He promised, nodding his head in confirmation. They simply gazed at each other for a few moments, making sure nothing had changed about each other. It felt so long since they’d seen each other, too long.
“A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they’ve got planes and trains and cars and I’d walk to you if I had no other way.”
She giggled at his cheesy attempt to be romantic, knowing it was completely him. Nothing had changed, not that she had expected it to.
Even with the distance, she still felt the love that Harry had for her and their precious daughter. Distance was no complication for them, like they say “Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” In this case, for this young family, that was absolutely, positively one hundred percent true.
“I love you.”
“I love you too my beautiful darling. Sleep tight.”


Oh my gosh! It took me FOREVER to get this one up, but my gah, the FEELS I had writing this one. I’ve always wanted to hear Harry sing some Frank Sinatra and I always imagined him singing it to our daughter, especially Somewhere Over the Rainbow(which is by the way my favorite song of all time). And if you are curious to the version of the song I used it would be this one: (x)
So thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Ideas for the series? LET ME KNOW.
BTW: I’m only taking requests for my series, not personals. So please, if you have an idea for something you’d like to see in my future one-shots for “The Start of Something Beautiful”, inbox/ask me. I’d love to hear what you guys want!
Thank you so much for all the kind words and patience. It really helps me stay motivated to continue writing and posting! I love each and every one of you! xoxo


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