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Its Gotta Be You

Chapter Two

“Oh god,” I whisper to myself. What the hell was I doing that my head feels like it got shot? I groggily rub at my eyes and make a small yawn.

This couch is really comfy...wait. Why am I on a couch? Where am I? What am I doing here? Did I get kidnapped...no the couch is too comfortable for that. Well then again how could I know how kidnappers treat their hostages. For all I know this could be a first rate kidnapper. Why am I talking about kidnappers in a good way? I need to get out of here, where ever I am. The last thing I remember is going to the bathroom and walking out...wait, I didn't walk out. Instead, that idiot boy hit me in the head with that door. So that's why my head hurts and feels like a motorcycle ran over it about five times.

Now next thing is to figure out where the hell I actually am. I look around and see about two other couches and a table with some small snacks on it. Now that I see the snacks I notice that I am slightly hungry so I stand up or at least try to. At first I wobble around a bit, I guess from the whole getting hit in the head business. Finally, I regain my balance and walk slowly over to the table. I see that there are some sweets like M&M's, Swedish fish, and some chocolates. The Swedish fish sound appetizing enough so I grab about a handful and just stuff them all into my mouth. My mouth instantly salivates at the delicious sweetness of the candy. I moan a little since I was so hungry and Swedish fish are just plain delicious. After grabbing about five more handfuls I feel that my stomach is satisfied for now and I should find my way back to my sister. My sister. Rachel. How long was I even passed out for? She much be freaking out. Wait the concert. Yeah she probably didn't even notice I left. When I told her I was going to the bathroom she just screamed even louder for One Direction. God I really don't know what she likes in them. From what I've heard from friends they can't even dance, what kind of boy band are they?

I sigh in relief that she probably hasn't even notice my disappearance. I look everywhere for my bag that holds my car keys, cell phone, and other such important things that will help me escape. It's no where to be seen. God, what did that kid do with it anyway? I remember he picked it off the bathroom floor and that he was carrying it when he brought me here but where did he put it? And where is here? So many questions. Why did I have to be so stupid and run into the mens bathroom? Well I did have to go pee really bad so I guess my vision wasn't totally clear.

I literally flip the whole room apart and still can't find it. He has to come back eventually otherwise he wouldn't have left me here, right? I decide to just wait around the room some more for that curly haired boy to come back. Seriously, who was he and why can he get back here? He must have sneaked us back here or something because otherwise a security guard or something would have stopped him.

“Well for the time being I don't have any other choice than to eat all these candies I guess...” I say to myself. They really do look delicious, especially the chocolates. I dive into that bowl and grab one that has white chocolate lines over the chocolate itself. It looks absolutely divine.

“Oh god,” I mumble into the chocolatey goodness. Before I know it that whole bowl is gone and I have a stomach ache from all of that chocolate. I decide to sit back down on the couch while hugging the bowl of Swedish fish and slowly eat those too. Why am I eating so much? I don't even know who these sweets are for and I'm them all. Oh well, you snooze you lose.

I look around the room and notice that there are a few pictures scattered around. I pick one up that is closets to me and notice that the curly haired boy is in it. He's not that bad looking either with those incredible blue/green eyes and his dimples. He really is cute actually. I look at the rest of the picture and see four other boys. One has blond hair and bright blue eyes and he looks soft and cuddly like a teddy bear. Then the one that is hugging the curly haired boy has brown hair too but it is straight and falls across his forehead with brown eyes and a bright smile on his face. Then there's another one who looks like a teddy bear with brown hair and brown eyes with his arm around the boy next to him. The boy next to him has tan skin and black hair with almost black eyes. They're all attractive, how can that even be?

I hear a clicking on the door and throw the Swedish fish onto the other side of the couch then freeze up. I hear laughter before the door opens and it sounds like a couple of guys. The door handle starts to turn and my eyes open wide afraid of who is going to walk in. Why did that boy bring me here ? What if that's security and they're going to throw me out before I can even find my bag. Anger starts to fuel in me as I curse off that boy in my mind. Finally, the door swishes open and four beautiful angels stand in front of me. It's the boys from that one pictures and they all are just standing in the doorway staring at me. The one with straight brown hair looks like he's about to say something but just taps the one with blond hair and gives him a strange look.

Finally the one with brown hair that looks like a teddy bear speaks up, “Uhm, who are you?” He gives an awkward smile at the end and starts to slowly walk toward me. The rest of the boys hang around the door way and just watch him walk towards me. I can only imagine how awkward this must be for them. Coming into this room for what ever their reason and finding some strange girl on the couch and a bowl of Swedish fish knocked over on the couch. I finally find the courage to do something and sit a little straighter.

“I'm Allison...and you are?” I try to act casual as to not freak them out more but I think it does the exact opposite. They look at me like I have three heads for acting like I belong here. Where is that curly haired one? He's their friend I'm guessing from that picture he can get me out of being thrown out. They must think I am a total creep being in here, I know I would.

“Hey guys sorry I had to go get some ice...Oh, I see your awake now!” The curly haired boy finally shows up. He walks over to the couch ignoring the other boys and the confused faces they all have. I see that at least they're relieved that I didn't sneak into here. As if he noticed the boys for the first time he screams out, “Oh! This is...” I sigh and retell my name.

“We know, we've already met, Harry,” The boy who came closer to me tells him. So Harry it is. That's a nice name I guess. Harry hands over the ice wrapped messily in a wash cloth and I take it immediately. I really don't want my head or nose to swell in front of these good looking boys.

“Oh right, I'm Harry as you might have already heard,” The curly haired one or now known as Harry says. He points to each of the points and tells me their names too. The one that he said was Niall gives a weak wave and a little smiles, Zayn says this weird thing that sounds like Vas Happenin', Louis gives a big smile and says hello, then Liam gives me a smile. They all look at Harry for answers as to why I am here but he still doesn't recognize them.

“So Allison, are you alright? I hit you pretty hard...sorry for that again,” He gives a small airy laugh at the end of the sentence. I just nod my head and bring the ice pack slowly to my nose/forehead region. Instantly the pain gets replaced with extreme coldness and I pull the pack away from it quickly. Harry looks a little startled and I just say, “Cold.”

He nods his head and turns to the boys, “You see I was going to the bathroom and this girl was walking out of it...it seems you went into the guys room by accident but I hit her in the head and she got pretty hurt. She had trouble sitting up and walking so I just brought her here to rest for a little bit but then she blacked out and I had to go so I left her here and it seems you woke up...” He trailed off and looked at the boys again since he stared at me for those last couple of words. The boys just nodded in understanding and went to go sit on the couches. I'm amazing as to how casual they are about this when just a minute ago they were totally freaked out about me being in here.

“Hey...Harry?” I look over at him to see that he had already started a conversation with Niall. He heard me and looked at me with a brilliant smile left on his face from his previous conversation. “Yeah?” He asked still laughing a little. I am captivated by his smile. Seriously I still can't understand how all of them can be this good looking?

“Uhm, where's my bag? I need to text my sister...” I tell him. He looks like he had totally forgotten about that and runs over to a part of the room I had already tore apart looking for it. It was right on the counter. Seriously? He runs back over and I dig out my phone. I guess she finally did notice my disappearance since I have three texts from her all asking where I am. I decide to call her and tell her where I am.

“Hey Rachel...” “Yeah I know, sorry something happened and I ended up...” Crap. Where am I? I look over to someone for answers and they are all enveloped into conversations with each other. I tell her to hold on and tap Harry on the shoulder.

“Uhm, I'm sorry but where am I? I need to get my sister and it's kind of hard to find her without knowing where I am.”

“Oh no problem, Louis and I will go get her. Just stay here I bet you can't even stand with out feeling woozy, right? Just tell her to wait by the entrance to the arena,” He tells me which I repeat to Rachel that two boys are going to get her and that I can't stand at the moment. She sighs and hangs up on me. Harry and Louis walk out of the room together with Louis swinging his hips in front of Harry and winking at him. I let out a small giggle and see that I am left alone with Zayn, Liam, and Niall. I wonder why they're all here. I bet they're roadies or work for the arena or something and that this is the break room. I sigh and shut my eyes for a moment then hear a plop next to me. The blond boy sat down next to me and is just staring at me. He has gorgeous eyes, bright blue. Then his face is like a babies and it makes me want to snuggle up with him and hold him. He keeps staring at me until I am getting worried.

“What?” I ask with a little hostility that surprises me. He just laughs at this and grabs a napkin that was behind him.

“You've got some chocolate on your face,” He smiles and hands me the napkin. I take it and rub it on my mouth. I look at him as to ask if I got it all but he just nods no. I try again and he still nods no but then sighs and takes the napkin and moves closer to me. Up close I can stare into his eyes which are crystal blue to be exact. He really is adorable. He wipes the side of my mouth and his fingers linger there for a moment. Finally when I stare at them he pulls his hand away and gives me a smile then walks over to Liam and Zayn who are laughing hysterically in their seats. Zayn is screaming that strange saying at Liam and it's just making him laugh harder and harder.

I watch Niall walk over to one corner and picks up a guitar and starts to play it. He plays beautifully. I wonder what's taking Louis and Harry so long to get my sister while listening to Niall's beautiful music. Finally, after another five minutes Louis and Harry walk into the room with Rachel right behind them. Rachel is smiling so big that it looks like she's about to pull something. She sees me and runs over. She jumps up and down screaming and screaming. Harry and Louis just walk over laugh saying she was doing this the whole way here. Liam, Zayn, and Niall give a small chuckle too.

“Rachel, calm down what's wrong?” I ask her totally confused by her actions.

“What's wrong? What's wrong! Nothing is wrong! I'm in the same room of One Direction! Oh my god!” She screams off into my face.

Wait, One Direction? As in the boy band we came to see? I give a confused face to the boys and that's when Rachel within mid happy dance accidentally punches me in the head again.

The last thing I remember is the boys running towards me and me giving a big loud Huh!


gottaloveharry gottaloveharry
gottaloveharry gottaloveharry
gottaloveharry gottaloveharry
is there coming a nother chapther it is sooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
sabrina styles sabrina styles
Poisonsunshine Poisonsunshine