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The cold ink in his heart

Wolf Hunter

Marlya’s POV:
“I can kill Simon.” I murmured.
He raised his eyebrows.
“Do. You. Understand. What. That. Means.?” he said slowly.
“Of course I do!! We’ll all get rid of him!!” I explained.
“Both of you are complete idiots!! I always thought that the opposites attract!!” he said angrily.
I frowned.
He bit his lips.
“It’s just insane!! He’s powerful!! Besides, you don’t know the consequences…”
“Yes! There will be consequences!! Have you forgotten about your friend, Emma?”
“What about her?” I stood up.
“She’s Simon’s daughter, Marlya!! If you kill Simon, she’ll be the next wolf hunter, just. Like. Her. father !”
I stepped back.
“You…. mean… she’ll kill me?”
“Not only you, all of us. She’ll kill all of us.”
I laughed nervously.
“No no no no, you’re wrong!” I laughed.
“Wish I was.”
“She would never kill me, Zayn, or anyone else!!!” I shouted, trembling with anger.
“Marlya…” he tried to calm me down.
“She won’t!! Never ever say that again!! I know my friend, okay? Better than his own fucking dad, better than anybody else!! She’ll never kill anyone!!” I said through gritted teeth and kicked the lounge chair, making it hit the wall behind.
“Marlya calm down.” He stood up threateningly.
“You’re a liar!!!” I pushed him back.
“Marlya!!” he hollered.
“Shut up!!” I shouted and slammed him to the wall.
He clenched his teeth and suddenly, he threw me into the pool.
The coldness of the water made my heart stop beating for a moment.
I swam up to the surface and gulped in air.
Louis was standing on the edge of the pool with crossed arms.
“Fuck you!!” I hollered and came out of the water and took off my shirt and threw it on the floor.
I stared at Harry’s toned torso… his v-line… I was mesmerized.
Louis seemed to notice as he looked obviously annoyed by the way I was looking at Harry’s half naked body.
But… why?
He… liked me?
I doubted ‘cause if he liked me, he would definitely expressed his love and his feelings when I was at his place … when he had a chance…when Harry broke my heart and…when he dumped me.
Or maybe he was angry because I was in Harry’s…
“Forget about Simon, okay?” Louis said firmly and dragged me out of my thoughts.
I blinked a couple of times and sat right on the floor panting.
“I wanna see Emma, now!!” I hissed, flicking my… Harry’s wet hair out of my eyes.
“Sure… with your normal good behavior, seeing her would be a completely pleasant drama free thing to do right now, regardless of your current physical appearance.” He said sarcastically.
I glared at him and looked away.
He was right.
Lately I’ve lost my temper easily. Wasn’t quite sure if it was because of Harry’s body or because of the recent shocking facts about my life that had made me neurotic.
He sighed and sat in front of me.
“Tell me about your secret room. What do you do there?” I asked.
The cool breeze caressed my body’s bare wet skin.
“When we want to change, we have to do it in that room. Simon watches us and makes sure that we’ve done that. We also take his orders by email in that room. He barely shows up and it’s hard to find out where he is.” He replied.
“Why would you even have to change?”
“We have to!!!! That’s Simon’s order.Twice a month. Otherwise we’ll lose our temper way too easily and end up killing someone. We all get angry easily though… that’s inevitable. That’s a part of your dark side when you can change into a wolf. Having a short temper.”
I stared at him wildly.
That’s why Niall has anger management issues… that’s why Harry has a short temper… that’s why Zayn gets angry easily and it all makes sense.
“But… you can control your anger quite well!” I said.

“That’s because I change four times in a month, not twice.” He replied, his voice so tired.
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I promised myself that I’ll figure out a way to control my anger.”
“There are no other ways?”
“There is. Eating a lot works for Niall as working out works for Liam. It’s different for every werewolf, it mostly depends on your habits that you had before you’re able to turn into a wolf… but Zayn and Harry use other way, which we all sometimes use too and it works for all of us… it’s a general thing.”
“What is the other way?”
“Having sex.”
I blinked a couple of times, again, trying to understand.
“Having sex?” I asked awkwardly.
“Yes. Sexual intercourse. It’s almost as good as changing in controlling the anger.”
I think my cheeks turned red cause he smirked at me.
“That’s why those girls in the party…” I didn’t even bother to finish.
Harry having sex with other girls…
Get over him!!
How can I ?!
Every time I talk, I hear his raspy voice that makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.
Every time I look in the mirror, I see him that makes my heart melt.
And… I’m in his damn hot body… he’s mine.
“Why don’t the others change four times a month too? Like you, to control their anger?” I ask, trying to distract my thoughts from Harry.
“Because our work and our life requires anger and merciless.”
When he said that, his eyes were dark and… dangerous.
I swallowed.
“Why… why do you prefer changing?”
“Because is fucking painful.” He said quietly.
I swallowed again.
“Yes! You downgrade to an animal from a human being, you think that supposed to be pleasant?” he said, raising his eyebrows.
“Why would you take the pain?”
“I killed Isabelle. I need to be punished and tortured forever.” He answered with a soft angelic voice.
I had totally forgotten about Isabelle, Louis’ love one, and that he was telling me his life story.
“What happened after you found out that she had a boyfriend?” I said softly.
He looked at me in disbelief.
He sighed and closed his eyes.
“I got into a fight with his boyfriend and I… I caused severe damage to his face.When she found out, she said that she despises me. I knew she was lying but she insisted on it and said that she’s telling the truth so I got angry and pushed her. she tripped on something and she fell down and her head hit a hard rock and… ” he didn’t finish.
I could see his eyes filling with tears.
“I swear I didn’t want her dead. I just loved her so much.” He mumbled.
I don’t know why but I hugged him tightly and this time… he didn’t push me away.
“It was an accident Tommo… it was just an accident.” I murmured in his ear.
I pat his back and after a couple of minutes when I made sure that he’s okay, I let him go
“Harry’s body may had made you lose your temper easily, which is an obvious fact, but it hasn’t change anything about you kindness.” He said with a hint of a smile.
I smiled back at him.
“Speaking of Harry’s body… can he change into a wolf when he’s not in his own body?” I asked.
“No. you have to be in your own body. But some features will always stay with you.”
“Like what?”
“Like the healing thing and the memories of course.”
“Healing thing?”
I was like a small child, asking her mother questions.
“Yes. Our healing process is a bit different from humans… our wounds and injuries heal way faster. That’s why Harry switched bodies with you... So his soul can heal your body.” He said and his voice cracked when he said the last sentence.
That’s why Zayn’s bleeding stopped after a while…
“Do you have any other super powers?” I asked.
He burst into laughter.
“Why you’re laughing?!” I got angry.
“You think we’re like werewolves from twilight? Having vampire enemies?”
He said after he caught his breath.
I frowned.
“Vampires? Don’t tell me that they’re real!!” I said with my eyes widened.
“No… no they’re not and we’re just like normal people.” He said slowly.
“Then what about that healing thing?”
“It’s because of the wolf blood. When you turn into a wolf, yeah I admit you get a bit stronger too… but all of these are just for a day… until the wolf blood gets out of your system.” He said.
“So… that day in Joe’s house… Zayn had turned before he… and… Harry… before he switches his…” Now I was getting all of the answers.
He nodded and smiled at me.
“You catch on quickly. I like smart girls.”
I made a face that made him chuckle.
His phone started to ring.
“It’s Zayn.” He said and answered the phone.
“Hey mate…. Yes we’ll come for dinner… okay, bye.” He said and hung up.
“Dinner? Didn’t you say that I’m not ready…”
“You are now.” He cut me off.
“Time to get dressed.” He said with a mischievous smile.
The old Louis was back again.


Tell me what you think!!!! :D


You can't let Niall die !!!!!!!!!! Don't you fucking dare !!!!!! >:-(

Viv.S Viv.S

You better fucking update

Viv.S Viv.S

Please just fucking update!!! Niall can't die!! Dontyoudare!

Niall can't die!!!!