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High For This

~Chapter Twenty-One~

Elizabeth Pov

I felt my bed dip slightly, and felt someone shake me. I moved turning my head away to the other side.

“Liz..” Said a soft voice.

I sighed loudly but continued having my eyes shut hoping they leave. I heard my door open and footsteps coming closer to my bed.

“There you are Liam! I was looking for you!” Carl said.
I didn’t have to open my eyes to know it was my brother. I felt him sit on my bed and tried to get a hold of Liam.

“Come here.. we have school! Get ready Elliot’s brother l is going to be taking us to school..” Carl said

“What bout’ Liz?”

“Liz? Oh let her sleep she’s tierd cmon..”

I heard them walk out closing my door softly not to wake me.. I smiled softly as I heard Liam’s running down the hall. I opened my eyes slowly to take in my surroundings.
I noticed the sun was hitting my room, since the curtains were

I just laid still as I felt all memories that occurred last night hit me. I closed my eyes and sighed loudly, I reached for my phone on the floor. Once I got a hold of it I turned it on to see a couple messages from Astrid, Liana, and two from an unknown number.

I skipped Astrid’s and Liana’s and went straight to the unknown one.

From: Unknown
Love, where are you? Harry is going crazy looking for you.. Please answer back!
-xo Louis

I sighed and locked my phone again. I thought about the scene in the bathroom replaying numerous times. The way Harry looking at me when I pointed out not being his. I shook my head and stood up. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I picked my hair up in a bun, and walked out to the kitchen.

All I can hope is that Louis has already picked up my brothers already. But boy was I wrong. I got downstairs to see Louis with Harry sitting on my couch.
Great. I thought..

“What are you guys doing here..?” I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest covering up the fact I didn’t have a bra on..

“Here to pick your brothers..” Louis said while clearing his throat. I looked at me giving him a look referring to Harry. He had a busted lip and his knuckles were bruised. He just shook his head like telling me not ask.

“Oh ok..” I said

I walked to the fridge and looked for the orange juice. I couldn’t find it at all so bent down to look for it. After a few seconds I found it.

I reached for it and took it out along with a cup. I poured myself some and drank it.
It was silent. Harry was on his phone typing away while Louis just sat there waiting for my brothers.

“Where’d you go afterwards love I couldn’t find you..?”
Louis asked

I noticed Harry stopped typing as if ready to hear my answer. I drank some of my orange juice. I thought in what to say..

Should I lie? Or tell the truth..?
Do I tell Lou I left home in a uber or met someone there?

“I left with someone yesterday..” I said like it was the most natural thing to say.

Louis looked me in shock while Harry began typing angrily on his phone.

“You know what Lou.. I’ll wait in the car.” Harry said instantly and stormed out the front door.

“What’s his problem?” I said while drinking more of my orange juice.

“Love... don’t play dumb.. as much he acts he doesn’t care.. he does care..” Louis said

“Yea yea sure...”

“Did you really..?”

“Of course not! I left home in a uber..” I said while rolling my eyes

As I dranked it I leaned against the table, soon I heard
footsteps from upstairs.. I smiled as they both ran down passing me and out the door.

“Thanks Lou..” I said smiling

“It’s the least I can do. I’ll come back later to talk..” Louis said

I nodded then he walked out closing the door. I sighed as I went back upstairs.

What should I do today..?
Hm.. I can go to the store and buy groceries.. or mall?
I went to my dresser to get cloths to shower.

~Skip Shower~

I walked out of the bathroom with a only a bra and underwear on. I grab a pair of light blue denim boyfriend jeans, with a red tube top. I slipped on my vans brushed my hair up in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone keys and left.
I went downstairs to my car I drove to the mall as I let the music play.

~Skip Car ride~

I parked my car and walked to mall. I entered the mall and went straight to Macy’s to look for a couple new shirts. I picked one up but I put it back and continued looking for some clothes. After I picked a couple shirts I went straight to the women’s underwear section. I grabbed a pair of black lace underwear, and put in the basket.

“Wow love your following me or something..?”

I turned around to see not only but Mr.Styles himself. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Oh please..” I said looking still.

“Aww cmon love..” Harry said. I just ignored him, as I looked around. I felt him walk towards me to stand next me.

“What are you getting?”

“Nothing..” I said

I picked up another pair of underwear and looked at it. Harry instantly took the pair from me and looked at them then looked at me then back at them.

“No no no.. don’t get these love.. they don’t suit you.” Harry

I tried to snatch the underwear from him to put it back. But Harry instantly lifted it up and I couldn’t reach. I began to jump up, but I couldn’t reach it. I pushed him slightly causing him to bump into a mannequin.

Harry instantly tried to grab the mannequin before falling but it fell causing a lot of people to look at us.

Harry began laughing as a lady passed us and gave us a bad look. I felt myself starting to smile hearing his laugh. I looked at him and hit his chest.

“Oh my god stop!” I said trying not to laugh but failing.

Harry looked at me with amusement. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

As I looked around that’s when I saw my dad coming towards we were with another person I felt my heart drop instantly.
Fuck Fuck Fuck. If he sees me here instead of school and with Harry he’ll have a heart attack.

I turned around instantly, Harry looked at me confused.

“What are you doing?”

“That guy right there is my dad.. and if he sees me here instead at school and with you he’ll kill me..” I said

Harry nodded his head as he processed what I had said.

“Well here he comes to where we are..” Harry said

I closed my eyes ready to hear him yell. But I instantly felt arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug.

“What are you doing..?” I asked

“Just follow my move..” Harry said quietly
I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, while I stood on my tippy toes to do so.

“Where is he..?” I asked

“Right next to us.. but he’s with another never mind..” Harry said


Harry ignored me and stayed still.
We stayed like that for a while and I could feel Harry’s hand start to go to my butt. I instantly hit the back of his neck, causing him to wince.

“Don’t go there..” I said causing him to chuckle.

He soon let go of me. I turned around to see my dad walking away with another lady and holdin her hand. My dad wouldn’t cheat right..?
Rught when I thought that he kissed her willingly. I felt all my anger bubble up. I took my phone out instantly to call him. I called him and waited and watched him.

My dad picked up his phone looked at the girl and told her to be quiet.

“Hi honey..”

“Hi dad! Are you busy right now..?” I asked

“Yea.. I’m swamped right now.. I’m actually going into a meeting I’ll call you later! Ok bye!”

The call ended and I watched how he walked away.

“Cmon Love.. I’ll take you to eat..” Harry said grabbing my hand and guiding me out of the store.




Then you'll enjoy these upcoming chapters then love;)

Anna.xx Anna.xx

Aweee a Liz and Harry moment.... Just what I needed...

Just updated love:)

Anna.xx Anna.xx


I get what you mean love..
Just updated, so enjoy<3

Anna.xx Anna.xx