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The Night I Met Harry

The Hospital.

Snapped was I, uncomfortably in the seat belt behind the wheel. The sun had long since dimmed, but I knew despite everything that I had to make it home sometime. I moved about the seat to adjust but could never actually get the thing to fit right anymore. Annoyed with the situation, I sighed, dialing Harry as I pulled from the parking lot of the studio. I knew he was more than pissed so I wasn't surprised that he hadn't answered quickly. Whatever. I had my own reasons to be but with the missed calls my phone held, I figured he'd been expecting me. His tone told me he was madly displeased.


"Hey, I should be there in ten. I just got in the car."

I don't know why I felt as if I had to tell him that, but maybe it'd stop his worry. I flashed on my headlights as I pulled on to the road and waited for his reply. The pause held longevity as if I'd somehow spill in the part about me being gone so long, but we'd deal with that part later.


Rude. Like he didn't care, and then he'd hung up. Oddly enough I was grateful for that. The sound of nothing filling the car was what I needed before I could face him tonight anyways. I stared out at the road and the separation of lanes between it. Not many cars were on the path this time of night, making it easier to relax a little. A opened world of thoughts filled my conscious at a miles per hour rate. Sigh. I had to come to terms with the fact that I would never understand Harry Styles. And I was sure that method of adjustment was reversed as well.

I'd fallen to a stoplight, hand in my waves, when it happened all at once. It wasn't gradual, yet climbed increasingly as the light turned green quickly. I gripped at the wheel tightly continuing along the road as the pain stirred in the area around my navel. It frightened me with the intensity and I'd pulled to the side of the road, trying my best not to immediately think the worst. It didn't matter. I put the car in park as I held my stomach cautiously, wincing but initially taking the pain. The straps of the seat belt were released from around me, in case the restriction was what had been causing it. I took small breathes frequently, leaning my head against the steering wheel for support. It hadn't been working in the least and I felt my body drowning out everything else around me. I could feel my heart begin to tap quickly against my chest as if it wanted out. God, the more I sat there still the more it fled through me. I tried focusing on something else, holding on to the sound of a few cars approaching but then disappearing into the distance. Tears were summoned when both my lungs and the ache around her continued to work against me. My air consumption was lessening, and I was growing numb. My eyes closed when the water became too great to see through to the other side.

I apologized to her silently for whatever I'd done wrong this time to cause this. For having her up this late in the first place instead of curled comfortably under the duvet. I was timing out here, but ruled out driving when my hands became unsteady with fear. I forced open my eyes and tried slowly reaching over to the glove compartment for my inhaler. I ceased quickly when the movements seemed to only make the pain worse. I tried wiping the tears again to better see as if with the clarity, I could somehow get out of this. But nothing...and worse, the wheezing had come along.
Stop it. Just calm down.

My fingers pressed urgently after the button to roll downward my window a little. I needed to experience the fresh night air, hoping it would somehow make a difference. The sob continued when it hadn't. This was fear one scalped for the worry of another person or life...not for oneself. The kind that you'd never really think about until the end was better in sight.
I rubbed my stomach in defeat as I layed my head back down. This time sideways against it so I could study the trees and their form in the nighttime... No houses or outlets were nearby around them. I watched as they swayed with just a hint of wind against them. I took my time, examining the curve of the leaves and how I'd stroke the pencil dully sharpened to get that just right. The moon hit them at just the right angle here...just perfectly for me to see tonight. I guess in life...there really were no mistakes.

I sat quietly...or about as quiet as an asthmatic could get as I thought to her.

Please, Riley. Help mommy. Please...be alright.

I needed the pain to stop so I could calm. Somehow through the foggyness of my brain I'd thought to take my phone from the passenger seat.

Even this was a task now as I reached over in pain. My first thought was to call him. Even with all things considered of today I'd still rather he be here with me. To tell me she was fine and I was alright. This feeling of terror was something I didn't have as long as I was with him...and that very feeling was what I needed now.

My fingers dialed him from the call log and waited in panic. My hands shook like an idiot trying to keep it still. I was falling apart with each ring because after the second I was almost sure he wouldn't answer. I knew he was mad at me but this wasn't the time, he had to answer me...he had to.

I let it ring and the tears flowed like the faucet when I met his voicemail. I repeated the steps, the light of the phone dispersing throughout the car. I threw it to the floor as I became fragile and hugged myself back against the steering wheel. My eyes closed as I waited for it to be over. For the burning to leave my lungs and clouds to leave my head.


It was a total of ten times in my life that I'd experience my asthma. Other times it was simply as if it didn't exist for awhile. Like when I was with Harry.


I was nine years old when I was diagnosed...seems like so long ago but that very day would follow me for the rest of my life. Well...for the rest of this countdown.


That was the age I stopped seeing my dad everyday. Jobs within various parts of the map required more of him then. And still they do.


I feel the tears damp against my shirt as they pour and wonder what my mom is doing right now. Probably cuddled into her humongous bed by herself...keeping to one side because the other has grown cold over time.


I wonder if she'd look more like me or Harry.


And I hear my phone's vibration against the floor. Whatever I can't reach it now... and it's too late for a savior. I wondered if it were Sarah calling to question me detective style about whether or not I've took my vitamins for the day. I have.
Or Julie...yea, it could have been. We were supposed to get Allison tomorrow.
Maybe even Caitlyn- or Danny- or any of the others for that matter. They loved to call on linked lines.


And I'm tired of counting. Darkness hovers involuntarily against my will. I feel my forehead against the leather-coated wheel of my car Harry had gotten so we could fit loads of baby things in the back. The air blows in from the outside against my hair that's now stuck to my dampened flesh. The time passes quickly as my heart continues its thud. My stomach is in my grasps in a manner of protecting her. I hear a pounding in my ear that soothes me, though not enough to make it stop...

Somehow between four and three I remembered putting it in the compartment of the arm rest. Though the tears were still very dominant, I felt a weak smile grace me and I'd reached sluggishly for it beside me immediately. I didn't have the energy to open my eyelids but I knew the feel of it against my fingertips. I popped off the top and forced it to my lips despite the weakness of my arms.

My index had pumped it once, and I'd inhaled as much as I could in unison before collapsing back against the wheel.


Harry's POV:

I opened the shower door watching as the steam released into the remainder of the bathroom. My feet stepped down, pressing against the rug she'd just bought as I grabbed my towel from beside hers. It led me to ponder whether she'd been back yet or not. It had been nearly an half and hour ago since I'd spoken with her and she should be here by now depending on her starting location. That, we'd have to talk about with her return.

I entered our room together and immediately checked my phone for clues. I sighed when I saw the missed calls, knowing she'd likely think I'd ignored her. No matter how much we fought, I had to admit I was never that dense. I held the towel to my waist as I dialed back only to get her voicemail.

My first after the second try was to check the driveway for her car. I peered from the windows, pass the darkness to see she still hadn't returned to the house. I felt a little worry as I dialed again like a maniac only to again get nothing. This time a message was left, and a few text messages after that. Though I was a little upset with her for being AOL all day and lacking to return my calls, something about this made me a little eerie. Probably the hour.

"Hi, Harry. How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you. Uh, I was just wondering if you've heard from Winter today? I've been trying to get her, but nothing."

"Oh. No I haven't. Not since yesterday. Did you guys argue? You know she can be quite stubborn."

"We haven't today, so I'm not sure what's wrong."

"I'll call and see if she answers, alright. Then I'll call back and let you know."

"Thanks, Mrs. Rylie. That helps."

"Sure. Alright."

I took a deep breath feeling slightly more nervous than when I'd first called. Her mom was definitely someone she called on most days so this was strange to me. I'd wait for her to call me back but after that I was done waiting... I guess I'd give it another half an hour before I went out to look for her.

Winter's POV

At this point I was sure I had quite a bit of meds traveling steadily throughout my body. I felt heavily medicated beneath my skin. The room was a comfortable temperature though, and the constant tick of the machine next to me had only made me sleepier. I took a deep breath as I felt another layer of covers being placed around me and pulled upward. I touched my stomach to feel around the bump, partially grateful the pain had stopped and stirring inside with the other possibilities. I lifted my eyes just enough to tell who it was before they'd fallen back down.

"It'll wear off in a little while. I just wanted to get rid of the discomfort. How are you now?"

"Tell me she's fine, and I'll be great."

My words held a slur to them but it was impossible to speak properly now.

"Perfectly fine, Winter."


Because though I felt nothing but the clouds now, I hadn't forgotten the pain. I heard him chuckle at me, probably because of the state the medicine had caused.

"I promise. Please rest now."


Okay lets try this again.

I dragged my eyes open to see daylight with the blinds pulled from the windows all around the room. I guess that was his way of waking me up without actually doing so.

Yea, it had definitely wore off a little at least because I could feel every inch of my body now. Even the heaviness of my stomach that I'd grown so use to over our time together. He entered the room as he looked down at his clipboard and studied the monitor beside me for a second.

"Does he know you're here?"

I blank at him, trying to relieve myself of the sleepiness of the last dosage.

I'd rather just close my eyes and pretend I'd never heard him. I guess we were past that whole doctor, patient relationship thing.

"What the hell was that anyways? Why did it hurt so bad?"

"Well, she's growing still. So you'll feel a sharpness around that area of your stomach from time to time. Is that what you were feeling?"

"...Yea. I don't like it."

"I know. I'll send you home with something for that just to help. But you should stay off of your feet for awhile. It'll only make it worse."

"But I can go to work right? I mean, I don't walk much there."

"Honestly, I'd rather you didn't and just relax home in bed for the next few weeks Winter."


"Aim for two. You're six months now and I don't want any complications. I have a feeling you were out and about all day yesterday, which is why it was so intense."

I didn't argue. As long as I didn't have those feelings again, I wouldn't.

"I would have called Harry but I was waiting for your consent. Would you like that?"

"No. I'm fine."

I felt the fatigue creeping back, making it harder to keep my eyes pried opened and alert.

"How long until this is fully worn off?"

The wires running from my hand had tugged lightly but was secure with tape. I rubbed my head sitting up and finally studying the room.

"Because I'm tired of sleeping."

A laugh fell between us from him.

"Within the next hour or so. And I've sent for another inhaler for you, okay. The other has just finished."

He'd gotten up to head for the door. He was honestly the best.

"Thank you... Will I be leaving today?"

"At noon if everything goes smoothly. And you promise to do as I asked."

"...I promise, Niall."

There was a moment where we just stared, non-verbally communicating with one another. I was deeply thanking him, because there wasn't another doctor in the world I could think of that would personally come and get a patient from where I was that time of night. And for that, I'd owe him always. He nodded before smiling and disappearing from the door.

I smiled as well when I saw he had plugged in my phone for me. I grabbed it from the table to unlock and catch myself up to speed...Then again, maybe later.
Deciding against that, I went straight for her number, waiting as it dialed sleepily.

"Hey mom."

I cleared my throat, which seemed quite better now.

"Oh, God. Hey sweetheart. How are you"

"I'm fine."

"...Why haven't you been home? You know he's really worried. We've called you a ton."

I felt myself dialing back a bit the more she informed me. I'd given myself time to process..staring out of the window to the sky that seemed on the gloomy side today.


I pressed my fingers to my forehead, smoothly the wrinkles slowly as they formed there the more she went on.

"I actually don't want to talk about it. I'll call you back later, mom. I promise."

She sighed deeply, but with patience. It was almost as if I could see the lovely necklace she'd always worn, rise and fall with the flow of her chest. I loved this women. But sometimes I couldn't open up to her. For whatever reason...I just couldn't.

"Talk to me...I won't meddle. I just need to know that you're okay."

"And I am now."


"I'll explain later, okay. I...can't have you freaking out right now."

I could here the silence which was never a good thing. The opinions of disapproval peeled through despite she hadn't said a word.

"I just need you to come and get me today at noon."

"Sure. Of course, sweetheart. From where?"

"The hospital."



@Cold Summer
Aww I truly hope so I always look forward to your updates!!! You truly know how to write and keep a reader hooked!! Can't wait to see what you have in store!! :)


Best comment ever. And not only that, it makes me realize how much I've missed writing for you all. I think I'll start this week, thank you. <3

Cold Summer Cold Summer

I miss this story! I had to re read it to fill the empty hole in my heart... And it only made me fall in love more! I hope you make a come back soon I truly adore your write on this book and rage both such great stories and true talented writing styles! So close yet so far LOL!


@Cold Summer
okay thanks :)

selenash selenash

Hi, sometime this summer. It may be more than one.

Cold Summer Cold Summer