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The Night I Met Harry


He continued to tickle me as I giggled uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay. You win, you win."

He stopped after nipping the skin of my neck between his teeth. His breath caused goosebumps to settle there.

"I like these underwear."

His fingers lingered around the band of them before trailing my legs playfully. I liked it a little more than he knew but then that was always the case. His dimples alone set the tingling in. They stayed for a while before disappearing thoughtfully.


His hand traced a small scar that lay across my wrist. He brought it up to his lips as if it’d diminish at his touch.

“What happened?”

I swallowed with the idea of visiting the memory to better explain. He looked at me carefully, giving me to time to adjust to the new change in topic.

“…It’s from one of my exes…We were arguing and he pinned me to the wall.”

His face contorted with pain as the words escaped and I almost wished I hadn’t told him. It bothered me to share that information with him because I rarely ever thought about the guys I’d encountered before him anyways.

“It’s okay. I punched him in the face.”

He began to laugh against my stomach. He’d found comfort in lying against me just as I always did when buried in his arms. Just them his phone began to vibrate against the bed. He lifted his head to answer it and talk quietly.


Whoever it was he didn’t seem happy to hear from them. Lines formed between his eyebrows as he listened. My hands reached down to touch his hair and he’d closed his eyes to realm in it.

“Okay but I’m sick of this... If I bring her by and you do that again it’ll be the last you hear from me.”

I knew it was her. It brought me a numbness to hear him vent to her that way. I wondered of their relationship when I was out of the picture, or if there had even been one at all. I always pondered such questions but rather waited for him to disclose that information to me himself.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He hung up the phone and tossed it back where it’d previously been. My eyes began to water at the thought of our last visit. Harry and I were happy. We’d talked of kids, and finances and everything that had to do with each other when it came to our future. I just wished everyone important to us would be a part of that. I hated to think it any other way.

“Don’t be mad at her… I’m not.”

He stared at me for a moment before nodding and laying his dark head of hair back against my stomach.

“How do you feel?”

“I don’t know…I feel fine.”

He traced my fingers with his own like a small child would his mom.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go on…”

“Have you ever done drugs?”

His eyes widened with the surprise of the question.

“Uhh…not really. I did a bong hit once.”

“No way.”

“Yea, I was drunk though.”

“Do you smoke?”

“No. I sort of can’t anyways. I wouldn’t want to make your asthma worst.”

I liked that he thought of me in that way.

“Have you had threesomes?”

He’d begun to cough mid swallow which immediately set the giggles in for me. The facial expressions were priceless.

“What? I want to know.”

“It’s just…you’re always so innocent. I wouldn’t have thought those words were even in your vocabulary. And no. I haven’t been involved in threesomes.”

“Watched them?”

“God, Winter. No.”

We cackled uncontrollably as my pop quiz continued.

“One night stands?”

He stayed quiet for a second before answering.

“A few…”

I guess I kind of knew that already. His long dark eyelashes waved up at me as he thought.

“You’re turn.”

“Nope. I haven’t done any of those things.”

He kissed the flat of my stomach playfully.


Just then I was overwhelmed with a sense of nausea. My inner stomached flamed with the kind of butterflies you’d experience on a rollercoaster.

“Babe. Let me up for a second.”

He lifted his head quickly as I began to breathe heavily but steadily to pace myself. I suddenly became dizzy between my eyes as I stood. I walked over to the window and proceeded to try and lift it.

“Harry please, open this. I need some air.”

It was opened and I’d shoved my head out. I lie my head on the windowsill as the fresh, cool air dampened the feeling. It brushed against my face in a comforting manner as I leveled myself. He rubbed my back while sliding my inhaler between my fingers.

“You okay?”

“…It wasn’t my asthma, that was-that was way worst.”

He’d taken off his shirt to put it over my head and encourage my arms in.

“ It’s cold. You’re going to get sick.”

I got up to walk toward the bathroom and lean my head over the toilet cautiously. He’d dragged a chair over to me, and I’d taken a seat against it. The nausea continued and I’d laid my head against my knees as I tried to bare it. I didn’t want him to worry so I tried not to moan with the pain. He lifted my head to study me and feel my forehead. He stayed with me while I waited for a while for it to past.

“I think I’m okay…I’ll stay just another minute to make sure.”

He held out his arms in motion for me to sit on his lap. I obeyed as he cradled me, my head laid between his neck and his shoulder, his arms placed on my thigh and around the small of my back.

“Thank you….you’re amazing. Thank you.”


Hi everyone!!

I'm sorry for posting this late at night but I figured you'd forgive me. :) I hope you love reading as much as I enjoy writing for you guys.

Thanks for all the comments, and ratings. I read them. You're great, thanks.

If you're a new subby, Hi. Welcome.



@Cold Summer
Aww I truly hope so I always look forward to your updates!!! You truly know how to write and keep a reader hooked!! Can't wait to see what you have in store!! :)


Best comment ever. And not only that, it makes me realize how much I've missed writing for you all. I think I'll start this week, thank you. <3

Cold Summer Cold Summer

I miss this story! I had to re read it to fill the empty hole in my heart... And it only made me fall in love more! I hope you make a come back soon I truly adore your write on this book and rage both such great stories and true talented writing styles! So close yet so far LOL!


@Cold Summer
okay thanks :)

selenash selenash

Hi, sometime this summer. It may be more than one.

Cold Summer Cold Summer