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Call Girl


When Ariana arrived at the hotel, she found Mr. Missionary waiting for her up in the hotel room. She didn’t recognize his voice on the phone, but then again, her mind was elsewhere.

“Changing up the hotel’s on me now?” Ariana quipped, smirking at him as ran her finger down his chest.

“I was already here. My wife is sleeping down the hallway in another hotel room,” he said, giving her a smirk.

“Kinky,” Ariana retorted, smiling seductively at him. In all actuality, this man made her sick.

“It’s our anniversary and she fucking fell asleep. That’s why you’re here. Let’s make this quick,” he snapped as he began to undress himself.

“Your wish is my command,” she told him, pulling down the straps to the skimpy dress she was wearing.

They were naked and in bed within a few minutes. She was quite relieved that he wanted to get it over with because, fuck – she wasn’t in the mood. She waited impatiently as he put on the condom and then crawled up her slender naked body. She was a little nervous because it was the first time having sex since her night of unbearably rough sex with Mr. Turner. She didn’t know how her body was going to react to it again – even though it was days since.

“Mmm,” he hummed, kissing up her neck as he rubbed himself against her.

She just wanted to scream at him to hurry the fuck up, like he wanted in the first place. Her guilt over this was making her sick to her stomach. She never got the chance to talk to Harry about… continuing her work. And for some reason, deep down inside of her, she felt sick over it.

When Mr. Missionary finally pushed inside, there was a slight twinge of pain which made her cringe. She opened her eyes back up quickly, hoping he didn’t notice. Luckily he was in his own pleasure-filled world as he began pumping inside of her. Throughout the sex, Ariana moaned and groaned for him, although none of it matched what she was actually feeling. The sex was entirely uncomfortable. And she figured it was because her mind wouldn’t let her body get into it in any way, shape, or form. But luckily the man was so deprived from sex that it didn’t take very long before he busted.

As Ariana dressed, he handed her the money.

“You’re two-hundred short,” she snapped at him.

“It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t plan this. It was what was in my wallet,” he told her.

“I’m not running a charity fuck-a-thon here. I need that money,” she told him.

“I’ll tack on an extra two-hundred next time,” he said with a passive shrug.

“Well two-hundred next time isn’t going to pay my fucking bills right now,” she growled, looking at him incredulously.

“What the fuck do you expect me to do? Run to a god damn ATM? I’ll call you next week or something,” he scoffed.

“This is fucking unbelievable,” she scowled, grabbing her purse, throwing the cash inside. He completely disregarded the fact that she was angry and went about dressing himself.

“How about you tack on an extra four-hundred next time,” she shot at him as she threw open the hotel door.

“You have got to be kidding me,” he scoffed at her.

“Consider it interest. I don’t fucking take IOU’s. Remember that,” she shot at him, slamming the door shut behind her.

Ariana was shaking mad as she made her way back to her car. Could anything go right in her life this week, this month, this year? For fucks sake. She threw her purse into the passenger side and watched as it toppled onto the floor, spilling out the contents everywhere.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” She screamed, feeling an incredible tension in not only her body, but in her brain and heart too.

She just wanted to curl up and cry. Stomping over to the passenger side of her car, she threw open the door and bent over to pick up her spilled purse.

“Ow, ow! Nice ass, baby!” She heard a guy call to her.

Ariana stood up straight, putting her purse on the seat before turning to address the asshole who thought it was okay to fucking speak in her direction.

“FUCK OFF, shitbag,” she yelled at the two teenage boys who were gawking at her from across the parking lot.

“You must cost a lot, baby,” one of them said.

“As a matter of fact I do. Why don’t you two go run along to your fucking mommy’s?” She spat at them as she crossed back over to the driver side.

She could hear them laughing to themselves as she got back into her car and sped out of the parking lot. To top off her awesome day, she got stuck in stupid fucking LA traffic on the 101. There was traffic at all times of the day in this god forsaken city and it always made her want to beat the shit out of whoever was in front of her preventing her from wherever she needed to be. And right now, she both wanted and needed to be in bed, sleeping off this shitty day.

Ariana didn’t get home until some time after midnight. And of course, her father just had to still awake when she snuck in.

“Ariana—” He choked out as he caught an eyeful of what she looked like. She grumbled at the sight of him.

“What—what in the hell are you wearing?” He asked, wide-eyed.

Ariana looked down, forgetting she was in a tight black barely-there mini dress with her six-inch stilettos.

“Uh, I… I went out to a club,” she stammered.

“Wearing that?” He choked out.

“I… uh…” She stood there staring at him as he tried to avoid his eyes from looking down at her skimpy attire.

“I don’t ever want to see you wearing something like that again! You’re only nineteen, young lady. Men are going to think you’re cheap and easy,” he yelled at her. She couldn’t help but chuckle at his words.

Easy – perhaps, as long as you had the cash. Which led to the cheap – in which she was most definitely not.

“It’s a dress, Dad. Get over it,” she scoffed as she made her way to the bathroom.

“It’s a Band-Aid!” He shouted back at her. She rolled her eyes as she shut the bathroom door, stripping the dress off. She needed a shower and then she needed to go to bed.

Ariana didn’t wake up until after noon, when she got a text from Harry wondering if she wanted to hang out later. Waking up with an immediate smile was great, but when it was washed away by nagging guilt, it wasn’t the best feeling.

She text him back, letting him know she was free to hang out and got up out of bed. She and Harry needed to have a talk anyway. She needed to be completely honest with him about her job and see if he still even wanted anything to do with her afterward.

Ariana spent the day at her mother’s apartment, packing up her and Robin’s belongings. She was gone at work, so it was quite peaceful. She emptied all the shelves and all the drawers. The hangers were left barren in the closet. Their sheets were left on their beds, only because they already had sheets at their father’s apartment. She took everything she could and packed it into her car. As she was pulling out of the parking lot with her car weighted down, her mother drove passed her. Her eyes went wide when she realized why she was there. But she didn’t stop, she didn’t attempt to. Soon enough, Child Protective Services would be swooping down on her and hopefully she would be forced into some sort of rehab before they ever let Robin back with her.

Ariana dressed very down in just a jeans and t-shirt to go over to Harry’s. She had no desire to make herself up and if Harry cared about her at all, he wouldn’t need her to look perfect for him. She had enough of that during her night job.

When Harry let her up to his apartment, she was excited to see him. He was a beautiful man with a beautiful heart. And she could tell he genuinely cared about her, which she hadn’t felt from someone in a long time. As Harry hugged her upon arrival, she kept thinking it felt great to have that need met – to have someone look at her and actually like her for her, and not just something to get off on. But it only made her lifestyle more plaguing on her heart and mind. Could she really have both – the money and the boy?

“What’s the matter?” Harry asked as Ariana sat down at his center island in his kitchen as he made them some drinks.

“I’ve just… I’ve got a lot on my mind,” she sighed.

“Anything you want to have a chat about?” He asked, eying her over his shoulder as he poured them some vodka tonics.

“Not necessarily that I want to talk about, but there is something I think we need to talk about,” she told him as she felt the anxiety increase inside of her.

Ohh-kay,” he said, looking at her oddly as he turned to hand her one of the drinks he made.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling politely at him as she took the drink, taking a sip immediately. A drink was most definitely needed for this conversation.

“What do you need to talk to me about?” Harry asked, leaning against the counter casually. Ariana took a deep breath and another sip of her drink.

“Well, jeez. This must be important,” Harry quipped, chuckling at her reaction.

“It is,” she said, feeling sick to her stomach.

“What is it?” He asked seriously, noticing her reluctance.

“Uh… well…” She sighed.

“Ari, are you okay?” Harry asked as his eyebrows knit together.

“I just… there’s just—I mean…” She stammered.

“Just say it,” Harry said with a smirk on his lips.

“I can’t just… I can’t just stop what I am doing,” she told him finally.

“What are you doing?” He asked, going back to looking confused.

“My… my uh, job,” she said quietly.

“Oh…” He said, his entire happy demeanor completely lost with her words.

“I just… I can’t just lose that kind of income to, you know… date you. And I know that… I know it’s not the most glamorous job—” She continued to explain, trying her best to keep her eyes off of Harry and his expression.

“Glamorous?” He choked out.

“I just—I need to take care of my family, of Robin. She’s the most important thing in my life,” she explained.

“And what is Robin going to think when she finds out about what you do?” Harry asked, his voice filled with discontent.

Ariana’s eyes met with Harry’s which stared into hers. His words shot straight through her.

“How is she going to feel about that?” Harry pressed.

“Will it matter? At least she’ll be safe and taken care of. Nobody else seems to care. It’s up to me!” Ariana snapped, getting angry.

“I think it will matter,” Harry said bluntly.

Ariana growled under her breath, feeling the anger boil up inside of her as she got up from the stool to stand on her feet. She wasn’t just going to sit down and take his antagonizing words without a fight.

“Well, it’s not your decision,” she shot back at him. Harry shook his head in disappointment.

“What?” She scoffed, staring straight at his judgmental face.

“When are you going to let someone help you?” He sighed as his eyes continued to stare intensely at her. She scoffed loudly.

“Someone like you?” She snapped sarcastically.

“Yeah!” He yelled. She could feel the annoyance in the word.

“Harry, no,” she said, shaking her head.

“Why not!?” He asked as his frustration with her only heightened.

“Because! I don’t need a man to help me!” She shouted, throwing her hands up.

“Oh, but you can get fucked by them for money!?” He shot back at her.

“Oh my god,” she growled, getting just as aggravated by him as he was by her.

“So, what do I have to do? Actually fuck you so you’ll take my money? Do you want it to happen like that, Ariana? Because fuck… we can do that. If it means you’re not out fucking other people, we can have sex right now,” he erupted. She had never seen him get so angry before.

“God!” She growled, feeling as if he metaphorically slapped her across the face. She gathered up her purse and put it on her shoulder.

“Where are you going?” His voice slightly lighter than before, but it still held the annoyance in it.

“I’m just… I’m not going to deal with this, Harry. I-I can’t just change who I am for some guy,” she said, getting slightly choked up.

“Some guy? Christ. And since when does your job define who you are?” He scoffed.

“I do what I have to do to survive,” she said, shrugging her shoulders passively.

“Obviously not!” He bellowed loudly.

“I’m not some fucking charity case, Harry! I’m not going to take your fucking money!” She yelled at him.

“You’re stubborn!” He scoffed.

“You don’t know anything about me!” She yelled at him before she stalked toward his door.

“Ariana!” Harry yelled at her, but she ignored him, continuing out the door and slamming it behind her. If he couldn’t accept who she was, then it just needed to be done with.

Ariana was thankful her father would be out and that Robin was staying with a friend for the night. She just wanted to go home and be alone. No questions to answer. No problems to deal with. But of course, when she was almost home, she got a phone call on the private phone about a meeting at the Hilton. She pushed away the fight with Harry from her mind and told the man she would meet him. She turned her car around and pulled into the nearest gas station to change in their bathroom. She couldn’t very well go on a call wearing jeans and t-shirt. When she transformed herself into the role she played so well, she drove straight to the Hilton Hotel.

She took a deep breath as she knocked on the designated hotel room door. She opened it up and found a man about her age or a few years old standing in front of her. It took her by surprise. It was not normal to find a young guy in need of a call girl.

“Well, hello,” she said, smiling seductively at him.

“Hey there,” he said, smirked back at her as he let her into the room.

Immediately, her vision was met with another guy about the same age sitting at the table.

“If… if it’s both of you, the price increases,” she stammered, feeling uncomfortable almost immediately. She’d never been in this situation before. It was always just one guy.

“Not a problem, sweetheart,” the first guy said.

When Ariana looked back over to the second guy, she noticed a tourniquet on his arm and a needle in his other hand. A moment later he pressed the needle into the crook of his arm.

“What is that? Heroin?” Ariana choked out.

“Is that a problem?” The second guy scoffed at her.

“Uh, I don’t… I don’t deal with drugs,” she stammered, taking a step back.

“Nobody said you needed to do it, honey,” the first guy said as she felt his hand on the small of her back.

“No, no. I just… I don’t. I’m gonna… I’m just going to go,” she said, trying to move away from the man.

“What? No,” the guy said, wrapping his arm loosely around her waist.

“No. I just… I’m not comfortable with this. You never said there would be two of you and… and…” She stammered as fear rippled through her.

“Just relax,” he said, tightening his grip on her.

“No,” she said, pushing out of his arms, moving toward the door.

That was when she felt his strong hand grab onto her arm and literally throw her toward the bed. She stumbled and fell onto the mattress feeling a fear deep inside of her.

“Come on now. We’re just having fun,” the first guy said, smiling deviously at her.

“I-I can’t. I… please,” she said, scrambling from the bed.

“Don’t even think about it,” he said, pressing her back down against the mattress.

“LET ME GO!” She screamed, squirming to get away from him.

“Not going to happen. Just stop fighting it, you whore,” he said as he fought against her, but still managed to get his hand between her legs.

“STOP!” She screamed. And with that, his other hand came up and smacked her as hard as he could against the face.


Not very good things are happening in this chapter....


Ready for more!

HSgirl HSgirl

I really like this one. I hope the smut comes in full throttle though lowkey ;)

hotforharry hotforharry