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His New World

New Life

Sorry my ideas aren't very original lol but,
Harry going to a doctors appointment with gf/wife or whoever
Finding out he's going to be a dad

Harry's POV

Today was the day.

Today was one of the biggest days of my life.

Today was the day I would find out if I was going to be a father.
I was nervous and excited at the same time, and so was (Y/N). We had been trying for a baby for over 3 months and a week ago, (Y/N)'s period stopped. She had also started to get a little nauseous from the smell of meat, and my girl was a meat-eater. We had our suspicions so she decided to take a pregnancy test, which came out as negative. (Y/N) had been so upset but I encouraged her to take another one and sure enough, it came out as positive. We arranged an appointment at the hospital so we could find out for certain if we were going to be parents.

I sat next to my young wife in the waiting room, fiddling with my rings. I heard her breathing and I could sense that she was extremely anxious. I placed my hand on her back and gazed at her softly.

"You OK, baby?"

"Mmm-hmm." She mumbled. It wasn't a solid answer. It's what she said when she wasn't OK. I pressed my lips to her temple and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Hey, we can do this, (Y/N)."

She only nodded and leaned into me, her temple resting against my jaw.

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, baby." I whispered.

"Mr. and Mrs. Styles?"

We both looked up and in the doorway stood a nurse dressed in a long white coat with her red hair pulled back in a ponytail. I took hold of my wife's hand and squeezed it, pulling her to her feet. We walked into the room together and the nurse shut the door behind us.

"I'm Rachel. So, Mrs. Styles, you've been having pregnancy symptoms?" She asked after shaking both of our hands.

"Yes, I think so. I mean, my period's stopped and I get really nauseous in the morning and when I smell cooking meat. Oh, and please call me (Y/N)."

"Well then, (Y/N), is this your first pregnancy?"

My wife nodded.

"Everything will be fine. All I need you to do is take a urine test and we'll see if you and your husband are expecting." Rachel smiled.

(Y/N) followed her instructions while I took a seat next to the bed. While I waited, I thought about what the future could bring, with a little baby of my own to look after and love forever. It was no secret to anyone that I loved kids. I was very close with Lux and Freddie was extremely cute. But they weren't my children. Now, I could have a bundle of joy that came from me. Me and my wife. I could very easily see her being a great mother, so kind and gentle, with the purest soul and the sweetest voice. The image of her holding our little baby in her arms warmed my heart. Please let it happen.

The door opened and (Y/N) walked back into the room with Rachel, who had a sheet of paper in her hand. I stood up and went to my wife's side, resting my hand on her waist. I licked my lips as I waited for Rachel to speak. The silence was killing me. I just wanted to know now. The nurse looked down at the paper then back to us.

(Y/N), you are most certainly pregnant. Congratulations."

The entire world stopped. My lips parted in joy as a smile spread across my face while my wife gasped from beside me. She's pregnant. We're pregnant. We're going to be parents! My delight was written all over my face and I felt her body tremble a little from happiness.

"You're 9 weeks along. I'll book you in for another appointment at 12 weeks so you can get your first ultrasound."

9 weeks already? In 3 weeks, I'll be able to see my baby? I was so happy. A little human being was growing inside of my wife. That was our child, our perfect little one. And in about 10 months, I was going to meet him or her. I couldn't believe it.

We thanked Rachel as she farewelled us and left the room to give us some privacy. The moment she was gone, I pulled (Y/N) into a tight embrace, kissing her all over her neck and face while she let out a fit of giggles, squealing my name.

"Harry! Harry!"

"Oh, baby, you're pregnant! This is amazing!" I cried, crashing my lips into hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her off her feet. She yelped into the kiss and twirled my curls in between her fingers, laughing quietly.

"I'm going to be a father." I choked out as tears sprung in my eyes, placing her back on the floor and laying my hands over her stomach. (Y/N) rested her right hand over mine and stroked my cheek with her left one.

"You're going to be the best father in the world." She smiled widely at me.

"And you're going to be the best mother in the world." I responded with an even bigger smile and kissed her again, realising that it was our love that made this all happen. It was because of our love for each other that created the little baby currently developing inside the love of my life.

Get ready, Harry. This will be your biggest, and hardest yet the best, job yet.


Thanks for requesting, love! I hope this was to your liking.

blankspace1 xx


I just found this today and absolutely wanted to check t out! I love you stories btw. :) The story takes place 2 years from now and the band are back in tour when Harry finds out he's going to be a father after one of the shows. My name is Amanda btw.

Thanks, love! xx

Aww this is the cutest! Poor Harry lol

I'm glad you liked it, love! I tried my best :) xx

I thought it was adorable! I laughed at the mature woman comment. Lol Thank you for writing for me again, love!