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Bay's POV

Today is a new day. I can't think about what happened yesterday. It was just a bad day for both of us. Everybody has bad days. He probably just failed a test or something. He is a hothead so any little thing can just set him off. I should probably just let it go and pretend like nothing happened at all.

"Bay!!!" Zayn yells snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?" I yell back to Zayn. "Breakfast is ready. Come get it before it gets cold." "Ok,coming." I yell back to him. I get my phone and look down at it to see what time it is. And I am very surprised to see that it says ten a.m. because usually I can never get up before noon on the weekends. I actually can't believe I woke up this early on my own. So I decide to get dressed into https://www.polyvore.com/just_normal_day_look/set?id=214745542 and go downstairs.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Niall says to me smiling while I sit down at the table with everyone else. Why is he always in a good mood. It actually bugs me so much. And what did Louis mean when he said 'oooo,rejected' to Niall. Does Niall like me? Does he want to talk to me about something? I am very much confused.

Ok I have to say something now because everyone is looking at me confused on why I am just sitting here staring at Niall all creepy like. "Oh yeah,uh,good morning. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." I try to explain to Niall without sounding totally creepy. "Oh it's fine." Niall says to me with that awkward smile on his face. Even when the most awkward things happen,Niall always has the biggest,brightest smile in the room. Oh wow,It sounds like I like Niall or something. I can't like him. First I am living with him and that is super awkward,and second, he is my brothers best friend. I am just being nice,that is what being nice sounds like,right. Because if I had a crush on him I would know it,well at least I think I would.

Now all of the boys are just staring at me and him and there is just this weird silence in the room. "So,uh...how did everyone sleep?" Harry asks trying to break the silence in the room. But he just totally fails because Louis is sitting there laughing at us while Harry tries to get everyone talking again.

"I slept fine,thank you Harry." Liam says trying to help Harry break the silence

After a very awkward breakfast I decide to go to my room and text Aria.

Me: Hay Aria,what are you up to today?
Aria: Nothing,I will probably just binge watch every single episode of Ridiculousness. Why what are you going to do today?
Me: Nothing,but I did just have the most awkward breakfast ever with the boys.
Aria: Why what happened?
Me: I don't want to tell you over the phone. Do you wanna meet up at that coffee house that just opened up?
Aria: Sure,I will be there in ten.
Me: Kk see you there.

So I go downstairs to tell the boys that I am leaving. But as soon as I open my door...him is there. "Oh,uh,hay,what are you uh,doing here?" I ask very nervously hopping that he won't do anything today. But he just grabs my wrist,pulls me into my room,and shuts the door. "What are you-" I was instantly cut off by him. "Who were you texting?"He asks me very angrily. "What do you mean. How do you even know-"Again I was cut off by him.

"Just tell me who you were texting!!!" He says while he grabs both of my wrists and squeezes them. Not again. This can't be happening again. "I was just texting Aria. Now please,let go!" I yell to him. But he only laughs. "That better have been who you were texting" he says to me with an angry smirk on his face. "It was,I promise." I try and say in a calming voice. But it doesn't work. "Give me your phone and let me see! " he yells to me while he finally lets go of my wrists. So I obey his command and get my phone. He then scrolls threw the texts with a relieved look on his face. Then he slams my phone on my desk and walks away not saying anything. That was so weird. He didn't even say anything. What is going?

I then wipe away all my tears and go to my jewelry box to get some bracelets to cover up the marks he made. After I get myself together I reapply my makeup to cover the bruise because my tears washed it all away and I can't have the rest of the boys see it. And after I am finally done,I go downstairs to tell the boys I am leaving.

"Hay guys,going to go meet up with Aria at that new coffee shop." I say as I come down the stairs. "Ok bye." They all say as a group not paying attention to me, just looking at the footy game.

When I get there I see Aria looking very angry. "Hay,I am SO sorry that i'm late." I tell her as I walk up. "There you are. Where have you been?! I have been here for almost an hour just sitting waiting for you! I thought something happened or you got hurt." She yells to me. "I know and I am so sorry. I'm not hurt, I just totally forgot that I had already promised my grandma I would bring her some soup because she is really sick." I lie to her. I hate lying to my best friend but I can't tell her the truth. If I do he might go after her to. "Then why didn't Zayn just go,or why didn't you just call or text me?" "Well Zayn is busy helping Louis out with a school assignment,and when I had left to go give my nan the soup I realized that I left my phone at my flat and it was almost dead so I was charging it in the car. I am so sorry Aria,I really am." I try to tell her. " It's okay Bay,I obviously forgive you." she says to me. Then we hug and sit down.

"So anyway. What happened at breakfast that made it so awkward?" She asks me super curiously. "Well..." I then fill her in on everything that happened at breakfast. "Oh wow,that is so weird." She tells me. " I know right." "So...do you think Niall has a crush on you?" She asks me while wriggling her eyebrows "No. He definitely doesn't.... well, I think he doesn't. I honestly don't know. You know i'm terrible at telling if anyone likes me." I explain to her. "Well from the sound of it,he definitely does." Wow. Does Niall really have a crush on me?

This is sooo weird. Niall,having a crush on me? And do I have a crush on him?


Hay guys so this isn't really a chapter it is just a gap filler. I will wright a real chapter soon. But what do you think about Niall having a crush on Bay? And do you think Bay actually does have a crush on Niall. And who do you think 'Him' is? comment who you think he is. And also comment if you ship Niall and Bay .# Biall or # Nay. Oh and one more thing,I went back to the chapters and I rewrote them. Nothing super big has changed,but I tried to make the writing better and I just got carried away so there is new stuff in them. And that is including this chapter.



sorry I haven't updated. I'm kinda dealing with a lot of personal issues, but I will try to update asap :)

I'm about to upload the next chapter. Maybe there will be some clues. Maybe there won't.

Um about to upload the next chapter. Maybe thete will be some clues