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Rise -On Hold-

5. A new friend

“What do you want to eat?” I asked Lucy who was still looking at me with worried eyes. “Chinese?” I nodded and quickly dialled the Chinese around the corner and placed an order, I knew it would be Michael bringing in the food and he would probably stay over to watch a movie or something like that.

He let himself in and put the food on the table. “dinner time.” Lucy walked in with plates and a bottle of root beer. Michael didn’t really look at me but after a while he did and he jumped up shocked “WHAT THE HELL EMMA!!” he yelled at me and it made me cringe because he didn’t really yell at me. “Look it’s fine, I’m fine let’s just forget about it.”

“No, I’m sick of this, let me guess Amy?” I nodded and he grabbed his phone and dialled a number I didn’t recognized. “Yeah hi could you come over to Emma’s?” He asked the person and this made me panic because who did he just asked to come over. I ran into the bathroom and tried to grab my make-up kit but Michael stopped me, which surprised me because I never thought he was this strong. “Don’t even think about it.” He pulled me into the living room and made sure I stayed there, he ordered Lucy to go next door and not come back until he was getting her. She threw me an apologetic smile but left me alone with Michael anyway. A car stopped in front of the house and Michael stood up from the couch to let the person in he had called and my mouth fell open when it was Liam, who walked in. His eyes immediately fell on me and the rage I saw earlier today returned and I tried to make myself as small as possible. He was with me in three large steps and kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my chin gently and lifted it so he could get a better look.

I was blushing because he actually caressed my cheek and it distracted me from the pain that went through my body when he put his hand on my waist but he saw my flinch and that’s when he lifted my shirt a little bit and his head turned white when he saw the bruise. “Is this the first time she has done something like this to you?” I hesitated for a second and he saw it in my eyes and with this his grip on my chin became tighter “Don’t lie to me.”

“Yes, okay, she did this a couple of times but it’s my own fault, I should just listen to what she tells me.”

“Emma what does she have on you?” I sucked in some breath because why would he immediately jump to that conclusion. “What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean, don’t pretend your dumb because you are not.” Who was he and why did he think he knew me already. “She doesn’t have anything on me but two years ago her boyfriend kissed me and ever since she treats me like this and before you start it wasn’t my fault, I did not even want to kiss him but he knew about me parents and I couldn’t risk people finding out about the fact that my sister and I lived alone, so he forced me to kiss, which I did.”

“That doesn’t give her the right to do this to you Emma.” I nodded “I know that Liam but what do you suggest I’d do?”

“Nothing but I will sit with you at lunch and I will pick you up after every class and I will bring you and Lucy home after school.” I opened my mouth to protest but he put his finger against my lips, which immediately distracted me. “I’ve made up my mind, she won’t ever lay a finger on you again and I really would love to see you in lighter colours.”

“Why would you do this for me Liam, you don’t even know me.” He smiled tenderly “I know enough to like you and I think you need a break in your life.” I smiled weakly at him and he moved closer to me and put his other hand behind my head and pulled me slightly to him and that’s when his lips touched my forehead. This had never happened to me before and I just sat there in shock watching them both leave.



I have updated ;) I hope you like the chapter :D

Please update soon! I love all your stories!

Your welcome!

Thank you, It makes me happy to hear your a fan of my stories! <3

I love this so far!!!! I love all your stories in general.