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Young Wild & Free

Shit Hole

Her hip bones, spine, and rib cage were very visible
After getting Maria to stop crying, and her shirt back on, Teresa left us.

"So, what's wrong with you?" Maria finally asks, laying down, and staring at the blinding white ceiling.

"OD..." I simply say.


"Tylenol. I blacked out, after revolting pain, and throwing up. Don't remember the charcoal pump or anything." I say, folding and putting my stuff away neatly.

"Oh, okay. You'll meet lots of people like us in a bit. It's almost group time... Again." She rolls are eyes at the word again.


"Yea, we have two group times a day. The first is a serious bullshit thing, and the second is more social. You'll fit in just fine." Maria's phone beeped, and a wide smile grows on her face.

"Ooh, who texted you?" I smirk.

"Uh, he's just a friend. You'll meet him in the group. His name's Ashton." She smiles, holding her phone to her heart.

"Sureeee." I smile. "You like him!" I poke her shoulder, giggling.

"Stop it!" She laughs, slapping my hand away. "He thinks of me as just a friend..." Her smile quickly fades.

"Group Time. 4:00 P.M, Friday." A man on the loudspeaker said.
"So, we are gonna introduce ourselves to my friend Madisyn here." The nurse named Justin smiles.

"Hey! My name's Elena." A girl with purple hair says.

"I'm Breana. Just call me Ana though." A girl with blonde hair and blue highlights doesn't look up from her phone. "Zelia isn't here. She has really bad Anxiety."

"Hello, my name's Calum." A tan boy with dark eyes, and brown hair says. His eyes were wide, and he was wearing latex gloves. Hmm...

"Fuck! Suck my dick you little cunt." A boy with lilac color hair screams. My eyebrows furrow. He rests his head in his hands. "I'm sorry I don't mean it..." He groans and twitches. "What the fuck is wrong with you ugly bitch!" He yells again, and more twtching. and tightens his fist. "My name's Michael."

"I'm Ashton!" His bright green eyes, and his perfect golden hair make me smile.

"Hey I'm Luke." He has clear blue eyes, and pretty blonde hair. Maria doesn't say anything. Just waves.

"Hey skeleton! Ever talk for a change?" Michael blurts out. Her eyes tear up. I sit in between Luke and Maria. Everybody, including Justin don't say a word...


Ewe filler... But meet the crazies! What's up with Michael and his weird cussing habit? Very rude.




I haven't read all of this yet, but I've subscribed and voted and I can tell already that I need a second book! And I made the cover for it! THERE BETTER BE ANOTHER ONE.

Will be out extremely soon!
Stay tuned!

@Katie Hemmings

In a week I'm posting the Prologue

Book 2! Book 2! Book 2!
