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In the rain

to late

6 days later . .
“We need some one to hold Lux on the plane, please Bree?” Zayn asked me, I did not want to because she rides on a different plane than the boys. “ ugh, ok but you have to buy my candy” “ I promise, have a nice flight see you in New York” he said as he handed my a sleeping Lux, but that would not last long she always was awake on air plane, ALWAYS! He walked off to the manager ,who was in charge of traveling arrangements, and his daughter Elle. Elle was pretty with her blonde and pink hair with hazel eyes, I don’t worry about her and harry they never talk and plus I heard she is dating one of the members of BTR( BIG TIME RUSH). Then I saw harry and some fans posing for photos, of course the girls were sticking there chest out when he walked by, like harry dose not care about that it’s the hips, I giggled at thought of what happened between me and harry just days before, the best day of my life.
This was the first tour 1d was going on were they had not just one but 2 personal jets so me ,Lux , half the music group and some of the clothes for the boys and Elle where on the 2nd jet and the boys and there styles the manager and josh where on the first. When I got to a seat Lux was opening her eyes she started to fidget in my arms out of stress, planes where never her thing so someone had to be with her to keep her claim this was the first time I had to do it all by myself , well here go’s nothing 7 hours and 30 minutes I gave her a juice box and she was wrapped up in my arms and a blanket so she really fell asleep, yeah I am the best nanny. Elle came up and asked if she could sit with me, I said yes. Her eyes here red and her cheeks were stained red from tears.
“Are you ok Elle?” I asked “no, not really me and Logan just broke up over face time” then she started to cry, I did what I knew best, stop the tears, by what ever helped and Elle that is alcohol. “Here you need a drink, believe me it helps” I said bluntly to her. “How would you know you don’t even have a boyfriend” she scoffed at me. “I know more than you would think” I was used to people thinking like that but I do know. “Well what should I do, I know I should make him jealousy, then he’ll come right back” gosh this girl is crazy. “how would you do that?” cluelessness kicking in. “I will go to the 1d concert with one of the boys” you have to be kidding me!” who?” I asked wanting harry to stay away from her “ who every will go with me, it doesn’t matter as long as the media see us” Bitch was I could think, can we make her jump out of the plane. I just smiled and listened because I can’t get in trouble with the managers daughter. ----
---- when the plane landed I got my bag and Lux and was out of there. I had to tell the guys what was coming their way before it got there, the clothes lady was slowly moving down the walk way, like really MOVE! By the time I could get in front, Elle was walking in the 1st jets door .I was to late she was talking to Harry and Liam in the door way 6 days later . .
“We need some one to hold Lux on the plane, please Bree?” Zayn asked me, I did not want to because she rides on a different plane than the boys. “ ugh, ok but you have to buy my candy” “ I promise, have a nice flight see you in New York” he said as he handed my a sleeping Lux, but that would not last long she always was awake on air plane, ALWAYS! He walked off to the manager ,who was in charge of traveling arrangements, and his daughter Elle. Elle was pretty with her blonde and pink hair with hazel eyes, I don’t worry about her and harry they never talk and plus I heard she is dating one of the members of BTR( BIG TIME RUSH). Then I saw harry and some fans posing for photos, of course the girls were sticking there chest out when he walked by, like harry dose not care about that it’s the hips, I giggled at thought of what happened between me and harry just days before, the best day of my life.
This was the first tour 1d was going on were they had not just one but 2 personal jets so me ,Lux , half the music group and some of the clothes for the boys and Elle where on the 2nd jet and the boys and there styles the manager and josh where on the first. When I got to a seat Lux was opening her eyes she started to fidget in my arms out of stress, planes where never her thing so someone had to be with her to keep her claim this was the first time I had to do it all by myself , well here go’s nothing 7 hours and 30 minutes I gave her a juice box and she was wrapped up in my arms and a blanket so she really fell asleep, yeah I am the best nanny. Elle came up and asked if she could sit with me, I said yes. Her eyes here red and her cheeks were stained red from tears.
“Are you ok Elle?” I asked “no, not really me and Logan just broke up over face time” then she started to cry, I did what I knew best, stop the tears, by what ever helped and Elle that is alcohol. “Here you need a drink, believe me it helps” I said bluntly to her. “How would you know you don’t even have a boyfriend” she scoffed at me. “I know more than you would think” I was used to people thinking like that but I do know. “Well what should I do, I know I should make him jealousy, then he’ll come right back” gosh this girl is crazy. “how would you do that?” cluelessness kicking in. “I will go to the 1d concert with one of the boys” you have to be kidding me!” who?” I asked wanting harry to stay away from her “ who every will go with me, it doesn’t matter as long as the media see us” Bitch was I could think, can we make her jump out of the plane. I just smiled and listened because I can’t get in trouble with the managers daughter. ----
---- when the plane landed I got my bag and Lux and was out of there. I had to tell the guys what was coming their way before it got there, the clothes lady was slowly moving down the walk way, like really MOVE! By the time I could get in front, Elle was walking in the 1st jets door .I was to late she was talking to Harry and Liam in the door way


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