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Rhythm & Brews

"The One With The Job Offer"

Lauren woke up the next morning to more of the incessant rain that seemed to have become a permanent fixture over the city. Not that she minded; she always loved how the soft gray light and the gentle patter of raindrops on the roof filled her room. Perfect cuddling conditions in her opinion. Yet here she was, alone in her nest of blankets and one too many throw pillows, wasting another perfect stormy day being alone.

She lazily reached up to push her dark hair away from her face, suddenly wishing she hadn’t had that last glass of whiskey the night before. It was supposed to be “family night” as Harry called the weekly gathering of their friend group, but since everyone had prior engagements, it had turned into a drunken FRIENDS marathon, party of two.

“Fuuuuck,” Lauren groaned, rubbing at her forehead. She forced her eyes open to glance around the still spinning room. Good thing she wasn’t working today, she didn’t think she’d even be able to make it out of bed, let alone be trusted with a pot of hot coffee. Mmmm coffee. A steaming mug of coffee sounded like a dream right now, especially since her room felt like a meat freezer thanks to the chilly and dreary fall weather. She had not been prepared for these colder temperatures when she’d moved here from Florida for school and she still wasn’t used to them four years later. She pulled her comforter tighter around her, trying to imagine the warm, sandy beaches all of her friends were enjoying at the moment.

She jumped as her phone buzzed from under her pillow, snapping her back into reality.

“Who the fuck…” Harry had been after her to join his early morning yoga class for some time now since she had expressed an interest in it, but this was definitely NOT the time to be in any position other than flat on her back. After a string of profanities, she flipped the message open and squinted to focus on the tiny letters.

“Not really optimal soccer conditions today I'm afraid!”

Louis. Oh, right, she did have plans for this morning and they did not include lying in bed, hungover, with last night’s mascara smudged around her eyes. Saved by the rain. Thank the Lord. Fumbling with the screen, she tapped out a message in response.

“What? You mean parents don’t want their kids playing in the cold rain?”

“I know right? Fucking weak. Did I miss anything last night?”

“Just me and Christina’s wild party ;) I think I had too much to drink #yikes”

“What are you doing right now?”

“Lying in bed. You woke me up asshole.”

“Wish I could say I was sorry”

“Fuck you”


Tossing her phone to the side, she rolled her face into the pillow and sighed heavily. A little relieved she didn’t have to venture out into the rain to entertain a bunch of sweaty kids, but very much disappointed she didn’t get to see her favorite soccer coach.

An hour more of drifting in and out of hazy sleep before Lauren finally decided to venture out of bed, proud of herself that it was before noon. She made herself shower even though the idea sounded terrible what with her pounding head and complete lack of lower body strength.

“No more whiskey for at least a week.” She reprimanded herself.

The shower did little to soothe the pain in her head, but it did make her feel a bit better and at least now she smelled nice instead of like stale pizza and a bottle of jack. Walking out of her room dressed in a thick cozy sweater and skinny jeans, she wondered where Christina was until she remembered that she’d had to be at work this morning. Her eyes went wide, mouth stretched out in a slight frown with her teeth gritted gently. She sucked a bit of air through her teeth at the thought of the amount her roommate had drank and prayed Christina felt better than she did.

Lauren frowned, looking around the empty apartment. It certainly wasn’t nearly as fun being home alone as it was when Christina was here. She walked to the fridge and peered inside. Not to mention the complete lack of food in the place at the moment. She slipped on her boots and grabbed her raincoat, figuring she might as well head to the shop rather than stay around here and waste the day being hungry and hungover. At least at Rhythm & Brews there was fresh coffee and if she was lucky, some yummy food that wasn’t totally and completely plant based. She smiled to herself as she locked up and headed to the car, maybe she’d see a certain blue-eyed English teacher too.

The place was buzzing as she pulled around the back and parked her car in the special employee spots. Walking through the back door, she practically ran smack into Zayn who was carrying out a full trash bag.

“Reny! What are you doing here? It’s your day off, ya know?” He dropped the bag and wrapped two arms around her, squeezing her in a bear hug. “You are a lovely sight, though. There’s only so much of the other one I can take.”

Lauren pursed her lips as she peeled herself from his hug. “That’s not nice. You like Christina. You just think you’re too cool to admit it.”

Zayn rolled his eyes, picking up the bag again and opening the door. “Whatever you say, my friend.”

Lauren shook her head while she watched Zayn dump the trash and then pull a cigarette from behind his ear and light it. He was very misunderstood here, but she knew it was his own fault for making himself seem better than everyone. She’d told him over and over again that no one likes a snob but he never listened. Turning away and heading to the front, she hoped one day, the kind, sweet boy she grew up with would make an appearance. She knew he was still in there somewhere underneath all those tattoos, ripped jeans, and thick framed glasses.

The shop turned out to be fairly quiet once she was inside, just a few college students scattered here and there hunched over their laptops. Lauren slowly made her way up to the counter and hopped up onto one of the barstools, quickly scanning the room in hopes that Louis was tucked in a corner grading his pile of essays.

She bit at the inside of her cheek, disappointed he was nowhere to be found. And neither was Christina for that matter. Honestly, what kind of business are we running here? She giggled at the thought and helped herself to one of the blueberry muffins on the cake stand next to her. At least, she hoped it was blueberry. Last time she snuck a muffin, it turned out to be some kind of strange rhubarb and kale combination. Harry was onto her.

“I see you found the blueberry muffins I brought in this morning,” Christina said, smiling brightly as she leaned on the counter across from her.

“I knew I was safe since you’re here,” she laughed, popping a rather large blueberry into her mouth.

“Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere with Louis right now?” Christina asked, pulling off a piece of the muffin despite the swat of Lauren’s hand. Her shoulders slumped at the mention of his name. “It got rained out,” she shrugged, gesturing to the dreary windows, “and I hate being home alone so I thought I’d come up here and keep you company.”

“I’m surprised you even made it out of bed! You look like shit.”

“Wow, thanks!” Lauren snorted, launching a blueberry at her giggling friend. “Between you and Lou I can’t catch a break.”

“Ooh? You talked to ‘Lou’ this morning?” Christina snickered, emphasizing his nickname. It wasn’t a secret to anyone that Louis and Lauren were sweet on each other, they were terrible at subtlety. The nicknames, the stolen glances, the tension; it was nauseating. Lauren was never like this in college. She preferred Boondock Saints to The Notebook, rolled her eyes at sentimental love songs, and could do without Valentine’s Day thank you very much. But much to Christina’s amusement, Louis turned her into this sappy, lovesick mess that became all flustered and blushy at just the mere mention of his name.

“Well, he just messaged me that practice was canceled,” she mumbled, resting her chin in her sweater covered hand in a futile attempt to cover her pink cheeks. Christina thought the whole thing was hilarious.

“Oh, my god, Lauren,” She laughed, tossing her wadded towel at her doe-eyed friend, “Will you two just f-

“Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs.” Harry interrupted as he slowly approached the girls, his hands clasped behind his back.

“Oh c’mon you guys,” Lauren huffed, rolling her eyes. “We’re just friends! Zayn and I are friends; same thing.” She explained as she tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear.

Christina and Harry exchanged a knowing glance before answering in unison, “No.”

“Honestly, Lauren,” Christina continued, “I don’t think I’ve ever been able to even mention him without you touching your face or turning 25 shades of red.”

“Anyways, Harry,” Lauren shifted to face him, ignoring Christina’s dramatic reenactment, “I think I will take you up on yoga class tomorrow. Since Christina loves opening so much, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind having to do it every Monday,” she grinned mischievously.

Harry was too overcome with delight to notice that Christina gasping in horror. “Of course I’d love to have you!” he exclaimed. Finally, someone was appreciating his lifestyle.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Christina shrieked, “you’re going to leave me alone? On a Monday? With Zayn!”

Lauren mocked her with a pout before Harry put in, “I know you two don’t get along famously but I’m sure you could make it work for a few hours one day a week.This is Lauren’s chance to really center herself, let her mind and body become one.” He said gently, resting his large hand on her slim shoulder. “You can handle Zayn for an hour or two. I trust you to bite your lip sufficiently until I can get here and play referee. Yes?”

Christina huffed, nodding begrudgingly, a deep scowl on her face. “I suppose I can but I’m not doing this for forever. If this becomes a permanent Monday morning I’m going to demand you hire someone else or I want a significant raise.”

Just as Harry opened his mouth to answer the cheery jingle of the store bell caught their attention and a familiar broad frame appeared in the doorway. Harry’s face immediately brightened as he extended his arms towards the door. “Ah! Niall! I’m glad to see you on this dreary day!”

Harry strode across the room to greet his friend as he sauntered into the shop, followed by his new roommate Louis. Lauren could feel the thousands of butterflies in her stomach flutter to life, as well as heat filling her cheeks. Unfortunately, Christina also noticed and gave her a playful jab to the upper arm, snickering when Lauren retaliated with one of her own.

“Louis, I didn’t see you back there, my friend!” Harry laughed, clapping him on the back. Louis rolled his eyes, straightening himself up to his full height. It wasn’t that he was abnormally short, all of his friends just happened to be a few inches taller and took every opportunity to remind him of it.

“Oh c’mon, I’m not that short,” he retorted, flinging his hand up, “he’s got like, maybe two inches on me.”

“It’s okay, Lou, you’re taller than me!” Lauren offered brightly.

“That’s not sayin’ much comin’ from someone who can barely see over the bar.” Niall quipped.
“Did you need a step stool to get up onto that chair?”

The look of horror that fell on Lauren’s face sent Christina into a fit of laughter.

“Okay, alright,” Lauren nodded, trying not to let the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth give her away, “I’ll let you have that round since you’re new, but just that one,” She emphasized, her blue eyes burning into him.

“Isn’t she cute when she tries to be mad?” Christina cooed, pouting her lips. She reached out to pinch Lauren’s cheek but was roughly batted away before she could make contact. “Shut up Christina, I know where you live.”

“Can I get you something, my friends?” Harry asked, stepping in front of the girls, “A coffee? Maybe a new tea blend?”

“Actually, I could really use a job if you have any of those lyin’ around back there,” Niall joked. He reached his hand up, rubbing at the back of his neck. Christina couldn’t help but notice the perfect swell of his bicep under the sleeve of his t-shirt, her head slowly cocking to the side following his arm movement. Not too bad for a country boy. Wonder what else he has hidden under there, she wondered, biting at her lip. The sound of Lauren clearing her throat quickly brought her out of her daydream.

“Doin’ okay over there?” she smirked, raising her brow. “Enjoying the scenery?”

“Oh, stop.” Christina huffed. “I was just wondering how old that shirt could possibly be, do you see those holes?”

“Mmhmm okay. Sure, Tina.”

Christina shot her a look of disdain as Lauren smugly turned her attention back on the conversation that was going on in front of them. However, was quickly distracted as Louis passed close to her on his way to a small table tucked away in the corner of the shop. “Look pretty good for having a hangover there, McLeod.” he whispered, giving her a wink.

“You should’ve told me you were having a hard time finding a job, Niall,” Harry said, his voice full of concern.

“I just…you’ve already done so much for me, man. I just didn’t want to be constantly asking for shit.”

“No, no.” Harry closed his eyes and held up his hand, stopping Niall from continuing. “You know I’m here for you, my brother. Why don’t you work here? We could really use another guy around here.

“Yeah, one that doesn’t have a stick up his ass,” Christina muttered under breath.

Almost on cue, Harry gestured back to her, “Christina can show you the ropes! Why don’t you come on Monday morning? Lauren will be with me and they might need a third person.”

“You’re going to start him on a Monday morning?” Christina laughed at the absurdity of the idea. There was no way she was going to have time to teach this guy the ins and outs of the shop, let alone how to make a latte during a Monday rush. And having to deal with Zayn on top of it all; honestly, what was Harry actually drinking in all those kale smoothies?

“It’ll be fine! What better way to learn that to just jump in?”

Harry seemed so delighted at his idea, that Niall couldn’t find it in his heart to say no. Not that he was in any position to turn down a job, but working at a vegan coffee shop with some questionable characters that didn’t seem too keen on a newcomer wasn’t really what he had in mind. Niall hesitated, looking from Christina and Lauren’s looks of mild disgust to Harry’s expectant one. He looked like a child on Christmas morning and Niall couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. He breathed out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his thick blond hair before finally meeting Harry’s gaze.

“Alright. Fine.”

Harry reached out and pulled Niall in for a hug, loudly clapping his back. “It’s settled then! Welcome to the family!”




Great updates......niall is welcomed to the family

mks98 mks98

I did enjoy the new update.........k

mks98 mks98

I guess it's just one of his little quirks, appearing out of nowhere like he's been summoned. Glad you enjoyed the newest episode!

dibsonthat1d dibsonthat1d

How come Harry appears all the time all of the sudden???niall has gor a crush on Christina!!!! Lots of love

mks98 mks98

Gonna keep waiting........

mks98 mks98