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Chapter 99

I entered my daughter's room quietly. Harry sat beside her bed watching her sleep. Something he'd do when he was stressed out or felt like he was over-thinking things. I smiled seeing the way he leaned over her bed with intense eyes on our daughter's face. His brows furrowed in thought. I frowned a bit when he ran his hands through his hair like he was struggling to keep himself together.
"Harry. Baby." I murmured loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough not to wake Darcy. He looked up at me with a half smile. "You're mom and sister are leaving. They want to say goodbye to you." Harry nodded and stood. He kissed Darcy's dark curls gently then followed me out of the room. I took his hand as we walked down the stairs. He still seemed in his own world. I stroked his hand with my thumb, the way he liked me to. He released my hand as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He hugged his mother tightly and kissed her forehead.
"Harry, are you okay?" Anne asked with concern.
"Yeah, Mum, I'm fine." He smiled weakly at her. Anne didn't believe him but I could tell that she didn't want to push him. She kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly. "I love you." Harry nearly whispered to her.
"I love you too." She looked at him with even more worry but released him anyway. Harry then wrapped his arms around Gemma. She squeezed him tightly. I smiled a bit. I loved the bond that they had.
"I love you." Harry murmured to his sister.
Gemma held him tighter, "I love you too, Harry." Harry pressed his lips to her temple and squeezed her. She rested her chin on his shoulder and just let him hold her. "I have to go home to my husband now." Gemma chuckled after a few moments. Harry nodded and released her. He kissed her forehead one last time before Anne and Gemma walked out the door.
"Wanna cuddle?" I asked Harry with a sweet voice as I leaned against his chest. He nodded and dragged me off to the living room.

I flopped onto the sofa beside Harry. I snuggled into his side and rested my head on his shoulder. He held me tightly but stared off into space. I frowned a bit as I watched his brows furrow and his eyes glaze over a bit. I rested my hand on his chest and caressed the spot I loved so much through his t-shirt. I closed my eyes and tried to focus all of my energy on making him feel better about whatever was bothering him. I could feel the tension in his body and I hated it. I smiled when I thought of the easiest way to ease his tension and make him open up to me. I kissed his jaw slowly, working my way down his neck. I slid my hand across his chest and down his abs. I played with the bottom of his shirt and gripped his thigh teasingly. All things that I knew he loved, that would send him into a kind of frenzy any other time.
"Harry, you wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked softly, feeling slightly annoyed. He hummed and looked at me with confusion. "I've been trying to get in your pants for like ten minutes and I'm getting nothing." Harry's cheeks turned pink. "Wanna tell me what's bothering you?" I asked again.
He shook his head, "It's nothing."
"Bear. Baby. If it were nothing, I'd be naked on the floor." I smirked at him. Harry rolled his eyes and removed his arm from over my shoulders. "Harry, come on. What's with the heavy since we got home? We're having another baby. He's healthy and perfect and there's nothing to worry about. Why are you being so quiet?" I pleaded for answers, making him hold me again.
"He might be healthy and perfect right now, but what if something goes wrong? What if something happens and I'm not here?" Harry snapped at me.
I frowned, "Harry, it's okay. He's going to be fine. I promise I will give him an extremely serene gestation. Nothing will go wrong." I giggled, "Gemma won't even let me carry my own purse now." Harry gave me a look of sadness still. "And I know that going back on the road while I'm pregnant bothers you. But I promise, I won't let you miss anything major. I don't have another major appointment until I'm at twenty weeks." Harry sighed. "That's another eight weeks. You can come home for a few days. See me, Darcy, go to the doctor with me. Everything will be fine. And in a few years when we're between projects, we can have another baby and you can be here for the whole time."
"I don't want to wait to be here. I just...wanna be here. You're going to need help and I should be the one helping you. I helped make this baby, I should be the one here for you. Not my mum, not my sister, not your friends. Me." Harry grunted.
I shushed him and moved into his lap, "I know that if you could be here with me you would. Let's focus on the happy, Baby." I stroked his cheek with a gentle smile. Harry just looked up at me, his eyes still sad. "I love the way you were smiling in the doctor's office. The way you held my hand and just stared at the monitor in awe. I can only think of a few other times I've seen a light in your eyes like that." Harry lifted his eyebrow. "When I told you Darcy was your daughter." Harry smiled a bit. "When I told you that I loved you still after Gemma's wedding." Harry nodded in agreement. "When I said I'd marry you." Harry's smile widened. "And your birthday when I told you I was pregnant again." Harry rested his forehead against mine. "I know you want to be there for me and this new baby and Darcy but you love your job. You always have. I don't want you to think for a second that we think that you don't wanna be here." Harry sighed and held me tighter. I bit my lip gently and gazed into Harry's eyes, "Do you think you can stop beating your self up for long enough to satiate your pregnant wife?" Harry chuckled and slid out from underneath me. He laid me back on the sofa with a smirk to match my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and meshed my lips to his.
"Mummy! Daddy!" Darcy hollered running into the room. Harry chuckled as I whimpered.
Harry sat up and smiled at Darcy, "What baby?"
"I'm done with my nap now!" She announced. I looked at the clock. She'd only been asleep for an hour. I rubbed my face feeling irritated. "Can I look at the pictures of the baby?" Darcy asked climbing into Harry's lap.
"Honey, I think you should go back to bed." Harry murmured to her. Darcy pouted. "You were up really late last night and you got up at five this morning. I know you are more tired than that. Come on. Mummy and I are going to take a nap too." Harry informed Darcy as he stood with her in his arms. Darcy rested her head on Harry's shoulder with a sigh.
"Come on. You too. Bed." Harry held his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and let him pull me up from the sofa. "Everyone is taking a nap." Harry told Darcy once again. Darcy just puffed and nodded.

Harry and I laid down in our bed. I was instantly snuggled against him again. He smiled and turned to me, that glint in his eye that told me I was about to get what I wanted. Harry pressed his lips to mine and tugged my leg over his hip. I buried my hand in his shortened hair and tried to get even closer to him. Harry grinned against my lips and slipped his hands up the back of my shirt, caressing my skin lightly.
"No playing with me when I feel like this." I whimpered into his kiss.
Harry hummed, "But it makes it more fun." Harry flipped us so I was neatly tucked under his body. His hands traveling all over, turning my insides into a fiery mess. "When you can barely breathe, when you shake just from the slightest..." He palmed my breasts with a smirk, eliciting a sharp, heavy breath. "Touch." He chuckled. "I think I like playing more than anything." Harry murmured as he placed soft, teasing kisses on my neck. "Getting you so worked up that all I have to do is slide in." Harry began to grind his hips against mine. I moaned softly. "And you're already coming undone." I moaned again when his lips traveled down my neck to my chest. "Yeah, I think that I like playing, especially when you're like this." Harry laughed against my flesh. I groaned and sank into the bed when the door flung open.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Darcy cried loudly. I turned onto my stomach and buried my face in the pillows. I was trying to calm myself when Harry had turned me into a molten mess. "Daddy, there's a spider in my room!" Darcy cried to him.
"Babygirl, it's just a spider. He's more afraid of you than you are of him." Harry chuckled. I turned over and saw the fear in my child's eyes.
"No. Dad. Spiders are demons summoned straight from Satan's hell-fires." Darcy stated with vehemence. Harry gave me a displeased yet amused look. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh.
"Your daughter." Harry grunted. I cracked up laughing. Darcy had heard me say that to her father almost everyday.
"Can't I please sleep in here with you and Mummy?" Darcy pleaded, tears streaming down her face.
"Yes. Come here, my baby. We'll snuggle while Daddy takes care of the hell-beast in your room." I giggled. Harry groaned and got up. Darcy then called the dog onto the bed. Sorcha and Darcy snuggled into me. Darcy was grinning like I'd never seen before.
"Mummy?" Darcy whispered. I hummed and looked down at her with a loving smile. "Can I see the pictures of my brother now?" I nodded and leaned over to grab them off the nightstand.
"That was the tiniest spider I have ever seen in my life, Darcy Anne. You are ridiculous." Harry grunted as he came back into the bedroom. He shut the door then laid next to us with a sigh. "What are you doing?" Harry asked of us once he was comfortable.
"Looking at brother." Darcy replied with a huge grin. Harry beamed and cuddled closer to us. He was just as interested in staring at the ultrasound photos as she was.


Okay, so If really couldn't declare a winner with only a two vote difference. So I am posting both the Niall AU, In Too Deep, and the Harry story, Lavender & Roses.

I posted the first chapter in each story for you lovely people. I hope that you enjoy both. But I am going to be late for work now because I love you guys so much.



I’m so glad you do!

I love this

En2019 En2019

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.