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Chapter 108

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and turned toward it. Before I looked at who was calling, I checked the time. Five AM. I sighed heavily. I had been asleep for only two hours. Atlas would be up again to eat in another hour. I rubbed my face roughly and checked my phone. Paul. I groaned again and denied the call. I collapsed back into the bed with a sigh. I looked over to see Enola curled up and facing away from me. I smiled and moved across the bed to her. I wound my arms around her waist and kissed her neck lightly.
"Mmm, go back to sleep, Bear. Atlas won't be up for a while." Enola whispered, leaning into me. I kissed the back of her head and held her tighter. Enola hummed and relaxed into me even more. Within moments, we were both sound asleep again.

I grunted hearing my phone ringing again. I turned away from Enola's peacefully sleeping body and grabbed my phone. Paul. Again. I sighed and wiggled out of the bed without waking Enola. She needed the sleep. As I stepped out of the bedroom, I answered the phone.
"If you wake up my baby, I am going to be pissed." I grunted into the the phone, walking down the stairs. I wanted to be out of the area where Enola and the kids were sleeping.
"Well, isn't that a greeting." Paul laughed.
"I'm not playing. If you calling wakes anyone else in this house up, I am going to lose it. What do you want?" I snapped quietly as I entered the kitchen.
"We need you to get packed up." Paul stated sadly.
"For what?" My attitude was still sassy.
"Last minute promo tour." Paul replied quietly.
I chuckled dryly, "You do realize that my wife just shot a kid the size of a fucking watermelon out of her vagina because I knocked her up, right?"
"Harry." Paul sighed heavily.
"If I try to take a step out of the house for any reason other than to buy my son nappies and take my daughter to school, I am probably going to be calling off the wedding in a couple of weeks, right?" I was still beyond angry about the phone call.
"I know, Harry. I know but I didn't make this decision. The other boys tried to get you out of it. I tried to get you out of it but it just didn't happen. You have to go. We waited as long as we could because we were trying to make it so you didn't have to go. I'm sure that all of the interviewers would understand but..." Paul sighed again. "You have to go."
"This is bullshit and I am not talking to any of you once I set foot on that bus." I stated before hanging up. I threw my phone on the island and then made my way to the laundry room. I knew that Enola had taken the time to wash my bags along with all of the clothing inside of them while she was trying to start labor with Atlas.

"Be fucking quiet do not wake up my son. He's been asleep for a long time and Enola needs it too." I snapped as Paul and Dale were making a ruckus by the front door.
"You're a jerk." Dale stated.
"Yes. I am. I want to be home with my wife and daughter and new baby. Get over it." I grunted. I knew that I shouldn't have been throwing a fit. They did try their hardest to get me out of the trip. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to stay with my family.
"Harry?" Enola's soft voice came from behind me.
"Fuuuuuuck." I groaned softly. I didn't want any of the boys, Paul or Dale to be in the house when I told her what was happening.
"Harry, what's going on?" Enola asked with tears in her eyes. She looked around at Paul, Dale, Louis, Liam and Niall. She then noticed my bags on the floor then looked at me, "NO!"
"Baby." I frowned, reaching out to her.
She slapped my hands away, "No! You can't leave! You can't!" My eyes started to fill with tears. "You can't go, Bear." Enola sobbed. "No." I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as they began to shake. I knew that she couldn't control her tears like she usually would because of the overwhelming hormones in her system. The boys watched us with sad eyes."Please, Harry. Please, don't go." Enola cried loudly into my neck as she gripped my shirt tightly.
"I have to, Noli. I have to. I don't have a choice. The boys tried to get me out of it and they couldn't. I have to go." I murmured to her. Enola released me then hustled to the front door. She slammed the door closed then locked it. The boys looked like they were ready to cry as well.
"No! No one is leaving this house!" She nearly shouted.
"Noli, hush, baby. Hush." I murmured, pulling her into my arms again. "You're going to wake up the kids." I whispered.
"You can't go, Harry. You can't." Enola whimpered gazing up at me. I hated seeing her so upset. "You can't. Your son needs you. This is the most important time to bond with your son. You can't go." She still sobbed. I kissed her forehead gently. "He needs you right now. And Darcy, she needs you to take her to school. She loves it when you take her to school." Enola tried to wipe her eyes, though she was crying so hard it was no help at all.
"I'll be back in a couple of weeks. I'll go back to taking her to school. It'll be okay. I won't be gone for months." I tried to give her something positive.
"A couple of weeks!" She sobbed again. "You're coming home a week before our wedding? How am I supposed to do any of the stuff that still needs to be done without you here?" Enola was basically yelling at me. "I thought you were going after the wedding!" She was filled with rage now.
"That's what I thought too." I was becoming annoyed with entire situation.
"Harry, we have to go or we're going to be late." Paul stated quietly, not wanting either of us to turn our rage on him. Enola and I both glared at him.
"Well then walk the fuck out, Paul!" Enola snapped at him. Paul placed his hand on my shoulder as he picked up the bags on the floor. I knew he was trying to give me some luck dealing with Enola's anger and sadness. Paul kissed her cheek quickly before rushing out the door. Dale was right behind him.
Liam kissed Enola's cheek and rubbed her arm sweetly, "I'm sorry, love. We did try to get him out of going." Enola stayed completely still and didn't say a word. I sighed heavily and rubbed my face. I hated when she acted the way she was. I knew where Darcy got her mean streak from. Liam looked at me sadly then walked out of the house. He knew that he wouldn't be able to help. Louis opened his mouth to say something to help me but was shot down with Enola's icy eyes. I could tell that Niall wanted to help as well but knew it was a terrible idea.
"Nols, we have to go." I murmured after peeking at the hallway clock. More tears cascaded down her face. "I love you. Tell Darcy I love her and kiss Atlas for me when he wakes up." I smiled gently, placing my lips on her forehead. I picked my bag up from the floor and moved toward the door. Louis and Niall scooted out first. I shook my head at how scared they were of Enola. I was a bit shocked when Enola followed me out of the house. She closed the door behind her, probably so Darcy didn't hear us leaving. I kissed Enola's lips softly, "I'll call you later. I'll be home soon." I smiled before walking down the path toward the bus.
"If we're even still here." Enola grumbled under her breath. I stopped dead in my tracks, rage filling my heart.
I turned to her and dropped my bag, "Don't you dare threaten me like that!" Enola's jaw dropped with how I raised my voice at her. It didn't happen often. "That's fucking bullshit." I was still shouting at her, knowing the boys were watching with wide eyes. It was rare that we argued in front of anyone. I stomped up to her with fire in my eyes. "Don't you ever threaten to take my kids." I growled at her. "I am sorry that you're upset. You know that if I could stay home, I would. It is not fair to say things like that to me." I spoke lowly but let the anger stay in my voice. Enola opened her mouth to argue with me. I stopped her with a rough kiss, holding her chin so she couldn't back out of it. I backed her against the door. She tried to push me away but I grabbed her wrist and forced her hand back to her side. I pulled out of the kiss and glared at her. "I love you. If you think I am leaving because I want to, you're wrong. I've been an dickhead all morning so they'll hate me enough to tell me to get off the fucking bus." Enola stared up at me with wide eyes, tears falling down her face. "You can be as mad as you want about me leaving when Atlas is only a week old, but do not say things like that to me EVER again." I released her gently. "You sound like Charles when you do that." I mumbled. I left her on the doorstep, struggling to catch her breath. "I'll call you later to check on you." I announced, trying not to let my own tears fall. Before I made it to the door of the bus, I heard the door slam. I looked back to see that Enola had retreated into the house.
"Harry..." Louis began.
"Don't talk to me right now, please." I grunted as I climbed onto the first step of the bus.

I sat alone on the sofa staring at the wall. It had been two days and I couldn't stop playing the argument Enola and I had over and over in my head. I knew that I should've been a bit more gentle with her. She couldn't really help they way she was feeling and acting. I knew that me leaving when she needed so much help with Darcy and Atlas was too much for her. I also knew that she wanted me to have the time with Atlas that I didn't get with Darcy. I frowned when I thought of how I wouldn't have even been able to spend that precious time with Darcy; things were much crazier then. I ran my hand through my hair to ease the tension filling my body. I missed Enola already; I missed Darcy and Atlas more.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started thumbing through all of the pictures I had taken over the last week. Most of them were Darcy trying to hold Atlas or play with him. I turned my phone a little more when I got to the photos of Enola trying to feed Atlas in the middle of the night. I chuckled remembering how she pushed me right off the bed with a giggle. I smiled even more as I sent the picture to Enola. I sent a simple text with it : You know, you're even more beautiful with my son in your arms. I didn't even expect a text back.She wouldn't answer my phone calls and when I got a call it was my daughter telling me about school. I knew Enola was infuriated with me and that I had hurt her feelings when I told her she was acting like Charles. My face held shock when my phone began to ring. Enola.
I answered as quickly as possible, "Hello?" I was slightly preparing myself to argue more but the sound that came through the speaker broke my heart even more.
"I'm sorry, Bear!" Enola sobbed into the phone.
"No. No." I hushed her. "You have every right to be upset. I'm sorry."
"I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I know that you want to be home. I know you do. I've never seen you so happier than when you're with us. I know that you want to be at home." She balled loudly. I noticed the guys watching me with sad eyes. I rolled my eyes and got up. I went back to my bunk and shut the door between the bunks and common area. I laid down in my bunk and closed the curtain.
"Nols, calm down. Take a deep breath, baby." I instructed her calmly. I could hear her struggling to get a breath. "It's okay." I murmured.
"It's not okay! I didn't mean what I said! I would never leave you! I would never take our babies away from you!" She sobbed harder.
"I know you wouldn't, Noli. I know. You're an amazing mother and you would never to that to them. You were upset." I sighed heavily, wanting so badly to be able to hold her.
"That doesn't make it okay!" She wailed. "You were right. I sounded just like him. Why do you even want to marry me?" Enola cried harder.
"Because I love you." I chuckled. I heard her grunt at me. "Yeah. You lost your temper for a moment and yelled at me, said something you shouldn't have." I stated softly. "I don't actually think you're going to do it. I just don't think it's fair that you said it. It happened it's done. Let's move on from it." I spoke with a light tone.
"Harry." Enola whimpered.
"What? I love you. Nothing you say will change it. I'm going to be home in a couple of weeks and we're going to get married. Nothing will stop that either." I assured her.
"I love you. I love you so much. I shouldn't have made leaving harder for you. I know it sucks for you too. I'm sorry." Enola murmured, her breathing steadying a bit. "When you get home, we can make up properly." Enola giggled quietly.
I hummed softly, "And what does that mean?" I knew exactly what she meant. I could practically hear her blushing. "Hmm? What is making up properly?" I teased softly.
"Hugs and kisses and cuddles." Enola replied sweetly.
I hummed once more, "That's a shame. I think I had a little more planned." I bit my lip hearing her giggle like she would when we were curled up in bed. "Something to do with twisting sheets, sweetened sweat and shaking the Earth." I murmured. I heard her giggling again. I chuckled myself, "What do you think?"
"I think you're not going to be able to walk a straight line." Enola teased.
I laughed loudly, "That's my, Nols. I love you."
"I love you too, Bear." Enola's voice had brightened even though I could still hear how stuffy she was from crying. I opened my mouth to say something completely salacious but was stopped by the bunk curtain being opened. I glared at Louis.
"We're here. We have to go now." Louis informed me. I nodded and shooed him away.
"You have to go?" Enola sounded disappointed.
I smirked, "Continue this conversation at nap time?"
"Yes. I look forward to it." She paused for a moment. "Have a good interview." Enola had a teasing and sinister tone in her voice. Without another word she hung up on me. I lifted my eyebrow then jumped out of my bunk. I shoved my phone into my pocket then hustled out to the rest of the boys.

I sat in the chair of the radio station quietly. Liam was in the middle of answering a question while Niall and I were silently making fun of him.
"You know what..." Liam grumbled at Niall and I. Louis just sat back and laughed at us. I stuck my tongue out at him.
The interviewer turned his attention to Niall, "Niall, we've seen that you..." I stopped listening because my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly dug it out, knowing it was probably Enola. When I opened the text, my jaw dropped and I quickly covered the screen. I leaned against the table in front of my and covered my mouth, trying to contain my laughter.
"You alright?" Louis asked just above a whisper. I nodded and sat up straight. I covered the screen of my phone the best I could, not wanting the boys or anyone else in the room to see the photo Enola had sent me. As I prepared to send her a response another text came through. I held my breath as three more popped up on the screen. She was sending me photos that I'd taken when we decided to be cheeky during making love. I texted her quickly: THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY, BABE! I'm in a room full of people!
Payback for leaving early and when I want you home. Just know that you get none of this for three weeks. I'm not touching you until after we get married.
I whimpered seeing the words pop up. As I was about to text her back, I heard my name.
"Everything okay, Harry? You're looking a little flushed." The interviewer asked.
"Yes. I'm fine." I chuckled. Enola texted me once again: What not going to tell them that your wife is sexting you mid interview?
"What is so funny over there?" The interviewer inquired.
"My wife is texting me about our children." I responded smoothly. Enola sent another text: Nice...Have a good day, Bear. I love you.
"That's right! You're married and have a couple of kids now, don't you?" The interviewer sounded excited. I just nodded.
"Our old man." Louis teased, gripping my shoulder in a friendly manner. I pushed him away with a laugh.
"How's married life and fatherhood for you?" The interviewer asked.
"I love it." I answered simply.
"How old are your kids?" He inquired.
I cleared my throat, "Five years and five days."
"Well, what are ya doin' here?" The interviewer laughed.
"You know, I'm wondering the same thing." I chuckled. I glanced over to see that the member of management in the room looked pissed. I shrugged and went back to listening to the questions the man on the other side of the table was asking.


Long(ish) chapter! Yay!

Soooo, I have a question: Do you guys think that adding the wedding is necessary to the story? Is it something you absolutely want to see in here? I don't know if I should give it a chapter or not.
Leave me your opinion in the comments!



I’m so glad you do!

I love this

En2019 En2019

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.