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What Happens In Vegas...

Down Under

"Jet lag is a bitch." Luke grumbled as we stepped off the plane.
"I'm with ya. Ready for a nap any time."
He smiled and kissed my cheek.
Mikey carried Rae off the plane, but she dragged him out of the car once we reached the Hemmings house.
"LUKE!" Ben and Jack ran out.
"Ben! Jack!" I don't think I've ever seen Luke light up so much.
"And you must be Dani!" They both pulled me into a hug.
"Oh god! Nice to meet you too!" I slowly stopped being able to breathe.
"You're going to break her, please let her go." Luke laughed, and they let me go.
"MIKEY." They yelled, doing the same to him and Rae.
"What's all the-- Luke!" Liz jumped.
"Danielle!" she exclaimed, pulling me into her hug with Luke.
"Nice to finally meet you." I exclaimed back.
"Come in! Dinner is almost ready!"
"Dinner?!" we all gasped.
"Jet lag is a bitch." I laughed, Luke just pulled me close by the waist.
After dinner Mikey and Rae headed for his parents, and Luke and I crashed in his old room. Before I could make any jokes, or even change, my eyes were heavy and I was out.
I woke up to talking in the kitchen.
"Good morning beautiful." Luke smiled, kissing my for a moment.
Liz cleared her throat, "breakfast?"
"Please." I smiled, pulling away from Luke.
"The boys will be here any second, so take as much as you'll need." she laughed.
And sure as anything, there they were. All of the boys bursting through the door, even Ryan.
"Dani! Hey! Ness brought me out here to meet her parents." he smiled.
"Good luck with that, mate." Luke spoke, walking to join the group.
"I should be going to work, I'll see you for dinner." Liz spoke giving me a hug.
"Rae! My love! I need you!" she came running over.
"Let's get showered up and regroup?" she asked.
"Please." I laughed.
I got myself ready as quickly as possible and met Rae at the top of the stairs.
"Don't go down there." Jack spoke.
"Why?" we questioned.
"You won't like it." Ben finished.
"Cryptic." Rae replied, as we walked past.
"You must be Dani!" A brunette exclaimed.
"Leave her alone Arzaylea." Luke scoffed.
"I just want to say hi."
"And you are."
"My best friend, and another one of Luke's exes." Vanessa smiled.
"You brought Lochness, Ry? You should've told us, we would've gotten the cesspool ready. "Rae glared.
"So feisty." Vanessa smirked.
"Oh, back off Raegan." Ry growled.
"Why is everyone here?" I asked.
"To torture us." Ash replied.
What's new.
"We should go to the beach today." Cal spoke.
"Meet you there!" Vanessa and Arzaylea exclaimed.
"Thanks." Luke replied.
We all changed and headed for the beach. It was a scene I had never imagined. The sun beat down on our skin, the sand was hotter than anything, but still bearable, and the water was slightly warm.
Vanessa and Arzaylea joined in skimpy bikini's, if you could call them that. Their voices made me want to vomit.
"Let me show you what things used to be like." Luke smiled, taking my hand.
The day consisted of casual drinking, volleyball, Frisbee, surfing, steak off the barbie, and eventually a camp fire.
I enjoyed most of the day with Luke, but put enough alcohol into Vanessa and Arzaylea and they sob over him. Ryan couldn't even pull them off.
"I gave up an hour ago." I sighed, as he sat next to me I handed him a beer.
"Mood killer."
I laughed, "You have no idea. This was almost completely fun."
"Almost." he chuckled.
"Ry! Baby! Be with me!" Ness drunkenly slurred.
"I guess that's my becking call."
Luke still had Arzaylea wrapped around his waist, I chugged my drink and grabbed another.
"Would you like to dance?" Ben asked.
"Sure." I smirked.
We danced around like idiots until I heard Luke clearing his throat, "May I?"
"I'm done dancing, thank you." I replied.
"Babe." Babe? Luke never called me babe.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"I want you."
"Talk to me when you're sober and don't smell like your ratchet ex girlfriend."
"Enjoy the rest of your night Luke." I paused, seeing fireworks explode above me, "Don't be stupid. I'll see you in the morning."

Luke's P.O.V.
Don't be stupid? She might as well have said not to cheat. Does she think I would?
"Lukey." Arzaylea called.
She totally thinks I would.

Dani's P.O.V.
I walked back to the Hemmings house and changed into my pj's.
"Everything alright, Lass?" Liz asked.
"Yeah, I just had a headache and felt I should come back."
"Do you want anything for it?"
"No, thank you. Sleep should help." I fake smiled.
"If you need me, I'll be down the hall to the right."
"Thank you, Liz." I spoke, before she closed the door.
I laid down, checking my phone every five minutes to see if Luke had sent anything, but he didn't.
I just have a really bad feeling...

Luke's P.O.V.
The sun beat down on my face.
"Fuck." I spoke, sitting up in the sand. Dani?
"Shit!" I jumped taking the blanket with me. I was completely naked next to Arzaylea.
"Luke?" she asked.
"What the hell happened?" I asked.
"Hmm, what do you think, silly." she stood up, coming close to me, "I missed you." she whispered in my ear, kissing my neck.
"This was a mistake." I sternly stated.
"The mistake is your prissy little fake wife." she snarked.
"God dammit." I scoffed, leaving.
"Going home to tell her? End her misery Luke. be with me again."
"You're pathetic, you know that? You listened to Vanessa. Just because she couldn't have me doesn't mean she couldn't ruin my marriage." I spat before leaving the beach.
Of course I ran into a million and one paparazzi before I reached my house. Good image Luke, nothing suspicious.
"Luke, where have you been?" Mum asked.
"I was at the beach, where's Dani?"
"Oh sweetie... She left this."
As I read the letter, I could feel myself ready to vomit.


I would love any and all feedback you have to give! I'm still having writer's block, but I'm sick, so I'm writing even if it's crappy. Please let me know! Thanks for reading xoxo!


My favorite song by them is Permanate Vacation. Well, it's one of my favorites.

Please update soon

Please update soon this fanfiction is grate your a grate wrighter



Should have a new chapter up by the end of today! Glad you're still enjoying it! xoxo