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Foreign Exchange


Nicoles POV
As I sit on the bleachers next to the track, I let my mind wander. I don’t pay attention to my female classmates sitting around me and I didn’t pay attention to the males running around the track and other exercises. I didn’t feel like engaging with them; I didn’t feel like talking in general.

It’s been a week now since I’ve uttered a word to Harry. I’m going to admit it, it’s hard seeing him. I watch him walk the halls and talk to people. He catches my eyes for split seconds at times and gives me this helpless kind of look, but yet he still doesn’t say anything. His green irises say a million things that I can’t seem to grasp; I was never good at reading people.

This is going to sound incredibly cheesy, or weird, or maybe even creepy, but it’s the truth. I desperately want him to give me and only me, his incredible dimpled smile. I miss his cheekiness and lately his curls just seem to die for. I don’t make a move toward him because, well, he should be the one to approach me first..I think. At least say sorry.

The sound of Mrs. Johnson blowing her whistle reminded me that I’m still in P.E. With a big sigh, I brushed off my P.E. shorts and stood up from the bleachers. The sun was out, but thankfully not hot at all. It sucks to do sprints in scorching heat. I passed Nick and Zayn as the rest of the boys headed to the water fountain and bleachers. Nick looked like he was about to collapse and Zayn looked perfect as usual. Figures.

I pulled my hair back into the neatest ponytail I could and wrung out my hands when I was done. I rubbed the tip of my shoe against the rubber-like track as I waited for the rest of the girls in my class get ready for the hard core work out we were about to do.

“Alright ladies! You have twenty minutes to complete this. My assistants will be timing you to make sure that you have completed it” she stopped talking as the girls groaned in protest. After giving us a hard look, she continued on “You have to run the mile. After each lap, you must do twenty push ups, forty sit ups and ten jumps on the jump rope.”

“Can I just take an F for the day?” a girl said and some giggled at her comment.

“No, you must try” my teacher replied. Before anybody could say anything else, she blew the whistle. All of us just stood there. “Don’t just stand there, go! You just wasted ten seconds” she said. Some girls squealed before we all took off running. I hung more in the back with the girls who didn’t try. I, being one of the more athletic girls, usually would be more in the front, but today, I just kept it on the down low.

I breathed evenly through my nose and out my mouth as my feet bounced off of the track. My arms swung in rhythm and my hair surprisingly didn’t come loose and attack my face. My mind went blank as I only focused on the beating of my heart. That’s why I love working out and doing activity. It clears my mind and nothing really matters.

After easily finishing the first lap and one of the assistants checked off that I finished the first lap. I jogged over to the clear gravely space closeby and got on my knees. The gravel dug into my knees, but it barely hurt. I placed my hands on the ground and positioned myself to do a pushup. Just as I was lowering myself down, some girls messing around nearby freaked out about a bee and tramped over me.

“Oof!” air rushed out of me and my knee scraped against the gravel. Ouch.

“Ow!” One of the girls said, who still had her legs draped over my back.

“Ladies!” Mrs. Johnson yelled and ran over to us. Someone helped the girl off of me, thus giving me the opportunity to roll over and sit up. “Are you okay?” Mrs. Johnson asked, looking down at my knees. Yeah, they got scraped a little, but I was fine.

“Yeah, I’m good” I said, getting up and wiping the remaining gravel off of me.

“You got dirt in that” Mrs. Johnson said, pointing to my knee “I’m sending you down to the nurse to clean you up” she said. Since it’s just a little scrape, I would have protested, but it was dirty and needed to be cleaned.

“Are you okay?” Zayn asked me as I walked past the bleachers with one of Mrs. Johnsons assistants.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just gonna get cleaned up” I replied and headed down to the office.

“Hi Mrs. Slack” I greeted one of the staff members after entering the office doors.

“Hi sweetie, how can I help you?” she asked.

“The nurse is in right?” Mrs. Johnsons assistant asked.

“Why yes, is everything okay?” she asked with worry. This is why I love some off the staff members at this school, they really do care.

“Yeah, everythings fine. Just here to get her cleaned up” Mrs. Johnsons assistant answered before I could.

“Oh, alright. Just go on ahead then” she smiled before turning back to her computer screen. We walked through a door at the end of the small lobby area and knocked on the nearest door on the left. Within seconds, the door opened.

“Hi” the nurse spoke in her soft, delicate voice. The nurse was definitely on my top ten best staff ever. She always reminded me of a sweet bunny. She wore cute, modest clothes and always smiled. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen her not smile.

“Hi Mrs.Losch ” I said back just as sweetly. She always makes me want to be sweet and happy like her.

“What is it I can do for you, Nicole?” she asked, but then answered her own question when her eyes drifted down to my knee “Oh dear, let’s get you cleaned up” she said and gestured for me to come in. Mrs. Johnsons assistant didn’t come in and left without saying a word. Oh well, she didn’t talk to me anyways.

I didn’t even notice the black skinny jeans and white v-neck until I unknowling sat down on the medical bench next to him. The paper crinkled as I sit down and I looked over at him. Out of pure shock, I just stared at him, and he just stared right back. When my eyes started to water from the lack of blinking, I looked away and pretended to be interested in the informational medical posters taped to the white walls. I felt like kicking myself for not saying anything, not even a “hello”, but he isn’t saying anything either. I’m still waiting for him to say sorry..

“What happened?” he asked in his low, slow voice, and without my permission, my mouth started moving.

“Just slipped” I said, not wanting to explain fully what happened.

“That seems to happen a lot up at the track. I keep telling everybody that we should get a new track” Mrs. Losch innocently spoke from her desk in the corner of the room. “Just gonna fill out this paper to confirm why you had to leave clas...” Mrs. Losh said, but mostly to herself.

“That would be nice” I said, both truthfully and for the sake of conversation. I awkwardly gulped when nobody said anything and the only sound in the bleach smelling atmosphere was Mrs. Losch typing away on the computer board.

“Honey, who’s your teacher again?” she asked, looking at me.

“Mrs. Johnson” I replied and looked down at my lap.

“Nikki, listen-”

“How are you Mrs.Losch?” I asked, cutting Harry off. I honestly didn’t mean too, I was planning on asking that question, and Harry just so happen to try and talk to me. I looked over to give him an apologetic look, but he wasn't looking at me anymore. I sighed and gave Mrs. Losch part of my attention.

“I’m good sweetie. How are you? Hows the knee?” she asked, moving away from her computer and tending to me.

“It’s good, just needs some cleaning” I shrugged and Mrs. Losch started gathering supplies.

“Oh, Harry dear, are you feeling better?” Mrs. Losch asked while rummaging through cabinets.

“Yeah, I’m fine now” Harry said, looking at me as he spoke. For some reason, I felt like it had something to do with me, but that just may be my heart being too hopeful.

“What was wrong before?” I heard myself say, caring and worrying for this boy way too much.

“Just had a migraine” Harry said as if it was simple.

“A pretty bad one. Harry couldn’t think straight. I tell you, it’s because of all the stress he’s having” Mrs. Losch said, not realising that she probably said too much for Harry’s comfort. My eyebrows instantly snapped together as I looked to Harry in concern. Why is he so stressed? Maybe something happened to him..

Wow Nikki, you really crazy about this brit. Maybe, it’s time to talk to him.

“Can you hold this for me?” she asked, holding out a bandage. I nodded and took the bandage. Mrs. Losch pulled up an office chair and positioned herself in front of me. “Now this may sting” she warned. I nodded once more and quietly hissed when she patted my knee with the soaked chemical wipe. My knee slightly bubbled white and it burned. But after a minute, it dulled and she topped it with ointment to stop the pain. The whole time Harry was staring at me.

“Thanks” I said after she carefully placed the bandage on my knee. It didn’t hurt anymore and was all clean.

“No problem” she smiled and then excused herself when the phone rang from behind a door in the room that had “private” painted on the door. I looked over at Harry who was running his long fingers through his curls.

“Harry..” I started to say, and this time I was the one cut off.

“Will you come with me somewhere?” he asked, tilting his head down to look at me. My emotions somehow kicked into an all time high after he said that. Should I go with him? What do I do? What should I be feeling right now? How should I act right now?

“Why should I say yes?” I asked, sounding more harsh than I thought.

“Because, I know that you won’t regret it” he said, leaning in.

The only thing left was to follow my heart.

“Okay” I spoke softly. Mrs. Johnson walked back in and Harry was quick to act.

“Mrs. Johnson, Nikki isn’t feeling well. I think that she needs to go home” he said and I just sat there, completely dumbfounded.

“Oh. Nikki are you okay?” she asked, quickly walking over and putting her hand to my head. I just stared at her like a deer in the headlights. “Well, you don’t feel warm. Is it your stomach?” she asked and Harry nudged me to answer.

“Y-yes” I stuttered and I felt awfully bad lying. Wait, what are you doing?!

“Well, if you really aren’t feeling well, you can call up you parent or guardian to pick you up” she said and I numbly nodded. “I’ll have someone bring your things. You can use the office phone on my desk” she said and before she walked out of the room, Harry told her that he was feeling good as well. “I’ll have someone bring your things too” she said, then left.

“Don’t call your sister” was the first thing Harry said as soon as Mrs. Losch was out of the room.

“Harry, what are we doing?” I said, looking at him with wide eyes. “we are going to get caught in whatever this is!” I whisper screamed and started stressing out. “And then I’ll get detention or my citizenship could be lowered” I said, getting animated with my hands “Or I could have my grade lowered!” I pushed a stray hair out of my face and bit my lip in worry.

“Nikki” Harry said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me the smile I’ve been waiting for. That to die for dimpled smile.


Hey hey! I know that this is a short chapter, but the next one will be longer and I just wanted to end this chapter with a semi-cliff hanger. I hope that you all are still interested in this story and I was especially inspired by ThatBlueThing to write this chapter! Stay tuned because there is more to come!
I love you all my babes! Comment, Vote, Subscribe, stay beautiful :)

Uwahhhh! Ziall!!! >.<

Ahahaha I love this
I've bee digging Louis hair lately...and facial hair makes them look so..mmmmm someone control me!



Bellaraelou111 Bellaraelou111

Argh cliffhanger dammit

nooooooooo I don't like nicole doubting her feelings, especially just after her and Harry's little date. I like her with harry best :(

daily5sos daily5sos

Plz update soon plz plz plz

Lollipop2644 Lollipop2644