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Foreign Exchange

Burnin' Up

3 days later
Nicoles POV
The past three days have been uneventful. The only interesting thing thats had happened was the new people moving into the condos in the building next to us. A lady and her son moved in, and they seem really sweet. The young woman, Cara, adopted her son Calum, a fourteen year old New Zealand and Australian. Calum is in 8th grade and quite the cutie. His dark hair fits his big round, dark eyes. And Cara, I mean wow. She could be a model. She has blonde hair that cuts off just above her chest, simple but stunning blue eyes and just an amazing face and body structure. I’m surprised that she’s never been married...

I haven’t seen Taylor around Harry since I took the liberty to walk away from her. It’s hard to look at her, knowing that she got to kiss Harry. That and it just reminds me that my first kiss was thrown out the window because I decided to be stupid and kiss my best friend that I had no idea liked me.

“So why didn’t the boys just come over right after school today?” Nick asked on my bed.

“Niall told me that the boys haven’t done their chores so Simon is making do the chores if they want to come over” I smiled from my chair next to my desk, remembering how Niall said doing chores was a waste of time. How he could be hanging out with my sister. Ah, that love sick puppy.

“Ugh, why couldn’t they have just done their chores when they had to?” Nick whined.

“Because they’re lazy, just like you” I teased and closed my sketchbook. Nick completely ignored what I said and turned up the music on the iHome that was already softly playing music.

“I love this song” he smiled, Lana Del Rey blasting through the speakers. I nodded in agreement and closed my eyes. Her voice was just so unique and different. She didn’t sound or act like all the other artist. She did things from a different angle and brought new things to the table that other artist haven’t even thought about. She reminds me of Harry, they both are unique. With his raw voice and ideas, not to mention different kind of nature. Maybe that was because he was from England.

“Hey! Keep it down!” I heard my sister yell. Nick and I snickered, not bothering to turn it down. No more than a minute later, we hear her feet stomp down the steps and march down the hall to my room. She appears in my doorway, hair slightly a mess and eyes red.

“Woah, you don’t look good” I said.

“Yeah, that’s because I have a KILLER migraine! I feel awful and you two dimwits won’t turn down the music!!” She shouted over the music. Nick turns it down, but not completely off.

“Why don’t you take some advil?” I ask, getting up from my chair.

“I looked everywhere, I can’t find it” she said, rubbing her scrunched up forehead.

“Did you check my room?” I smirk, pulling advil from my desk drawer.

“Well no” my sister gumbles and looks away. I keep my smile on my face as I shake my head and hand her the advil. “Thanks..” she mumbled.

“No problem” I said, sitting back down on my chair. She walks out and Nick turns the music back up.

“KEEP THE MUSIC DOWN!!!” we hear her shout and e snicker again. Nick reaches to turn the music down, but I stop him.

“The advil I gave her is for nighttime. Two of those and she’ll be out in no time” I tell him over the music.

“But then wouldn’t she be asleep when the boys come over?” Nick asked.

“Yep” I smile mischiefly. Nick smiles and nods before going back to look on his iPhone. I look back over to my desk and sigh. I don’t have anything to do other than draw. Might as well. I open my sketchbook again and decide to work on a fresh piece of paper. Lana Del Rey continues to blast through my room, her music always inspiring me to draw free, wild things.

As I draw, I can’t help but think, and not specifically on Harry. Just think about everything. I lightly etch wings, water, patterns. They all are free, and hold a secret future. Will my future ever mend with Harry’s future? I know how it feels to like someone, but Harry, it’s a stronger liking than ever before, and I like it. I really like it. But secretly I’m afraid that I’ll fly to far ahead or that I’ll dig deep in places that don’t need digging. Gosh, I’m making no sense.

I close my sketchbook after 15 minutes, shutting out everything that I was thinking about. I look over at Nick and see that he hasn’t even changed his position on my bed. I lean over and turn down the music. At first, Nick doesn’t realise that I turned down the music, but he catches on soon that the room is silent.

“Why did you turn down the music?” Nick asks, looking up from his phone.

“Why are you always in my room? You know, you’re room is right across from mine” I ask. I don’t mind Nick being in my room, I actually like it better when he is in my room, but I’m just curious.

“Why would I want to hang out alone in my room when I can hang out with you in your room” he shrugs and I smile at him.

“Good answer” I smiled and stand up. I stretch out my all my limbs, all but my hurt one. “I’m getting food” I said, my last resort to distract me from getting too bored.

‘Me too!” Nick says, jumping up and following me to the kitchen. I rummage through the cabinets and pull out a popcorn package. I’m not in the mood for chips or anything, so popcorn will do.

“Want some?” I ask, holding up the popcorn package. Nick nods, sipping on a juice box. I unwrap the packet and put it in the microwave, pressing the popcorn button.

“You think Anjelicas asleep?” Nick asks.

“Considering that she hasn’t asked us to turn down the music again, I think she is” I smile “Lets go see.” I wave him over to follow me. We walk up the sprail stairs and immediately spot Anjelica slumped over her desk. She fell asleep sitting in her chair. We stifle our laughs and tip toe over to her. I lift up her arm and it limply flops back down to her side.

“Out cold” Nick snickers and I giggle with a nod. Suddenly, a burning smell stings my nose. I take a few sniffs then cough and wave my hand in the air around me. “Do you smell that?” Nick asked, scrunching up his nose.

“It smells like something is-” Nick and I both look at each other wide eyed.

“The popcorn!” we both explain and race down the steps. Nick reaches the microwave first and yanks it open, but there’s no smoke and it isn’t burned.

“Huh” he said in confusion. “If this isn’t burnt, then what’s that smell?” Nick asks.

“Lets go check” I nod my head to the front door. Nick nods and we slip on our slippers before stepping outside. We’re hit with the smoke and loud sirens. We cough and waves are hands around.

“What the-” Nick starts to say, but stops and gasps. The condos next to us has smoke coming from it. “Oh my gosh!” he gasps and we race down the steps and to the condos. Most of the people who lived in the condos weren’t home, but the very little that were home were evacuating. We spotted Calum running up to a couple and crying about something.

“Calum!” I shouted and Nick and I ran over to him. “What’s wrong?” I asked, gently grabbing his shoulders.

“I don’t know! I was cooking dinner for mum because I thought it would make her proud and the oven just went pshhh and there was smoke and fire!” he rushes, choking over his words. “Mrs. Katherine is still in there!” he cries over the loud sirens coming from the condo.

“Mrs. Katherine?” Nick and I ask in unison.

“My cat!! She’s still in there!” Calum wails and pulls out of my grasp. Without another second to go by, Calum runs into the condos.

“Calum!” I yell after him.

“I’ll get him, go get Anjelica. Everyone has to evacuate” Nick says and runs off before I could say anything. I stood there for a few seconds until my brain started functioning and I spun around on my heels, sprinting back up the stairs to our condo. I run through the front doors and stumble up the spiral stairs to Anjelicas room. The smoke has trailed into our condo now and it’s making the air stuffy.

“Anjelica!” I shout and shake her, but she doesn’t move. I panic and shake her harder, still nothing. I lean down and hear that she’s breathing slowly, like she does when she’s sleeping. “Anjelica get up!” I shouted. Darn advil sleeping pills. I attempt to lift her up, but my hurt elbow and weak self, I can’t move her. I cough a bit and try to take deep breaths. I could faintly hear my phone ring, but I didn’t bother to fetch it. I rolled up my sleeves and braced myself. You got this. I attempted to pull her off of her chair, but I stumbled backwards and fell, Anjelica flopping on top of me. “AH!”

Liams POV
“Good job boys, you can go now” Simon said, pleased with the cleaning we surely did in record time.

“Yes!! Thank you!” Niall kissed Simons cheek and ran out to the van. Simon chuckled and we all thanked him. We walk outside and Niall is already in the front seat, bouncing in anticipation to see his beloved.

“Excited?” Louis smirks and slides into the drivers seat. Niall hums in response, causing us to lightly laugh at him. It’s good that the little lad has a girlfriend, and a good one at that. I’ll admit, I wish that I had a girlfriend like Niall does. I would like Nikki to like me back, but I know that isn’t going to happen so I’m letting the feelings I have for her go. Being her best friend is good enough for me, really. I’m okay with it because it’s for the best that we’re friends, and I like just being friends.

“Seatbelts” I remind everyone as Louis pulls out of the driveway. Safety first.

“Sorry officer” Louis jokes, but puts on his seatbelt like a good boy. We talked and laughed on the way, but it subsided when we saw smoke emerging.

“Looks like a fire” Harry said to no one in particular. The closer we got to the Nikkis, the smoke increased. Oh no.

“Guys..” Niall said uneasily. I flipped out my phone and called Nikki, frantic with every ring sailing through my phone.

Hola! Bonjour! Aloha! Um, konichiwa? Haha, you’ve reach Ni-

“She didn’t pick up” I said just above a whisper when her voicemail greeted me. Everyone except Louis look at me, the panic evident on their faces.

“Louis” Niall said, his voice shrill.

“I’m on it” he said, stepping on the gas. We quickly pull into the parking lot, few people cowering in fear. The condos next to Nikkis had smoke rising from it, some visible flames licking at the side of the building. The fire alarm blared loudly, echoing in the open space. I let out a small sigh of relief, it wasn’t Nikki’s condo. But wait, where is she? Where’s Nick? Where’s Anjelica? We jumped out of the car and sprinted to Nikkis front door that was wide open. The smoke choked us up a bit as we breathed for air.

“Ah!” we heard Nikkis scream just as we made it to the front door. My heart stopped.

“Nikki!!” Harry yelled and we ran into the condo.

“Ah!” she screamed again, coming from upstairs. We ran up the spiral stairs, taking two steps at a time. We found Anjelica passed out on top of Nicole on the floor. My heart started beating again, relieved to see her alive.

“Guys!” she exclaimed, looking relieved. Niall reaches her first and picks up Anjelica bridal style. Anjelica was limp in his arms, her limbs and head hanging.

“‘Jelka!” he shouts her nickname and shook her. Harry and I go over to help Nikki.

“She’s out cold. Took advil sleeping pills” she said, coughing.

“Lets get out of here” Harry said, taking full control of her and picking her up bridal style. If this wasn’t an emergency, I’m sure Nikki would be blushing. We safely make it to the parking lot were Harry sets Nikki back on her feet. Niall kept Anjelica in his arms, rubbing his cheek against her forehead.

“Nick? Where’s Nick?” Zayn asked, frantically looking around. Nikkis face went pale and she turned rigid.

“Oh my gosh Nick” she whispered before bolting towards the burning condos.

“Nikki!” Louis shouts and picks her up from her waist.

“Nick!!” she screams, tears streaming down her face.

“What are you crazy!? You don’t run towards fire that’s dangerous!” Louis shouted, struggling to keep her back. Another set of sirens sounded nearby, most likely the fire department.

“Nick!!” She screams in agony and cries, thrashing in Louis arms.

“Nick? What about Nick!?!? Nikki where is Nick!?” Zayn asked, trying to look Nikki in the eyes.

“Nicks in there” she said, giving up. We all gasp and go cold. Louis let go of Nikki in shock and Niall almost dropped Anjelica in shock.

“WHAT!?!” Zayn yelled. “WHY!?!?!” He yells, full on hyperventilating. I fell my eyes blur and my heart clench. This can’t be happening, this isn’t true.

“Calum went back to go get his cat and Nick went after him..” she sadly explains through her sobs.

“That idiot!” Zayn cried out, tears welling up in his eyes.

“No..” Harry shakes his head, not wanting to believe what she said. Zayn took a step towards the burning building, but I grabbed his arm. I sadly shook my head and Zayns face crumbled. He looked so..broken. Broken beyond repair. I tried to hug him, but he moved away. Niall’s face turned bright red, he way it does before he cries. He buried his face in Anjelicas hair. Fire Trucks, police cars and ambulances pulled into the parking lot. We turned away from them, too upset to utter a word to them.

“Look!!!” A lady shouted and we turned around with heavy hearts. Firefighters sprayed water on the flames, nothing interesting to see there. But then, a figure was stumbling through the smoke. Nick stumbled into view, a boy slung over his right shoulder and a cat in his left arm. He was black from head to toe and coughing like crazy. He stumbled a few more steps before completely collapsing on the ground. The tears that welled in my eyes weren’t sad anymore, they were relieved. I whipped my eyes and shared a quick hug with Louis.

“Nick!!!” Zayn yelled and ran over to him, but only to have police officers hold him back. Nikki hugged Harry and sobbed into his shoulder. Niall cheered and hugged Anjelica closer to him while Louis and I ran over to Zayn. Paramedics swarmed around Nick, who coughed and moaned for people to go away.

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to move back. He’s seriously hurt” one of the officers said to Zayn.

“That’s my best friend!!!! I have to see him!!!” Zayn yelled, struggling to get past them.

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked, catching the arm of a female woman who was rushing back to the ambulance truck.

“He’s inhaled quite a bit of smoke and a few minor burns” she said, but didn’t answer my question.

“But is he going to be okay?” I asked worried.

“Yes” she said with a stern look and broke away from me and rushed back to the ambulance truck. Zayn broke past the officers and raced to Nicks body being strolled away on a stretcher. Zayn grabbed his hand and stared down at Nick, whose face was covered by an oxygen mask. Louis and I rushed over to his other side and sadly looked down at him.

“Don’t worry sir, he’ll be okay” A man told Zayn as we rushed to the ambulance.

“Nick, don’t you ever do that again!” Zayn yelled down at Nick.

“Only one person can ride in the back” another man said, stopping Louis and I. We nodded in understanding and watched Zayn climb in the back of the ambulance. We both stood there and watched the ambulance drive off with Nick and Zayn in the back. I just hope that Nicks okay.


Hey Hey!! The title is based on the song Burnin' up by the jonas brothers xD ah come on, you all know that you used to listen to them!
Anyway, thank you fro reading! I hope you liked this sudden dramatic filled chapter!! Crazy stuff man!!
It's funny because I promised myself that no one would go to the hospital in this book, but hen you're in a fire, you kind of need too xD so sorry if you're tired of books when people go to the hospital :/
I love you guys and I thank those who actually took my advice and decided to FINALLY vote!!






Bellaraelou111 Bellaraelou111

Argh cliffhanger dammit

nooooooooo I don't like nicole doubting her feelings, especially just after her and Harry's little date. I like her with harry best :(

daily5sos daily5sos

Plz update soon plz plz plz

Lollipop2644 Lollipop2644