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The Lying Game



~"Alex?!" I yelled as I rushed into his room. He wasn't answering his phone which is weird so I got worried about him. He had just broken up with me because he 'wanted to see other people'. We were each other's only boyfriend/girlfriend and I'm guessing it must've been hard on him.

"Angela, I....I didn't know what to do? He just made me kill him." Niall said. I crouched down next to Alex and tried to wake him up. "He told me to kill him."

"It's all your fault that he's dead!" I sobbed really hard as the paramedics and police officers burst through the door. They arrested Niall and one of the officers tried to move me from Alex but I wouldn't budge. "Alex! Wake up!"

The police officer guided me out of the room and everyone in the dorm hall looked at me as they escorted me down the hall to calm myself. ~

*Buzz buzz buzz*

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing in my ear and slammed it off. I got out of bed grabbed my bathroom essentials before I went down the hall to the bathroom. I quickly went inside just as this girl was about go in.

I locked the door and stood in front of the sink. I haven't been right since that day and I think Shay understands that. I don't wear my usual brightly colored clothes anymore, instead I wear dark colored clothing.

"Angela, get your slow ass out of the bathroom." Andy, Shay's younger sister, yelled. I got out the bathroom and went back to my room.

Shay was getting dressed and I closed the door. I set my stuff down on the dresser and took out some dark clothes. She looked at me curiously and sighed.

"You can't be depressed forever, Ange. You're an angel, you should be sad and dark." She said. I sighed and thought she was right. I grabbed some warm clothes and changed into them. I grabbed my bag and looked at her.

"Better?" She nodded. We walked out the door and left our dorm building. Maybe it's time for me to move on.

We were walking towards the cafe when I saw the football jocks doing their daily morning run. We past them and they all whistled at us.

"Douchebags!" Shay yelled at them. We entered the cafe and when up to the counter when I saw a black car drive past the cafe. We looked at Joe (the guy who runs the cafe) and he smiled at us.

"What will it be today girls?" He asked his usually grumpy self. We ordered the usual and he went to prepare them.

"Angela, look." We looked at the TV in the corner of the ceiling and this woman was talking about Niall.

"Today, Niall Horan will be released from prison. He was arrested for the murder of his roommate, Alexander Woods, and was the only lead in the case. He will be going back to Easthill and to continue his education." The reporter said. I looked at the TV angrily and felt my blood began to boil.

"He can't come back he just can't!" I shouted at her. Joe came back with our food and I paid for it. "Can we eat in the dorm today?"

Shay nodded and he handed us out food and we took it back to my dorm. Today, I'm just not in the mood to sit here and eat my food. Especially, when my ex-boyfriend's killer is coming back to school.

We got to my dorm and quickly went to our room. We sat down in front of the TV and began eating our food.

"What are you going to do?" She asked taking a big bite out of her breakfast burrito.

"I'm going to Dean Rogers about this." I said getting ready to walk out when she stopped me.

"Can't we have class." I sighed before grabbing my things and leaving. This should be a rather interesting dad for myself. We began walking to class when cop cars and a black car pulled up in front of the Dean's building.

Niall got out of the car and adjusted his backpack over his shoulder. His dress appeal was really different and he had his hair styled differently.

He began walking towards the Dean's office when his eyes caught mine. A grin slowly spread across his face and he winked at me causing me to roll my eyes in disgust.

"We've got to go." Shay said yanking on my arm. We walked to class and took our seats. I took out my materials out my bag and waited for class to begin.

"Hey, Angela! Angela?!" Louis Tomlinson whispered. He's the star of our football team and a totally flirt. His goons, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik are trying to fight for his affection which is sad.


"Hi." He waved. I rolled my eyes and turned around when Professor Stevens came in struggling to care his papers. He fell to the floor and the papers went everywhere.

I immediately went down there to help him when I got ignorant remarks from my peers. I collected all the papers for him and stacked them neatly on his desk before helping me up.

"Thank you, Miss Moore. It's still good to know there's at least one good student." He said glaring at the students who were laughing at her. I went to my desk and sat down.

"Teacher's pet." Liam said. I turned around and looked at him. I glared at him and smiled wickedly.

"Aw, you're just mad Liam that I turned you down because what I saw wasn't all that....impressive." I snapped back. I turned back around in my seat when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back." Professor Stevens walked over to the door and let whoever was on the other side in. Niall came into the classroom with the Dean and he looked at all of us.

"Students, Dean Rogers would like to have a word with you. Dean."

"Yes, thank you Tom. As you all know we lost a much respected student last year..."

"To that cocksucker." Some guy said. I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous word choice.

"...but we will move on a day at time. Now, Mr. Horan has spent his time in jail for what he did and he's going to be coming back to finish his education. Does anyone have a problem with that?"

"Yes, Dean Rogers, I have a problem with that! This boy killed my boyfriend and I don't trust him! How am I supposed to go to the same school as him?!" I said raising my tone a bit. I picked my stuff up when Shay stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere from that....guy. Sorry Professor Rogers.....can you just email me the lesson. Thank you." I walked past the Dean and Niall and I went some place far away from him.

"Angela!" His deep voice shouted piercing my ears with displeasure. I continued walking when he came up to me. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Because your killed Alex."

"I didn't kill him." He said grabbing my arm. I looked at him shocked and he let go of me. "Sorry. I didn't kill him though...but I know who did."

"Just purely out of curiosity because I don't care...who killed Alex?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" He walked away and I was left there stunned and confused. Did he just tell me he knows who killed Alex but doesn't tell me who? Am I that much of an intellectual superior to my fellow peers?

It was lunch time and I didn't want to leave my room. I don't want that killer in my school for my...safety! There was a knock on my door and I groaned before getting off the bed. I opened the door to see Zoe Brown standing there.

"Hi, Zoe. What's up?"

"I just wanted to check on you. You looked pretty upset when you left and why wouldn't you be? I would. If it makes you feel any better no one likes him so he's going to be alone." She said.

"That doesn't make me feel better. Knowing that the guy...who shot the love of my life is free to do it again...makes me sick to my stomach." I replied. She nodded and I closed the door on her. I need to relax.

I changed into my bikini and grabbed a towel along with my duffel bag. Maybe a good swim would ease my mind.

I got to the school pool and set my stuff down against the wall. I took off my shoes and shorts before climbing into the water.

I began doing laps to take my mind off of....things. Today has been a stressful day and I need to just relax before I snap.

~"Miss Moore, can you tell me what you were doing at Mister Woods's dorm room at that time?" The detective asked me. They took me to the police station because they wanted to know what I knew. "Miss Moore?"

"He just had recently broken up with me and I wanted to see how he was doing because we were each other's first relationship. So, when I tried calling him he wasn't answering, which got me worried because he always answers his phone. So, I went to his dorm when I heard a gunshot come from his floor. So, I ran up to his room to see if it was his room when I saw Niall holding the gun and Alex on the ground."

"What happened after that, Miss Moore?"

Tears flowed down my face as I really didn't want to remember what I saw after I entered that room. I cleared my throat and looked at the detective.

"Sorry. Niall said that it was Alex that made him do it and that it wasn't his fault. I put Alex on my lap and started panicking because I didn't want him to die." I said wiping my face.

"Why didn't you call the police?"

"I left my phone at my dorm after called him and he'd didn't respond. That's when I went over to his dorm to see if he was okay." I said. He thanked me and said I could go. I left the police station like a ghost and headed back to school. ~

"Angela?" I heard someone say. I resurfaced when I saw someone standing there. I wiped my eyes thoroughly and looked up to see Harry standing there.

"Hey, Harry. What's up?" I asked climbing out the pool. I walked over to my bag and wrapped my towel around my waist.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the homecoming game/dance with me on Friday."

"Sure, Harry. I don't see why not. Help me get my mind off things." He nodded and left with a smile. I went over to the girls' change room and turned on the shower. I took off my bathing suit and climbed into the shower.

~I was walking to Alex's dorm when I saw him sitting outside his dorm with friends talking. I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"Hey babe." He kissed my cheek awkwardly and I looked at him. What's his problem? "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you that's all." This girl came up to us and kissed Alex on the lips. I pushed her off him and she glared at me. "Excuse me?! That's my boyfriend!"

"No, he's not. He told me that you were just some girl he felt sorry for and wanted to break up with for a while but couldn't until he had sex with you. But, he couldn't so he's going to have sex with me instead." She smirked. I looked at him angrily and felt my blood begin to boil.

"What is she talking about?"

"Babe, it's not what it look likes. I wasn't going to actually cheat on you. I just think we need to see other people just to try new things." He touched my arm but I pushed him away.

"Don't touch me...you ass! After I was considering letting me first time be with you I'm glad I didn't because it would be a mistake. You think I fucking need you! I can't get any guy I want." I said. I walked over to his friend, Niall and forced him up.

I kissed him on the lips and began making out with him right in front of Alex. I pulled away from him and looked at Alex.

"As for you." I walked over to the girl and punched her across the face knocking her out. I walked away and left with tears flowing down my face. ~

I heard a clashing noise causing me snap out of my thoughts. "Hello?" Silence. I heard choking noise and got out of the shower. I got dressed quickly and looked around the change room to Lily Ashore hanging on the ceiling with a wire wrapped around her throat.

"Ah!" I ran out of there and rushed to find a teacher. I found one and stopped her. "This girl just killed herself in the girls' change room!"

A group of students gathered around us and watched nervously. The teacher ran over to the pool area and myself and those students followed her. We walked in and saw her hanging there.

Some students screamed in horror and cried a bit. The teacher called the police and told me to go get Dean Rogers. Why would she hang herself like that?


New story hope you enjoy it!
;) <3


@Faith Baltzell
Soon...really soon. :)

This is really good!!! Will you update soon?:)