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Endless Desire

Chapter 1

I hear the annoying and irritatingly loud noise of my alarm clock as i wake up in the morning. Fudge balls (excuse my language).
I almost forgot that i had school today *sigh*.
Well at least i get to see all of my band mates!
I get outta bed with a smile and pick out my outfit.
Skinny white flared slacks with a snapback that said “live 4eva” and my favourite fake silver chain. oh yeah. and a plain grey top.
I hop into my car and swing past starbucks on the way past to get coffee! As I order two toffee nut lattes for maggie (my girlfriend) and myself something catches my eye. For a fleeting moment i think i’m seeing things but then i blink and it’s still there. She’s still there. The woman with Grey/Silver Hair. Wow she has curves in all the right places. I rub my eyes and turn back towards the cashier to see my drinks have been made. I quickly thank him and take the drinks before rushing out the door feeling guilty.
*At School*
I see a slim, brunette opening her locker and immediately know its my beautiful girlfriend Maggie.
I Run up to her and give her a passionate kiss on the cheek.
“Hey baby cakes!”
“Omg baby I’ve missed you! How have you been?!” she asks
“great! even better now that I’ve seen you”
I give her the starbucks drink and we make casual banter until we decide to make our way to music class early….


Hey guys! New story up! i know its a bit different but i would really appreciate it if you all checked it out!

Tasha Spork-Smith


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