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End of the world

chapter 46

Louis p.o.v
I woke up and looked around the room everyone was sleeping wait how long was I out? The room was dark so its defiantly night, I still feel really tired and weak, wait what actually happened? I can’t actually remember what happened I remember going to the medical building and that’s it I can’t actually remember what went on in the appointment.
I stood up and started to make my way to the kitchen, but I tried over someone, I tried to make the silhouette out, it was Harry I heard a lot of people groaning because I made a loud thump on the floor and I said ow, one of the lights were switched on and I had to cover my eyes because of how bright it was.
“LOUIS YOUR UP” Liam said excitedly.
“yes I am but be quiet my head hurts.” I said realising the sudden pains in my head.
“do you remember what happened?” Zayn said.
“I remember us going to the medical centre and that’s all I remember I can’t remember what went on in the appointment, but why do I feel so tired and wak.” I said.
“lou the doctors tried to take all of your blood.” Harry said.
“wait why did they try to take all of my blood?” I said confused.
“the cure is your blood so they wanted all of your blood to cure everyone.” Zayn said.
“yeah you probably would have if Zayn wasn’t there.” Liam said.
“thanks Zayn, wait is that why he told you to go out the room, that’s the last thing I remember.” I said.
“yeah, but I heard you yelling but I ended up fighting a doctor.” Zayn said.
“wait you had a fight with him.” I said.
“yeah and we could have both been dead if it wasn’t for a needle I found.” Zayn said.
“wait you almost died?” I said.
“yeah he strangled me just after you passed out.” Zayn said.
“I told you something bad was going to happen, but no you guys wouldn’t believe me.” I said.
“fine you were right, but don’t tell Em about this since she isn’t strong enough to look after herself and we think that people are going to come after you.” Harry said.
“wait so now people are going to come after me.” I said.
“yeah and why are you still sitting on the floor with your legs over my side?” Harry said.
“because I didn’t see you and I fell and unlike you I have had lots of blood taken and I’m weaker and tired so I’m not getting up.” I said.
“move.” Harry said trying to get me off but I kept my legs in place.
“no.” I said.
“stop digging your heal into my ribs.” Harry said.
“nope.” I said and he threw my legs off of him and I got up but I wobbled a bit and I balanced myself on the side of the settee.
“I can see what you mean by weak.” Liam said.
“ok yeah we get it I can barely stand and I’m weak so stop repeating it.” I said agitated.
“ok everyone it’s late we should go to bed and talk about it in the morning.” Liam said and everyone started to walk upstairs but Liam was standing next to me at the bottom of the stairs.
“are you ok to walk upstairs.” Liam said.
“yeah of course I am.” I said.
“don’t lie.” Liam said.
“fine I might be able to get up one set of stairs but not the other.” I said.
“I’ll help you up the first set.” Liam said and he helped me gain my balance and walk up the stairs.
“are you ok.” Liam said.
“yeah it will pass I will be fine tomorrow.” I said and walked up to my room and lay down in bed, but I felt an empty space, Em she wasn’t here and I missed that. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up and walked down the stairs like a normal day and saw everyone sitting around a table eating, but something was wrong and didn’t feel right I talked to the boys for a little while and then I told them I was going to see Em and I made my way out of the house but when I got outside there was no one around it was a ghost town literally and I made my way to the hospital and again it was empty apart from one room that had a light on, it was quite dark in here there were no lights one and It was silent. I made my way closer and closer to the room and looked in it and Em was lying there asleep and I took my usual place next to her bed and held her hand and she smiled at me, but her smile soon faded and she told me to run and get out of here, she told me she would explain later. I ran down the hallways and skidding when every time I tried to stop and I was surrounded by a few people.
“don’t try to run.” One of them said.
“why shouldn’t I” I said.
“because we will always find you and hunt you down so you may as well come now.” The same one said.
“I don’t care.” I said and I ran the opposite way, but I stopped when I ran into them and I fell to the ground the guy was way bigger than me and he grabbed me.
“let go of me.” I said struggling to get out of his grip.
“no.” the man said I constantly struggled to get out until I had no strength left.
*end of dream*
I woke up dripping of sweat and the boys surrounded me.
“are you ok?” Liam said.
“just a bad dream.” I said.
“are you sure.” Niall said.
“yeah.” I said.
“tell us your dream because the last time you told me your dream it happened.” Zayn said and I explained my dream to them.
“ok you’re not going anywhere by yourself.” Liam said.
“why not.” I said.
“because if your last dream was true what’s telling us that this dream won’t be true.” Liam said.
“fine well someone come to the hospital with me.” I said slightly annoyed.
“you’re not going to the hospital Lou.” Harry said.
“why not my girlfriend just had surgery and she is in recovery she must be bored to death come on just let me see her.” I said.
“no because if your dream was true then you’re not going to the hospital.” Liam said.
“fine fuck you.” I said and walked into the bathroom.
“don’t worry lou we will take a laptop and you can Skype her, we will tell her that you aren’t allowed to leave the house since you had blood taken and anything could happen for 42 hours.” Liam said.
“fine now leave my room.” I said and I heard their footsteps getting fainter until they disappeared and I opened the bathroom door threw some different clothes on and opened my window and looked down.
“I can easily get down from here.” I said to myself.


i didn't know that i must have skipped the number out i tend to have a habit of forgetting which chapter i write and then when i put what chapter number it is i either skip one or something
Did you know there isn't a chapter 32 I know it's not important but I just thought I would share that with you
awesome i went shopping on monday and i bought myself like the cutest make up bag ever its quite small for my bag and its white with black poka dots on it with a black bow on the front which has a strip of white on the wings of the bow it's so cute just thought i'd share that it was 3 pound from primemark which isn't bad and it has two compartments and i got myself a burgundy beanie which was 5 pound from newlook and i got myself a eyeliner and concealer so yeah i went shopping and had a starbucks and that haha and i have just been watching lots of videos on youtube a mix between one direction marcus butler, zoella, pointlessblog (alfie) and so on and those three also went to the premier yesterday and zoella she got to interview the boys so i'm jelous of her haha
I've been inside since Monday too all I've done is read fan-fics and right now I'm trying to finish chapter 5 of my fan-fic called my side of the necklace
I've been inside since Monday too all I've done is read fan-fics and right now I'm trying to finish chapter 5 of my fan-fic called my side of the necklace