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Coming Home


"Good morning," whether it's a good morning is a matter of opinion.

"Sure," I mumble, trying not to notice Louis' curious eyes, or the way I know he wants to ask me questions that I just don't have the energy to answer.

"Okay, not a good morning then." I look up and shrug.

"Is Benny still mad," Louis tuts, in a patronizing tone that makes me want to chuck my coffee on him and laugh as he squirms on the ground.

"We are not staying there for two weeks! Are you out of your fucking mind?" Yes. Ben shouldn't have to ask to know that.

"Ben it's only two weeks. We can come and go as we please and it all ends when you want it to. No questions asked."

"Then it ends now!" Ben shouts.

"We have to try first,Ben," I say in a softer voice, trying to calm him down in some measly way.

"No we don't! You don't owe them shit!"

"I already said I would."

Ben spins and narrows his eyes. His fists are clenched and his eyes are dark and mean. "Without talking to me first?! What the fuck! After everything I've done?!"

"Ben I--"

"You're stupid! You're completely stupid and-- you know what? Go! Get the fuck out and go!"

I had cried all the way to Louis'. Hid out by a tree and cried for another hour before I waited thirty minuets for my face and eyes to de-puff. Louis opened the door, but didn't question it. He gave me a small hug and then handed me a key.

Ben walked out and told me to leave before he got home. It's been a day and Ben won't answer my calls or my texts. Jesse says to try and understand him. That he'll try and talk to him when he gets a chance.

I'm just happy Jesse isn't mad. That I still have one person around me. Who doesn't hate me and thinks I'm stupid.

"Okay, it's my turn first," Louis grins sitting down and taking my mug from me. I'm so used to this Louis, been through it so much I don't even flinch when he takes a sip.

"I feel like a kid from a divorced marriage."

"Daddy's first then," Louis squeaks and grins.

"Oh my God."

"We're going to an amusement park," Louis beams, raising his hand for a high five.

I cringe back and frown, "that's something you're supposed to do with El." It's something I really don't want to do. I don't want to face people, or have people, who obviously know who Louis is eye us the whole time. I also don't do well with roller coasters. The fuck would I submit myself to such humiliation.

"She's going to see your owner," I roll my eyes, but my ears perk. Maybe she can calm Ben enough to answer my calls. "Let's see if she can help him out with his PMS."

"Shut up," I sigh.

"I do have one request," Louis bends down and picks up a bag from the floor and okay. I don't remember that being there. He holds the paper bag out and bites his bottom lip smiling.

"For me?"

"For you." He nods and begins to bounce in his seat. I knew I should have said no gifts. Except I don't think this is a gift. Something this embarrassing should be forced upon someone as a punishment.

"You're kidding," he must be if thinks I'll wear this out of the house.

"It's perfect! Very in."

"Where?! Mars?" It's a black T-shirt with Louis' face dead center. It has 'Team Louis' in big red letters on top and bottom of the head. It's equivalent to having a zit on picture day. "No." I shake my head completely serious. "Hell to the fucking no."

"Deal was you spend two weeks with us. We pick what we do and how we do it."

"I didn't agree to let you dress me! Or humiliate me! I'm not wearing this, Louis."

Louis shrugs carelessly and leans back, my mug steaming and still in his evil hands. "Let's see you find another shirt." That's all I need as incentive to run to my room. With a thumping heart and shaking hands I bend down and grab my suit case. I decided I wouldn't unpack. I don't know how these two weeks will end.

"What the-- Louis!" Little shit. There are only pants and bottoms. Bras and sleeping vest. There's not one fucking shirt, or sweatshirts. Hoodies and coats are all gone. "You shit! Where's my clothes?!"

Louis strolls inside, smug and smirking. "They will be returned when you unpack and after we get back from my day. Should have read the fine print..."

"I didn't sign anything! Louis, give me my shirts back." Louis shakes his head and walks towards the doors.

"Where the shirt I chose or wear the one you have now and wear it for the next two weeks. Your choice Presley." Louis saunters out, whistling.

Reality speaking I could wear the shirt I have for the next two weeks. It's a T-shirt. Not that likely to get too fucked. Then again, I could also steal Eleanor's shirts...but I'm pretty sure she's in on this twisted game. She'll probably be hiding her shit too.

My stomach sinks as I walk back out.

Louis wags his eyebrows at me and smiles.

"If I wear this, I get all my clothes back?"

"You also have to unpack."

"What? Why? I'll be out of here in two weeks."

Louis shrugs and says, "doesn't matter. I want your shit unpacked." He gives me his most serious face, and stares. "You'll need clothes for Harry's days."


I don't know why that is so important to him. It's just clothes. Yes, I've decided not to unpack. It's just easier for me. It means less, and it reminds me I'm only here for a while. Unpacking is like making this sick game real and different.

I'm not too fond of different. Not very good with change, either.

I'm not ready to question Louis. I'm not prepared for the talk we're bound to have if I keep defying his rules.

"Alright! Okay, fine." I walk over and pick up the hideous shirt from the counter. I'll have to learn how not to be girl soon.

"Always knew you were smart." Louis chuckles.



"Fuck," this colorful place is huge. Rides scattered everywhere. Food close together and games all side by side. I'm literally pushing my inner five year old down. With a shovel. And cement. I'm hoping no one will recognize Louis and notice the two big men behind us.

I'm also hoping for free hamburgers and the end to world hunger. That's more likely to happen before being inconspicuous does.

"Knew you'd love it," Louis used to know a lot about me. Used to. "You're the best dressed here."

"I'm hideous." I groan.

It had been a battle getting dressed. My jeans are alway a challenge on their own. But the shirt-- the fucking shirt was a bit big. And Louis is probably the only human being on the planet, daft enough to not be able to fold sleeves evenly. Then there was forcing Louis into giving me at least one of my jackets back.

In the end I had to promise not to zip it up, and to take it off for at least five minuets. I also had to agree to taking unlimited selfies...I just won't smile.

So far six girls have agreed with my shirt. Two scoffed and declared Zayn king. The rest said they were equal. Luckily all Louis received was suspicious glances and lingering looks.

"Your shirt is perfect. The rest is all on you."

"You're going to die." I decide. Maybe I'll unbuckle his safety belt.

"Oh shut up," Louis whined grabbing my wrist and running off as I followed like a loser. "I have no celebrity status here so we have to wait in line and I don't want to be last because you can't stop talking." That's a relief. Wandering eyes will happen anywhere with anyone. But being left alone is a miracle.

We stopped at a ride called the "Twist and Hurl". Just the name was awful. "I'm not getting on that," I try to pull free, trying not to get noticed or cause a scene. I was never very good with any sort of twist or upside down ride. My stomach doesn't agree with them. "I'll wait out here."

"S'my day," Louis demanded. "You have to get on. It's the rules."

"The shirt was punishment enough." I remind.

"Presley, I'll carry you on." It's the sheer fact that I know he means it that forces me to stop and sigh. I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "You'll love it." Louis grins and moves forward. He pulls out his phone and begins flinging it around, no doubt snapping photos and embarrassing selfies.

Louis is an idiot. The proof was in the shirt and his ability to be wrong.

I didn't love it. Didn't like either.

It began slowly and after five fucking seconds took off like a bullet aimed at someone's chest. It went up and then twisted. We were upside down for a few hours (okay seconds whatever) and then went straight down.

I felt everything I ate, including last years meals rattle and roll.

It didn't stop there. No. He then forced us on another roller coaster, with a plunge of doom. After was the 'Spinning Death.' Followed by the 'Zipper.'

Then came the infamous log ride, the swings and the fairs wheel.

I won't even bring up the games. Louis was adamant about winning a giant panda and fifty dollars, a few annoyed glares and various mumbles later he walked away with Nevel.

"That was great," Louis cheers. Of course Louis thought it was great. "Look at this picture! Definitely going on Instagram."

And I may cry. He bought the picture because it was cute. It was a lot of words. Cute just wasn't one of them. Not when Louis is beaming, with eyes closed, and my head is shoved against his shoulder as my hair looks possessed and I cling, pathetically to his arm.

"I hate you on so many levels."

Louis shrugged and dropped the picture back into it's paper holder, squeezing his abnormally sized panda. "Let's eat. M'hungry."

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" Louis asks, sipping at his drink in between. "Any fun adventures."

Well, if by adventures he means severely drinking, ruining my credit, and being a pathetic shadow of human. Then yes. I did have a few adventures. I had so many I have to take a pill to fix my liver from all the fun it had.

I shrug and keep my eyes on my souvenir cup. Bless Louis for buying me a cup in the shape of a bear.

"You stopped calling six months into the year. That means you had to have done something in the months left." At least he knew I tried.

"I worked and travelled...?"

Not a total lie. Not the whole truth.

"You sound unsure," Louis accuses. "Where did you go?"

"Everywhere," everywhere I thought Harry would be. LA, New York, here. "Thought I could, I don't know, find myself." I still haven't been able to do that. I'm still crazy. I still don't know who I am.

"How did you and Ben get so close?" I knew this question was coming. I don't understand his fascination with my friendship with Ben. He was there and they weren't. He helped me, he picked me up off the bathroom floor. He took me to get my stomach pumped.

It was just that simple.

"We bonded I guess. Over work and stuff."

"Yeah, you bonded real good alright."

"What's that supposed to mean?" It's quiet on both sides, and it has my stomach twisting. I know when Louis feels like he's in a hard situation, that it'll take him a while to speak. Because he wants to make sure he's said everything. And sometimes he wants to make sure 'everything' hurts .

"He's changed you," Louis mutters. "Always decides for you. All cocky, thinking he knows best."

I want to say 'Ben didn't change me. Your choices did.' I want Louis and Harry to take responsibility for what happened. I want them to stop blaming Ben. They don't know the extent of what Ben has done for me. Don't know the magnitude.

"He's my best friend Louis." I stop myself from flinching at Louis' wince. I keep my hands down, even though I want to place one on top of his.

"I guess everything really is different." Louis utters sadly and flat.

"That happens when you walk out."


I'm Niall af.


Favorite story! I cried so much!!


You're Actually my favorite little angel that Ive ever met. And I could NEVER forget your latte!!! Xx

Noooooo ;) (:

You're just the cutest lil thing Xx

;) heyyyy