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Train Tracks

Chapter 1

The rain was falling heavily as the winter temperature dropped. I got into the train station and took off my rain coat, shedding the extra layer. Walking up to the office, I noticed that there were more people than I had anticipated heading to D.C. The train would definitely be crowded toady, so I patiently waited my turn and sipped on my coffee. As I got to the front of the line, I saw Leonardo, one of the conductors, speaking to the attendant behind the window.

“Hey, Leo!” I smiled, granting him a small wave. His wrinkled face smiled and waved back as he continued talking to the attendant.

“You must be a regular here I suppose.” A voice said from behind her. She turned around to see a woman about age thirty with a baby on her hip and holding a little boy’s hand.

“Uh, yeah. Every weekend. Plus, Leo is a friend of my father’s. Are you going back home after the holidays?” I asked, waving to the baby. She smiled.

“Yeah, going back home to daddy, right Sean?” She asked. The little boy coyly smiled and hid behind his mother’s leg. I smiled and moved forward, bumping into someone.

“Oh, sorry.” I apologized. The man smiled and continued walking to the back of the line.

“Anice, be sure to take care of this girl right here.” Leo said to the attendant. She nodded her head and took my ticket order, making sure everything else was in place. Me being the cautious person I am, I always double check everything.

“Okay Mrs. Carter, everything looks to be in check, we will be boarding the train shortly so you can just grab a seat.” Anice said. I thanked her and looked around for a seat. Seeing as none of them were free, I chose to stand against one of the metal columns. Scrolling through my phone, I noticed an irregular transaction in my bank account. Looking further, I noticed this had been going on for days! I immediately put on my jacket and went outside, calling my bank to lock my credit card.

“So, you are sure you didn’t make these transactions? They all seem perfectly normal.” The man over the phone said. I huffed in frustration.

“Yes, I am positive. I would never buy that much lawn furniture. I only have a tiny balcony!” I countered. I looked back to see everyone gone from the lobby.

“Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to go. Can you just, just lock my card until further notice?” I begged, dragging my suitcase inside.

“Yes m’am. Please contact us within three days time or we will have to unlock it.” He stated. I thanked him and hung up, making my way outside only to see the last people boarding my car.

“Ah, just in time. It looks like you have some snow in your hood.” Anice said, dabbing my coat. I smiled, trying not to show my agitation. I gave her my ticket and went up the narrow stairs, looking at all the people crammed into their seats. I slowly made my way to my usual seat in the middle, passing by the woman I met in line and nodding to her. I saw someone sitting in my seat and I cleared my throat. Nothing changed. Clearing it again, I noticed the man had earphones in. I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked over to me with sunglasses on.

“Uhm, I’m sorry, but you’re in my seat. Maybe there was a mix up or something.” I mumbled towards the end. He sat up straight and took out both earbuds. His curly hair was pushed back by a head-band and his trench coat covered his lap.

“I have seat 33G, but I much prefer windows. Do you mind if we switch?” He asked. His British accent took me by surprise.

“Uhm, yeah, sure. That’s fine.” I murmured. He smiled, muttering a ‘great’ and turning back to the window. First my credit card, now my lucky seat? This is going to be one hell of a train ride.


What do you think of the character choices? I'm really excited to share this story!


I love this already!

Fangirl444 Fangirl444