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8 walking into the unknown

December 20, 2017

Day 709. Our escape isn't as relevant as you would think. Sure, escaping the cell was important, but not as important as finding our families and trying not to kill Harry along the way.

Harry is still mad at me for some unknown reason. I don't understand what suddenly got into him. I know he's upset about all of this, but he doesn't have to take it all out on me. I know I have to be patient with him, though. He's been through just as much as I have; if not more.

I closed my journal just as Harry announced we were leaving. He gave me a glare as he walked past me to grab his knapsack, and I managed not to make a face at him behind his back.

Harry had made Niall some makeshift crutches from two tree branches. It probably wasn't too comfortable, but it would do. I could tell Niall was grateful for them, though.

"We'd better get a move on before the sun gets too high in the sky." Harry continued to tell us. I rolled my eyes, swinging Niall's backpack onto my shoulder. I had volunteered to carry it for him since he was occupied with the crutches.

"Chill out, Styles. We have plenty of daylight." I brushed past him on my way to the cave's entrance. I sighed heavily, looking out at the misty forest. If we were just out here to hike or something, I would think it was a beautiful place, but I knew there were hidden dangers inside of it. Who knew what could be out there?

Niall hobbled up behind me. "Ready to go?" He asked me, his Irish accent thick and seemingly happy. I nodded, adjusting the bag on my shoulder. "Let's go." I stepped out of the cave, not even waiting to see if Harry was following.

"So," Niall said, catching up to me. "How long were you in that camp for?"

I gave him a surprised look, not expecting his sudden question.

"Oh, I mean if you don't want to talk about it that's fine—”

"No, it’s okay," I interrupted with a slight chuckle. "I was in there for two years. How about you?"

"Three months. Louis and I were captured together," he said, frowning worriedly.

"I hope we find him soon."

"Me too." Niall looked thoughtful. "He's a good friend. I really owe him a lot."

I smiled. I couldn't remember the last time I had been that close to someone; besides my mum. She had been my best friend.

"I owe you, too," Niall continued. He stopped walking. "Thanks for saving me yesterday. Why did you do it? You could have just left me there. For all you knew, I was a soldier.”

I shrugged, smirking. "I thought we could hold you hostage and get information from you, to be honest," I admitted.

Niall cracked a smile, the skin by his eyes crinkling. "Well, I'm sorry I wasn't of much help."

I laughed, and then a sound came from the trail behind us, followed by Harry emerging from the mist.

"Look who decided to join the party," I said sarcastically.

Harry gave me a look, walking past me. "Can I see your knife, Niall?" He asked the blonde, turning his back deliberately to me.

Niall nodded, wincing as he leaned on one of his crutches and fishing his long hunting knife from his pocket, handing it to Harry. He pulled a thin, lithe branch from behind him and began to whittle it. "Well, let's get going," Harry said, grumpily brushing past us to lead the way.

I rolled my eyes at him, making Niall laugh at our exchsnge and then followed Harry down the path.

"You should talk to him," Niall whispered in my ear. "He's obviously upset by something."

I started to say no, but Niall quickly pushed me towards Harry, not waiting for my reply. I glared back at him, but he only gave me a thumbs-up. It was times like those that I nearly forgot what situation we were in. Niall really was a godsend.

"What do you want?" Harry spoke like the words were vile tasting in his mouth. Fuck, he could act so childish sometimes.

"I wanted to ask you why you're being so bitchy,” I said. He never took his eyes off the stick he was whittling.

"I'm not acting bitchy, Hanover. I'm just . . . tired is all," he said the last part quieter. It was the most sensible thing he'd said all day.

"Did you sleep last night?" I asked. I was concerned for him; how could I not be? Harry was one of the only people I had right then. We needed to look out for each other, no matter how mad we were.

Harry hesitated, and then finally shook his head slowly. "I couldn't sleep knowing they're out there somewhere, waiting for me to come back."

I cocked my head to one side, all the former anger falling away. I wasn't mad anymore. How could I be when I knew he was just putting up a facade to cover up his real feelings.
I knew he was talking about his family but I wanted to know more if it would help him feel better. "What happened to—”

"Louis?!" I was interrupted by Niall's hopeful but guarded voice.

Harry and I looked in the direction he had called in, each of us pulling out a weapon, and watched as a figure slowly emerged from the mist.


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Yay!!! (: xx

Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913

@Mrs. Styles1913

omg thank you :) and i definitely will x


Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913