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Why Should I Love You?

Chapter 1

Note; I am swedish and not very good att grammar, so plz forgive me and correct it in youre head or something, xoxo Love NancyNinja

Nannas POV:


I thought i was going to die. The hangover had turned on and it felt like a hammer was batterred my brain. I did'nt remember anything. How did i end up in my bed anyway? Did someone carried me here? I sighed and made a valiant attempt to sit up.I failed. I threw back my head and tried not to pass out again. I checked my phone, 3:28 am!? A weird sound from the back of my throat made me laugh and then i cried out in pain. My head was protesting against all the alcohol from last night.What was i thinking!?
Well two days ago my absolutly doughbag-boyfriend, broke up without any explenation!! He just leaved a mail that told me that he needed time to "think over his life"! I mean,a MAIL! We were PERFECT together!! But i guess i was wrong. In the mail he wrote about MY living situation, like that had ANYTHING to do with the fact that he broked up with me. Well, a week ago i got a job-offer in New York i took it at the moment they called and I was SO excited! But just when i had packed all my bags and was ready to leave, they called again and said that it was a misstake, "they thought i was someone else"(!!) In pure desperation I "moved" into my fathers summerhouse in LA. Well, he does not reeeeally know that i live here. He thinks that i am in New York, hardworking! My dad is a millionare, so i have allways been treated the best, but when i turned 18 he dicided that i was big enough to earn my own money. So he kicked me out. Now i have broken in to his house in Beverlly Hills and he is happily unaware of that. I forsed my self to sit up and swing my legs out of the bed. My clothes were everywere and i had to wrestle thru to reach the kitchen. I called a nearby pizzeria and orded. I dragged myself out on the balcony and enjoyed the view. Something ruined my beloving view. "You are kidding right?", i sighed. A big poster was placed just infront of my house. It was a poster of five boys standing posing and "having a laugh". I wanted to throw up. Everywere i went these five annoying,Brittish boys seemed to popp up. Ones, only ones, i googled them. I dont call that music. All my friends are SO into them, i dont get it!! They are a product, putted together by management. I sighed LOUD and went back in. Yes some people saw me as a bitch. But a promise, i am nice when you get to know me. The pizza-man delivered late, as always and I did'nt complane. I raned around in the big house, ate pizza and listened to loud music. I felt great...until my phone started to buzzing. I ignored it at first. I cant be Felicity, couse i bet she is having a worse hangover than me. My curiosity took over and i turned of the music to answer. It was'nt Felicity, my superduper awsomest best friend EVER! No, it was my dad. When i read the name i almost dropped the phone. My hands were sweaty when i answered."Hello,dad! How you doin'?? I am fine yes everything is great here in New York. How is it in LA?" it bubbled out of my mouth. I slapped my self on the forehead and bit my lip in pure frustration. I am so stupid. "Hi, sweetheart! Is something going on?" he replied. "No. Nothing. At. All." i choppy stammered. "Ok,great... I just wanted yo check if you are in New York" He really emphasizen "are". "Yes, what do you think? That i am still in La? Thats weird, i mean were shuold i live? I sold my old apartment" i stupidly giggled. " Well i just wanted to check, bye cutiepie! And take care!"he ended our conversation. I wonder why he called now. I have supposed to been in New York for a couple of days now. Well i did'nt think any more of that and turned the music on again. I ate up the rest of my pizza and did small "happy-jumps" thoward the bathroom, and singing i jumped in the shower.

Niall's POV:

I don't think any of us understood what was going on. About an our ago the plane landed in LA airport. Everywere there had been fans welcoming us, with signs and funny chants. The cab was trying to park next to BIG flat, with i could only guess about three or mabye even four floors. The lads and i started talking loudly and Liam said "Are we really gonna live there?" about a thousand times. I laughed at him and Louis throwed a sneaky comment and then that was done. When the cab stopped and we "successfully" came out of the cab we ranned against the house and practically ripped up the door without thinking. Louis started to jump up and down in the sofa and threw pillows at Harry and Zayn went out in the kitchen lookin' in the fridge for something to eat. I throwed my bags at the floor and runned upstrairs to find the toilet. You gotta do what you gotta do. I ranned back and forth in the hall without any succsess. The preasure started to increase, and i paniced a little. I opened a random room and stopped at the doorframe.It was bras,undies,clothes,all sorts of make-up and lots of ice-cream packages everywere.My mouth dropped and i completly forgott what i was lookin' for. I quickly took a bra from the floor and runned downstairs. The boys would freak!
When i came down a fight in the sofa had developed. "Guys!" no respons... "GUYS!!!" i screamed louder this time. They all turned their head against me. "When did we referred a girl in One Direction?" i asked.
"Except for Liam you mean?" Harry joked. All of them laughed, except for me. When they started to throw stuffs at eachother again i held up the bra i recantly found. It was drop dead quiet. Louis borke the ice, "Ok, Harry is that yours?" I started laughing, and i then told them about how i found it. When i was finished Harry was the first one to run upstairs but we were close behind. Just as me Harry and rest of the lads stopped in the doorframe and started to look around. In the middle of everythying i remeber why i was going upstairs from the very beginning. I akwardly walked out of the room and tried the other rooms. Just as i am on my way to open one of the doors it is opened from the inside. (!!) I atuomaticly pull back my hand and infront of me in the doorframe stands a girl wering only a towel. She, just like me starts to scream and then slammer the door in my face.


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Nancyninja Nancyninja
All I Never Had All I Never Had
Pleeeeeease update!!!!
@Oliver Styles
Thanx so much, commin up with a new chapter tomorrow
Nancyninja Nancyninja
Oliver Styles Oliver Styles