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Beau & the Beast

i. the tavern

(so, parts of this will be in french--very little-- and under any of the main parts, i will put an english translation in italics xx let me know if you have a question about any of the french parts!)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, there was one thing that he was not permitted. See, the Prince didn’t have a desire to find a princess and settle down. Sure, he wanted to settle down and have a family, and he wanted someone to rule with, but he never wished for that person to be a woman.

The Prince knew the consequences of desiring men in his land, but he decided to test his power as a Prince, attempting to make a difference. Only, his father had him cast away to an abandoned, cursed castle to live out his days until his twenty-first birthday. If he could not learn to love a woman by then, he would forever be banished from his kingdom, locked away in his damned castle with few companions to keep him company.

Prince Harry never had any hope of his situation changing, though, so he bitterly lived hidden away, dreaming of a place where he could love freely, far from the coldness and empty desires he was forever surrounded by.


M o d e r n d a y P a r i s

“El, I’m off to work! Don’t wait up!” Louis calls out before exiting his shared flat. He doesn’t hear anything, but he knows that his flatmate is studying for her finals.He doesn’t even have time to think of finals yet, what with work and his overall demanding life.

Louis’ flatmate, Eleanor, has slowly become his best friend; his only friend. She is doing her semester abroad in Paris, and Louis has decided that he will quite miss her when she goes back to England.

He hurries down the sidewalk, checking the time on his phone every ten seconds, knowing that he’ll be late. He doesn’t know how he fell asleep after dinner, but he only has five minutes before ten, when his shift starts.

Louis hears murmurs as he passes people on the street, most of them probably remarking his tight shirt, or the feminine way that he walks, but Louis doesn’t mind. If he minded, then he would have definitely started looking for a different job.

When Louis arrives at the Tavern, he’s ten minutes late, and has started to work up a sweat from jogging. His backpack is slung over his shoulder, and the bouncer shakes his head as Louis slides in through the side door.

“Always late, Louis. You’re lucky you’re the star!” Calum yells after him, stopping someone to check their ID.

Louis sneaks down the hallway, hoping to avoid his boss, but he comes face-to-face with him just before he reaches the dressing room. He blocks the door with his long limbs, towering over Louis’ small frame.

“Louis, dear!” Nick speaks sweetly, but Louis sees right through that, “Do you happen to have the time?”

Louis shrugs understandably, attempting to pass Nick, “I know I’m late, okay? I’m sorry.”
His apology isn’t heartfelt, but it never is.

“You’re a cocky little shit, Louis. I get it, alright? I know that you’re confident, and you should be. Just at least try to act like this job matters to you.

Louis rolls his eyes as Nick steps aside, following him into the changing area. Louis takes off his tank top and sweatpants, stuffing them into his assigned locker. He stands in front of the mirror, wearing his tight white boxer briefs, arranging his shuffled hair.

“Nick,” he doesn’t try to hide his disdain; never does, “You know I don’t care about this job. I’m a fucking stripper, alright? It pays my bills and puts me through Uni, but it isn’t my dream or anything. Get over yourself.”

Nick scoffs, risking at Louis as he approaches him. Louis ignores his presence and adjusts his bulge within his pants.

“Louis,” Nick stands just behind him, breathing against his neck hotly as he pats his bum, “I know that you need me; It’s clear as day.” Nick slides his hand around Louis’ thigh, grazing his hips, “Besides, without this job, you’d be so deep in school debts that you wouldn’t be able to breathe. Plus, I always leave you with a little fun money.”

Louis shoves him back with his shoulder testily, “You need me more than I need you, Nick, and we both know that. Now, I’m ready to go on stage, so unless you have something else perverted to say, I’d like to get in and out of here as soon as possible so I can clean off the feel of this place.”

Nick throws his hands up, allowing Louis to pass, but watches him intently as he leaves.

Louis walks onto the floor, glancing around for his well-paying regulars. He sees a few; the scummiest and creepiest old men that he’s ever come into contact with. And unfortunately, that’s exactly what he has to do: come into contact with them.

Louis leans against the bar for a moment, gaining Michael’s attention, “Psst, Mikey, chéri!”
Michael, the wild-haired bartender, hurries over to Louis, taking a break from the many customers seated before him.

“What is it, Lou?” Michael keeps an eye out for Nick, but doesn’t see him.

“I just need something to make this night fucking bearable. Got anything?” Louis pleads, his best puppy-dog eyes in effect.

Michael looks around again, really bringing more attention to himself if anything, “Here, it’s my last bit of coke, so you owe me, mate.”

Louis takes the tiny dime-bag from Michael’s hands and leans over the bar to kiss his cheek, “Absolutely. You are my favorite Aussie, mon ami!”

Michael blushes, yelling after Louis who is running to the restroom, “Yeah, tell that to Ash and Luke. They’ll love it!”

Louis slips into the single-stall bathroom, locking the door behind him. He chuckles to himself about the amount of time he’s spent avoiding the floor, and decides that he can’t take up much more. Louis lays out the contents of the bag on top of a paper towel, using the edge of the plastic bag to line up the white powder as evenly as possible. Louis leans down and snorts every last bit in one go, jumping up and down to distract himself from the cold burning.

Louis wraps the baggie in a paper towel and throws it out, washing his hand and using the remnants of water to wipe under his nostrils. Once he feels like he might be able to handle the men waiting outside, he opens the door and makes his way backstage for his grand entrance.

Louis meets the other dancers backstage, nodding curtly to the few that he doesn’t really associate with, and eventually meeting up with Luke.

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Louis apologizes, feeling quite jittery already.

“It’s alright, mate. No harm done. You bought us a little time,” Luke teases.

He leans against the nearest wall and starts to stretch out his hamstrings, “Yeah, it’s a fucking Wednesday; it’s not like we’re making big bucks tonight anyway.”

Louis shrugs, pacing back and forth as they wait for the DJ to begin their set.

When the boys hear the beginning of the all-too-familiar song, Louis pats Luke on the back, “Here’s to another night in hell.”

He scoffs, lining up to go on stage.

“Tout d'abord, nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre plus jeune danseuse. Tout le chemin de l'Australie, voici petit Bambi!” Ashton’s voice booms throughout the club.
“First, we are pleased to introduce our youngest dancer. All the way from Australia, here is little Bambi!”

Luke runs out, and without fail, Louis giggles to himself. He never expects the way Luke moves, despite his gangly appearance. A couple other boys who are a part of the main act are introduced and run on stage before it is Louis’ turn.

“Et le dernier mais non le moindre, l'homme de l'heure, et sans doute la raison pour laquelle vous êtes tous ici, Beau!”
“And last, but certainly not least, the man of the hour, and probably the reason that you are all here, Beau!”


By the time Louis is able to leave the club, it’s four o’clock in the morning and he’s absolutely exhausted. He wants nothing more than to go to sleep, but he has class in four hours. He walks into his flat by half past four, and he’s studying in the kitchen for his Shakespeare class until a quarter past seven.

That’s when Eleanor wakes up, “Morning Lou,” she yawns, immediately turning on the coffee maker.

“Hey, El. Hope I didn’t wake you when I got in,” he stops looking at his book, because it’s all looking blurry by now anyways.

“No, you know that I’m a deep sleeper,” she opens the cabinet to retrieve sugar, and pulls down Louis’ favorite tea as well, “A cuppa, I would assume?”

“Yes please,” he drops his head to the counter, hoping that the day would miraculously be over.

The next thing he knows, Eleanor is placing a hot cup of tea in front of him, and shaking his arm to wake him, “Sorry, Lou, but I’m not letting you miss finals.”

He shakes the sleep away and nods, “No, thanks. I need the push. I thought that some coke would do the trick, but I was still exhausted by the time I got home. Wasn’t enough, I guess.”

Eleanor rolls her eyes, “Well, today is the last day of the school week, so how’s about we get smashed tonight?”

Louis sighs, feeling his eyes shutting on him, “Of course. As long as I get a nap in before then. I’ll show you the night of your life, ma colombe.”

Her face contorts as she thinks, “That one means...”

“My dove, love,” Louis giggles to himself, “And that rhymed!”

Eleanor laughs sleepily, “And you’re delirious. Alright, I’m excited to go out tonight, but I have to get through Civics and Biology first. Hurry up so we can take the Metro together.”


Okay so i'm like super excited about this fic, and I've been planning it out, so let me know what you think about the idea! I don't want to give too much away but please give feedback. Also, please vote and comment!! xx


Why u r not updating this. ...........please hurry Buddy... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Please update. ..please please please. ......it was really an amazing and very interesting story. ........pls.. ..dammm. .i want to know how he and Harry fall in love. ...!

Please update this is such an AMAZING STORY PLS PLS PLS


Please please please update with this story.....it's a wonderful and very different....which is why I love it. I hope you will keep on updating with this story a lot more because I am sooo excited to see what will happen :)

Larrybaby Larrybaby

First of all, I feel it's important to tell you that I really like this story, and I hope to see it continue. I find the plot to be an interesting twist on an old cliché, and the characters are likeable and have depth. I do, however, take issue with the manner drugs are portrayed here. While I applaud that you do not actively encourage people to use drugs, they are used within the story as an answer to problems: Louis taking cocaine to get through his work, peer-pressuring Eleanor into doing acid, Zayn's smoking habits, etc. These drugs being used have disastrous side effects upon one's body, and there is no mention of anything like that, nor is there any mention of their addictive qualities. Louis treats taking cocaine as an easy fix, but in reality if he had used it before, no matter how small the amount, he would be addicted to it and it would be taking over his life. The point I am trying to make here is that the drugs, even the tobacco, you are writing about is dangerous, and it is characterized as merely "a thing to do" or "something life changing," which is not only a flaw in the story but also dangerous to uninformed readers, who may believe after reading this that taking drugs has no ill effects. A possible way to fix this would be to have a sub plot where Louis deals with detox/rehab or something along those lines. At this point I would like to reiterate that I very much enjoy this story and would be very grateful if you continued it. Thank you for reading, there was no offense intended in any of this so I apologize if I unintentionally did.