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Timing is Everything (Liam Payne)


Rachel and Liam have mutually agreed that their relationship will not work. Schedules, time zones and countries will separate them for long amounts of times. No couple could withstand that. Phone calls, texting, Facetime and Skype can only do so much.
Rachel had never really known true love until him.
She will travel around the world on business but will also take time for herself to heal and see new places and experience different things. Getting to do the things that one cant do while on a business trip.
But, will she find love again? Was it ever really lost? Will the timing be right?

To find out what led up to this you'll need to read Until Next Time

Disclosure - this story contains sexual situations, read at your own risk, and dont say I didnt warn you :)


  1. Ch 1

    If I could put time in a bottle

  2. Ch 2

    Time Heals all Wounds

  3. Ch 3

    Wind it Up

  4. Ch 4

    Time Marches On

  5. Ch 5.

    Like Sands Through the Hour Glass...

  6. I Heart Radio Music Festival

  7. Ch 7

    Aint got nothing but time

  8. Ch 8

    Cheating time

  9. Ch 9

    Take Your Time

  10. Ch 10

    Like Clockwork

  11. Ch 11

    Hickory Dickory Dock

  12. Ch 12

    Turn the Hour Glass

  13. Ch 13

    Times Square

  14. Ch 14


  15. Ch 15

    Family Time

  16. Ch 16

    Alone Time

  17. Ch 17

    Hands of Time

  18. 18

    Time after Time

  19. Sorry no update

  20. Ch 19

    Party Time

  21. Ch 20

    That Time

  22. Ch 21

    Not This Time

  23. Ch 22

    It's Christmas Time

  24. Disclosure

  25. CH 23

    Time is Slipping Away

  26. Ch 24

    Where did time go?

  27. Ch 25

    Lost Time

  28. Ch 26

    Time to Think

  29. Ch 27

    Get there on time

  30. Burnin' it Down

  31. Ch 27

    Time is of the Essence

  32. CH 28

    Time for Me to Fly

  33. Ch 29

    Time After Time

  34. Ch 30

    A Time to Love

  35. Ch 31

    Wasted Time

  36. Ch 32

    Alone Time

  37. ch 33

    Time Zones

  38. Ch 34

    Making Time

  39. Votes = Smut

  40. Ch 35

    Happy Times

  41. Smut

  42. Vote vote Vote

  43. Ch 36

    Press Time

  44. My dah-lings

  45. Naughty naughty

  46. Ch 37

    Time to leave

  47. ch 38

    Planning Time

  48. Catching Up

  49. ch 39

    Rock around the Clock

  50. Challenge

  51. Ch 40

    Double Time

  52. Sort of an update

  53. Some what of an update

  54. Ch 41

  55. Ch 42

  56. ch 43

  57. Ch 44

  58. Ch 43

  59. Ch 43

  60. not an update

  61. Ch 47

  62. Ch 48

  63. Ch 49

  64. Ch 50

  65. O.M.G.

  66. Ch 51

  67. ch 52

  68. Ch 53

  69. Ch 54

  70. ch 54

  71. Ch 56

  72. Ch 57

  73. Wedding

  74. The Honeymoon

  75. Re Cap Update

  76. Drum Roll

  77. Wedding Pics

  78. Ch 60

  79. New Story


That would totally be me! The one to come over and eat all the fruit like Harry did at Liam's Lol. ^-^ ;) ♡♥ I REALLY enjoyed reading this fanfic as well as Until Next Time! ^-^ :) ♡♥

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

That would totally be me! The one to come over and eat all the fruit like Harry did at Liam's Lol. ^-^ ;) ♡♥ I REALLY enjoyed reading this fanfic as well as Until Next Time! ^-^ :) ♡♥

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

Hahaha oh my goodness! "No need to sit in your sitting area and listen" lmbooooo imagine if that has happened before while the guys were on tour hahaha

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

Hahaha oh goodness! "Pent up frustration"

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

Hahahahaha "Aunt Rachel why is there hay in your hair?" xD xP

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley