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given to a boy band

Chapter 73

Katherine's POV.

I sighed rolling over, the sunlight was disturbing my sleep and thats what I needed.

“Rise and shine lovers.” Harry says walking into the room opening up the blinds.

“Ugh.” Louis and me groan shifting around. We both pull up the blankets

“It’s 3:05 in the evening! Get up!” Harry says now jumping on the bed. Louis then gets up and head towards the bathroom. As I tried to get up I fail,

“Harry!” I moan and harry laughs while accidentally tripping and falling on top of me.

“Say my name baby.” Harry licks his lips and I roll my eyes

“Fuck you.” I say with a smile and he chuckles

“You already did.” Harry

“Your a dick.”

“And well you know what they say, ‘you are what you eat’.” Harry quickly turns around

“What the fuck did you just say.” His eyes clouded over with anger. I flinch at his voice

“Nothing.” I said in a small voice and jumped up from the couch.

“Harry please I didn’t mean it. I guess Louis is rubbing off of me.” I said as Louis walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

“What?” Louis says as I very quickly hid behind him.

“I guess so.” Harry mumbles and storms out of the and Louis furrows his eyebrows

“Don’t even ask.” I mumbled under my breath and he laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

“Well just think in a month or so, your out of here.” He smiles and pats my back and I shrug, I guess so.


“Louis, can you pass the syrup?” I asked, since we woke up so late we had to eat breakfast late so while everyone was eating lunch we were eating pancakes.

“What made you guys so tired?” Niall says grumpy and Louis kicks my foot then winks at me, as I get the point of what he was trying to say I look straight at Harry who had his eyebrow raised in curiosity so I lean on Louis and smiled while giggling.

“We had a loooooong, night.” I said then I winked and lucky me the perverts took it the way they I wanted them to take it.

“Ohhhhhhhh!” Zayn said and Liam whistled

“Well what can I say.” Louis shrugs

“You said enough last night” I winked


Harry's POV.

“Ugh.” I said in a sigh. I was currently in my room trying ti figure out why suddenly Katherine is willing to..... Well have sex. Usually she fights and..... She suddenly plays along? Something is up and I gotta find out before it’s too late.

“Harry?” Katherine said after a few nocks she peaked her head through. I abruptly turn around

“What?” I snapped, she looks taken back but shakes it off.

“I need help.” She says plainly

“With what?” I sigh


Katherine's POV.

“I have ti do what!” I whispered loudly to Louis who was trying to convince me to have sex willing with Harry so he wouldn’t think anything is wrong.

“You don’t want him to bust us, do you?” Louis asks and I sigh shaking my head

“No.” I pout

“Go!” Louis said and pushed me a ‘sexy’ outfit then pushed me into the bathroom. I looked at the lace and all the straps it had and sad to say, I didn’t know how the fuck to put this thing on. Finally after 5 minutes of freaking out I had a plan. I then walk to Harrys room only with a robe on and knocked on the door a couple of times.

“Harry?” I knocked before I asked after a few nocks she peaked her head through. I abruptly turn around

“What?” Harry snaps at me instantly get offened but I shrug it off

“I need help.” I say

“With what?” Harry says sighing, almost as if I was interrupting him.

“With....s-something.” I stuttered.


Okay I FINALLY updated and whoa. Sorry if this chapter sucks but my fan fiction is almost to the end! Please subscribe rate and comment plz


Continue plz.

Oh. My. God. I just finished this story in two days!! Please update!!

Hey!!! Can u plz update, like plz!

Please update!!!! It Is so good so far!!