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All It Takes Is One Bite

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Rachel’s p.o.v

“We need to get the bullets out of him or he won’t heal.” Louis said

“I know, can you carry him upstairs.” I said

“yeah, Rach are you ok?” he said

“I’m half and half.” I said

“what do you mean.” He said

“like I’m ok physically but mentally my brains just confused and over thinking things.” I said

“stop overthinking everything it makes things twice as bad as it actually is and do you think the lads will be up?” he said

“I know it makes things worse but I can’t help it and I don’t think they will unless they woke up when Harry shouted on us.” I said we arrived at the hotel room Harry was still out but he kept moving.

“Lou but him on the um settee.” I said Lou nodded and obeyed.

“now what?” he said

“we need a knife to get the bullets out but I will need you to hold him down as most likely he will wake up and try to stop us from doing it.” I said he was suddenly gone but re appeared holding a knife.

“should we give the boys a warning or not.” He said

“ok you tell Liam and alley I will tell Niall and Zayn ok. “I said he ran off into Liam’s room. I ran to Niall.

“just a warning Harry may yell In a few minutes.” I said and ran out into Zayn’s and did the same I really couldn’t be bothered to explain and I’m guessing Louis did the same as when we ran back to Harry everyone ran out of there rooms.

“What is going on.” They said

“WHAT HAPPENED” Ally yelled.

“Louis explain but keep a hold of Harry whilst doing so.” I said and Louis started to explain and he also held Harry down. “Ok Louis you ready he will struggle so make sure you hold him tightly.” As soon as I said that everyone was around us and was cringing as they knew what was coming i pulled Harry’s shirt off and grabbed the knife I found one of the bullet wounds and pushed the knife into it Harry let out a ear piercing scream. His body was trembling you could see that he was in a lot of pain me and by the way he was reacting in the end it was just Me and Louis as everyone couldn’t stand seeing him the way he was even I couldn’t stand that I was hurting him.

After we got all of the bullets out Harry was very weak he was actually sweating from so much pain and that is odd for a vampire but his body won’t completely heal until he has fresh blood, oh that reminds me I need fresh blood I haven’t hunted in three days my cravings will soon take over.

“Hey Lou we need to hunt Harry needs fresh blood to heal completely and quickly.” I said “oh and tell the boys ok but I need to talk to Niall I walked into our room Niall was sitting on the end of the bed with his head cupped into his hands.

“hey Niall are you ok?” I said

“I am but I’m not seeing Harry like that killed me and it could have easily been you.” He said pulling me down into a hug and so I was sitting in his lap

“hey I can take care of myself anyway I just wanted to say we have to go hunting so we will be back soon.” I said

“is Harry ok now.” He said

“he is healing very slowly as there is a little bit of vervain left in him so he isn’t as strong but once he has fresh blood he will heal and everything will be ok.” I said he kissed me on the lips.

“please be careful and watch out for hunters we don’t need a repeat of what happened with Harry.” He said



“NO YOU GET 60 SECONDS” Louis shouted



“anyway don’t worry everything will be ok I will be fine I’ve done this loads of times so there shouldn’t be any trouble.” I said kissing him on the lips and walked out the room.

“Ready.” I said

“we have been ready for ages we were waiting for you.” Louis said I looked over at Harry who was still lying on the settee.

“Hey harry are you ok can you even get up.” I said he sat up

“I guess I can sit.” He said he then stood up and lost balance but Louis quickly caught him.

“Thanks Lou.” He said

“ Lou you will have to help him walk whilst we hunt.” I said he groaned.

“Why do I have to do it.” He said

“because you were the one who caught him now help him.” I said and we went out hunting. I listened around for someone anyone but no one for an hour we walked around the town trying to find someone eventually found a criminal Harry and Louis had to stay in the Ally way since harry couldn’t stand well so really I had to do all the work. The man was walking down the street he was drunk and has just beat another man up almost to death not quite but so close but in the past he has done much worse.

I followed the man down the street after a minute or so the man started to run so I ran past him and he ran straight into me causing him to fall I dragged him back to the Ally. Louis brought Harry out but I drank first and handed him over to them I had to hold Harry up whilst he drank he was very weak it was like he was dying but as he drank he got stronger and stronger we killed the man and chucked him into the skip.

“Harry are you better now.” I said

“yeah but i feel like I need more blood.” He said

“lift your shirt up let me check your wounds.” I said I looked at all the marks they were faintly there.

“so why do you need to check them.” He said

“because they aren’t fully healed so you need more blood to completely heal.” I said

“so we need to find some on else.” Louis said

“yeah but this time we will have to go out of town to get more as it will be to suspicious if there is another murder here tonight.” I said

“so which way should we run?” Harry said i pointed to the right after 10 minutes we were out of town and looking around for another person as i let my senses take over I could smell something really strong but this time it wasn’t a vampire.

So what is it?


ok so this is my last chapter for a week as i go on holiday tomorrow so enjoy and Liam payne is mine will be updating until i get back :)


i would say at the end it's more Niall but throughout it there's a bit of everyone like at the beginning it's more Louis and Harry since they are vampires and that but Rachel is the main character and Niall is obviously dating her so it kind of changes through out :)
Is this a Niall Story or A Harry Story??
Because I'm Confused
@Liam Payne is mine
Mrs--Styles Mrs--Styles
I would love to check it out EPPPPPP!!!! (: <3
there are a lot of vampire stories especially if you check out wattpad oh and i have a sequel to this and another vampire story called vampire world if you want to check that out :) <3