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Teach Me How To Kiss (1D AU)


For the past few days, I've been waking to the same dream. Harry and I are back in his bed and in a heated kiss only he gets to remove my bra this time. Once he sees me completely topless, he backs off in disgust and says he has toleave. C'mon, you think I'd get some shameless action in my dreams at least but even they were punishing me.

It's been two weeks. I was making sure to be extra nice and helpful around the house in hopes of winning my mother over to the merciful side, or at least in time for the Horan's annual summer-is-soon house party. Last year was the first time I went and I was looking forward to it next week.

After showering and getting ready for school I passed by the mirror and had to stop for a second. Every day I asked myself if I had done it. Was my "hard shell"cracked yet? Did Harry crack the prude I was afraid of becoming? In my opinion…yes. So then why not display that to the world. While this was typically the moment where I'd pull my hair up in a ponytail and grab my cover-up mascara, I starred at my silver streak and began to almost appreciate it.

"What's wrong with being a lil different? What's wrong with being me?" I smiled.

If a guy like Harry could have a fun night of making-out with me and making me feel desired, than maybe I didn't have it that bad. I brushed my hands through my wavy hair and embraced my two-toned locks. Maybe it was my confidence but I never felt so sexy in my plain white t-shirt and jeans.

I skipped to the kitchen to make my regular bowl of cereal before walking off to the bus stop. My mother already there making her cup of coffee, watched me with a little grin. She walked over and began stroking my hair.

"You really do look beautiful with your hair down sweetie. You should do it more often," she said while cradling me.

"Thanks mom. I think I will from now on," I proclaimed proudly.

"What's gotten into you? You're glowing."

Did I look too suspicious?

"Nothing just in a good mood. Speaking of which, have you decided if you're going to let me go to Izzy's party?" I pouted.

"Hmmm, we still haven't gone through all the details of what happened that Saturday, but you have pulled your weight around here…so if you promise to keep that up then I just might."

"Oh you got it!" What my mother or Izzy didn't know was my secret plans of inviting Harry.

I was shocked to receive a few nice glances and even a compliment on how pretty I looked today on the bus. Wow, where was this girl in me before? A girl even asked me how I got my hair chunk to look that white, and when I told her it was natural she was shocked and said it looked way cool. Hmm, who knew?

Another thing I was beginning to notice in myself was the lack of approval I needed from Izzy. Before, the minute I got off the bus I ran to find her and stay no more than 3 feet away. And now I felt no rush. I didn't mind walking on my own for a little while. I think Harry was the key to my independent metamorphosis.

I hadn't even reached my locker yet when some more girls complimented me again. This was just plain outrageous. I didn't do a drastic make-over. I just let my hair down people! But if it amused them and became today's gossip then whatever. No one better ask if I'm a new student.

I didn't see Izzy till our first period. It was then that she gave me an odd look and paused before smiling.

"Well, look at you Miss Secrets," she still hadn't forgiven me. "You look pretty today, are you going to babysit the neighbor's kids again?"

I shook my head and bit my lip. I knew I had to tell her about Harry soon. She was my only best friend and frankly I was dying to spill it to someone. I brushed off the comments and compliments and focused on the class. However, the moment I disconnected from everybody else, I drifted towards Harry.

You know that paranoid feeling you get when you sense you are being watched... because you are! I couldn't tell where it was coming from until I casually glanced around the classroom and found two blue eyes staring at me a few rows to my left. Yes those blues eyes I once held so dear and thought would be mine one day, except they were taking their damn sweet time to make up their mind about me.

Why the hell was Louis looking at me? What, was he suddenly struck by my beauty? Yeah right! If anything this annoyed me. Or did I like this? Wouldn't that work out splendidly if I could torture him and toy with his feelings, see if he liked it. As I continued to plot an evil strategy, that I probably would never really do, the bell rang.

"Hey Brynn." I turned to find Louis walking out with me. "I like your hair. It's different."

"Thanks," I smiled and melted.

All the hatred and plans to squish his heart had faded as I clearly had a little thing for him still. I began to wonder what he would think if he found out about Harry and I.That was something not everyone had to know about. Not my mother, not Louis and certainly not Niall. So question was when would I tell Izzy? I'll tell her today… no tomorrow.

I had to quickly switch books for my next class when I was interrupted by some girl.

"Hey, you're Brynn right? Your brother is waiting for you outside. He said there's been a family emergency," she stated very worried and confused.

"My broth-er?" Considering that I was an only child, I was intrigued to find out who my adoptive sibling was.

I barged out the school doors to find a sexy grin planted on Harry's face. I must admit, while it's been two weeks since we've seen each other, I was so happy to see him again.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"I had to see you. I know you're grounded from going out so I thought I would set the 'good example' by stealing you away from school for a while."

"What…I can't do that!" I laughed.

"Okay then, I'll just drive off…" he threatened and began to walk away.

On second thought…"Wait up!"

I rushed on over and he wrapped his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

"I was beginning to think you didn't miss me or anything," I was so close to telling him just how MUCH I missed him, but then I remembered the embarrassing part of the dream.

"So where are we going?"

"On a field trip…for our next lesson," he whispered in my ear.

Oh so this was kiss-related. Just in time too because I sure have been deprived of some good lip-locking. I spotted his black car and was thrilled to be in it again; thrilled to be holding hands again and couldn't wait to be kissing again. Even if my mother had my tomb set for me by the end of this month.

Before arriving to this mystery place, Harry was observing me for a while during a red light. My eyes kept looking everywhere but at him.

"You're really beautiful," he said as though he just realized this.

And while I had heard several compliments including Louis's attempt, his was the only one that I took heart in. It was sincere and much appreciated. Past the light we approached a big parking lot and a big sign that said Aquarium of the Pacific. I looked at Harry and smiled. He had taken me to an aquarium?

"This is where I worked last summer . . . I have some friends here still," he winked.

"Have you found out anything aboutthe internship yet?"

"Nope, not yet. Still waiting...but wait to you see this!"

We got out of the car and hurried to the entrance where we were greeted by an old friend of his. He introduced me and grabbed my hand as we followed his ex-coworker inside. There were several exhibits going on today but we were not only going to see the outside but what happened behind the walls as well.

I was able to see what their daily routines consisted of. Not only that, but I got to feed the fish and watch one of the care takers feed a baby seal. The impressive part was tapping into Harry's brain and witnessing how much knowledge he had on all the animals and oceanography in general. I was mesmerized by the otters, sharks and dolphins but more so by Harry.

When we were finally left alone to walk the public parts of the park, we headed towards a cave that was filled with nothing but blue reflections from the water tanks. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a heavy head nestle in my hair.

We began to sway ever so subtly and I knew at a distance that we looked like a couple. In love with the idea, I held on to his hands that were now on my stomach. While I was getting in the mood, Harry had another idea.

"If you can catch me I'll let you kiss me," he said softly in my hair and took off.

What? That wasn't fair! But it was pre-game fun. So off I went in search of my disappearing Romeo. Not realizing this cave had a lot of dead ends and this hide and seek game wasn't cutting me any slack. I saw a shadow run behind me and I turned around abruptly to run after it. Confused as I was greeted by another false exit, a body quickly snatched me from behind.

Gently pushed against the tank glass, I was being kissed from the neck up.

"I thought I was supposed to catch you?"

"I got tired of waiting," his smile pressed upon my cheek.

Enraptured in a beautiful kiss within this aquatic atmosphere, our faces reflected blue hues; which I thought was insanely romantic. We heard voices coming from a distance but I wasn't sure from which direction.

"Oh heavens! Just look the other way," said an older lady.

Harry had his back facing them in order to hide ourselves as we laughed at our audience.

"Busted for PDA," he mumbled.

Public Display of Affection, I nodded. Of course, that was today's lesson.

"I missed you, ya know?" he spoke softly again grabbing my hand.

"I did too."

It felt good to admit it. There was more to this kissing game…a lot more. And while I didn't want to be the one to layout any feelings, I sure wish he did already. That's if he wanted something more with me…something more official.

I reached up to kiss him and he wrapped his fingers gently around my neck again; I even missed that hold. My back and bum felt cool against the glass, but his hand holding on to my jean pocket felt even better. His other hand grabbed mine and slid it in his back pocket. Ahhh! I was grabbing his ass! Hah! I think he noticed my shocking excitement as he let out a quiet laugh.

"You're a goof," he smiled.

Wait. What? I swear he hears my thoughts.

Harry had one hand leaning against the tank and the other still tugging at my front pocket.

"What else would you like to do today?" He asked with those sparkling eyes.

I looked down at his watch and saw it was close to 3 o'clock, meaning I had to get back to school.

"Sadly I need to head back. But do you want to get together tomorrow?"

"Ummm, I can't. My cousin is in town, we're going to hang out," he answered.

"Okay well, I'll call you later then. Oh, my friend Izzy is having a party at her house next week and I want you to come."

"Really? I get invited to a party…this is getting serious,"he laughed.

I pushed him away for being a punk and soon we found our way back to the parking lot.

The following day, I agreed to go shopping with Izzy after school since we were in much need of some girl bonding. I kept waiting for the right moment to tell her about Harry. I don't know why it seemed like such a big deal in my head, if anything she would be sort of proud of me. But I guess I would have to hold it off for later still, buying dresses for the party was too distracting.

Elizabeth was finishing her purchase inside the store when I walked out to the hallway. I stood behind the rail on the second floor looking down, people watching. To my amazement, I saw Harry with a friend of his come out of a store. I didn't know how to get his attention, as I'm not the type to shout names across the mall floors. Yet before I could contemplate this any longer a perky blond girl came galloping out and jumped on his back.

What the…I blinked a couple of times and took a closer look. I saw her turn around and he swung his arm around her just like he did to me yesterday. Then he planted a kiss on her forehead, again the same moves. They were both laughing and smiling and looking in love; just as stupid as I looked yesterday. How could I not think I was being played when we had no title to this relationship, all we had… a stupid agreement. He obviously had a taste for a variety of women. Brunettes, blondes and gingers. He was just another Niall.

In utter disbelief I wiped away a stubborn tear. He didn't deserve one, not even this smeared one. My heart began to hurt. And while I thought Louis made me feel like crap at times this was way worse. This really did hurt I realized as I wiped another tear.

"Brynn…? Are you okay?" Izzy approached me slowly.

"No. Are you ready to go home?" I asked without making eye contact.

Her face was terrified; full of worry. The car ride home was silent and I was lost. A part of me was arguing that I shouldn't be upset because he told me that he dated other girls, while the other half was almost convinced that I was the only one…or so I wanted to believe. I just needed a few minutes before I cried my story out on Izzy's pillow and the car ride was helping me collect all my thoughts.

Izzy went to check her computer and then shut it off. Walking over to the bed she patted a spot beside her and waited for me. I flung beside her. Where to even begin?

"Izzy, am I not pretty enough to keep a guy or something?" I mumbled.

"B, you're gorgeous! I don't know what happened but you can't let it affect you like this. Tell me, what happened?"

And so I opened my mouth and spent the next hour telling her about a guy named H. My eyes were dry from so many shed tears. Out of nowhere, I felt the tip of the bed sink. I looked down and saw Niall sitting there and for the first time he was silent.

"How long have you been listening?" I sniffled.

"Long enough," he said quietly. "I'm sorry, Brynn. Believe it or not, I don't like seeing you like this."

I closed my eyes to let it all sink in. I missed the thought that I was not only going to lose my kissing partner but someone that was becoming quite special to me.

"Maybe you'll meet a nice guy at the party," Niall added.

I know he was trying to cheer me up, but I wasn't in the mood nor did I have any hopes of meeting any more guys. I would ditch the party if I could but that would only raise questions with my mother and I surely wasn't ready to tell her anything yet.



Hi, I just finished reading this story and I thinks it's amaze balls!!! But please dont tell me it's finish and ur not gonna carry on.. Coz I really need to know what's gonna happen next. Coz u left us on a cliff hanger!!
I love the story!! plzz update if u can

This is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read. I hope you come back to update soon. Thanks for sharing!

OMG!!!!!! Please update soon the suspence is killing me !!!!!!

Oooh NO! Harry! Brynn! Hope they're both okay! Can't wait to read more!

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

Nooooooooooo Harrrrrryyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Please don't die :,(

jasyjas18 jasyjas18