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Pretty Wrong Direction

Chapter Twenty Two

Hanna's P.O.V

I got up the next morning, and looked in the mirror. I opened my laptop. Shit. I looked at the three words in my english essay 'Macbeth was a'. Great. I was getting a detention from Fitz on the first day back. Yeah, he's back from his stint at Hollis. Maybe I'd get Aria to butter him up for me. What? A girl can try, can't she?

"Hanna, Breakfast!" My mom called. Breakfast? Okay, I was officially weirded out. Mom never made breakfast. Unless, we had company. He wasn't...was he? Zayn?

I got dressed quickly, and stuffed my laptop into my bag. I looked in the mirror, and fluffed my hair, smiling endlessly.

I skipped down the stairs, to see...Ella Montgomery. "Hello, Mrs M." I smiled, skipping into the kitchen and opening the fridge. "What's up?"

I took a sip of orange juice, as Ella bowed her head. "Aria's gone missing."

I spat out my juice, and widened my eyes, "What?"

Emily's P.O.V

Aria, running away? It didn't sound like Aria.

"Is there anyone Aria would have been meeting, wanted to meet?" The officer asked us.

"No." I murmured. Yes.
"Any scences, after she left Spencer's? Any bad feelings that....Aria might do something stupid?"

"I don't think so?" Yes. I know where she is, even though no one else does.
"Anyone that hurt Aria before, anyone that would want to hurt Aria?"
"No, no one I could think of." Yes. Harry. Alison, possibly. Jenna.

"You know this is your friend's life on the line." He asked.

"No It's not. Aria is alive, and we all know it. We all know she's just thinking. Aria's too strong for that. She's stronger than me, or than Ali. She just wants Niall."
"Who's Niall?"

I gulped. Shit.




yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
'Was somebody slaughtering hair gel or somthing?' AMA-ZAYN JOKE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......puns.......
So scary and when you have the sequel up, send me the link to it :l
Arianna Arianna