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Pretty Wrong Direction

Chapter Eleven

Ali's POV

I sat on the end of the sofa stroking Aria's hair. It was safe enough to say I was worried sick. And ashamed.
Ashamed of myself, for letting Harry anywhere near me.
Ashamed of myself, for letting him kiss me
Ashamed of myself, for developing feelings for a boy I know just wants my body.

I throw myself onto the couch and pull Ari's head into my lap and continue my constant stroking.
Spencer's sitting with Liam, his army's around her and she's looking up at him like he was a king.
I want that.
Not a sex relationship, just a relationship.
Everyone thinks I'm just sex-driven, they think I'm heartless. But I'm not. I care for the girls more than they know. All I want is for them to be having fun, for them to have good lives.
Harry is sitting in the corner staring at me. The boys are all angry at me because the only reason they have to keep us captive is because of what he did. I'm not stupid enough to tell them I remember, but even if I did I would be lying.
I only remember certain parts. Stumbling through the alleyway. Seeing Harry. A fist. Running out. Nothing more than that.
I know I shouldn't but can you blame me for liking a bad boy? I look at Hanna. She's forever going for bad boys. I remember Caleb, even if she wants to forget.
Something hits me about Hanna. She's staring at something. Someone. Zayn. He looking back at her. Are they together? Since being with Harry I haven't been keeping up with anyone else. Just keeping up with Harry. (Hey I made a mental joke there, wow I'm hilarious, badumdumtssss, if you get this joke you have a very dirty mind my friend, I like you -bro x)
Emily said last night she thought Louis was good looking and he's staring at her now, but she's busy with Aria.
Niall likes Aria, that's for sure, but does she like him? I don't even know.
Back in Rosewood I would know all these things but here? I don't know shit. I just want to go home.


Did you like my joke I put in there? Funnie gallll, anyway I feel so sick, someone get me tea plssss. Thanks for everything guys
-B xoxo
ps. See what I did there with the b thing? Like in PLL with the -a thing? Budumdumtssss


yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
'Was somebody slaughtering hair gel or somthing?' AMA-ZAYN JOKE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......puns.......
So scary and when you have the sequel up, send me the link to it :l
Arianna Arianna