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Pretty Wrong Direction

Chapter Ten.

Aria's P.O.V

I crept down the corridor, past all the rooms, and slowly walked to the kitchen. I lifted my purse, and looked inside. I scrunched up my eyes, not being able to see much by the light of the moon. I finally found the small object I was looking for; a bobby pin. I smiled, and tiptoed over to the door. I slipped the pin into the key-hole, and tried to pick the lock. I was satisfied when the door gave a creak, and I opened it, the cold twilight air touching my skin. I stepped outside, and closed the door securely. I was free.

The moon shone full, and my eyes lit up. I pulled the hood of the baggy grey hoodie over my head, and began to walk away from the house. I saw Emily and Hanna's curtain twitch, and then saw Emily, peering out at me. Her eyes shone, and I mouthed, 'I'm getting help.' Emily nodded, winking, as I began to pick up my pace, the air rushing to my head. The streets became a blur, and then I stopped and realised I had no idea where my feet were taking me. I looked around, and saw a convienience store on the other side of the street.

I crossed the road, and rushed in, looking exasperated. The store was empty, apart from the worker at the counter, a young woman with red hair. She was reading US! Weekly, flicking through the pages with no apparent interest in working at all. I coughed, lightly, and approached the counter. She saw me, and gave me a bit of a once over. I blushed. I was wearing an oversized shirt, shorts, old sneakers and a leather jacket. Well, I hardly had time to co-ordinate, did I?

"Can I help?" She asked, in a patronizing tone, rolling her eyes.
"Yes, actually. Can I use your phone? I need to call someone."
"Phone's for Staff Only." The girl snapped, looking boredly at her nails.
"But there's a payphone down the road, to the left, If it's any help."
"Yeah, I guess. Thanks a bunch." I said, rudely, sweeping out of the crummy little store.

I stormed down the street, finally reaching the payphone. I reached into my purse, and luckily sourced some english change, slotted them in the machine. I dialled the number for long distance calls, then called my parents.
"Hello, Who is Speaking?" I heard my dad say, and nearly burst into tears. I was so happy to hear his voice, It was crazy. I'd only been away for a week.
"It's Ari-AAAAAH!" I screamed, as a hand clamped firmly over my mouth. I dropped the phone, tears spilling out of my eyes. "You shouldn't have ran away, Aria, dear." I heard Harry say, before the rag was once again placed over my mouth. I felt my eyes grow heavy again, as I fell asleep.

Emily's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Spencer singing, loudly. Wow, it wasn't often Spencer was in this good a mood. I looked across, and saw Hanna was already up. I trudged to Aria's room, and opened the door. She wasn't there,and her bed was still made, as If no one had slept in it that night. I wondered..Oh No. I suddenly remembered seeing her cross the path, running away. No, it was just a stupid dream.

I came to the kitchen, and gasped. Hanna's face was drained, and tired. Her eyes were tearful. "Hanna, are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head. "Aria's Escaped, and Niall, Liam, Harry and Zayn have gone to find her. Where would she be? I hope she calls home, and tells them what happened. I want to go home, Emily."

"I know, Hanna." I sighed, sitting down. I heard the front door slam, and Harry carried Aria inside. His eyes were dark. He set her on the sofa. Aria looked pale, and there were marks of struggle on her arms. He'd drugged her to sleep when she'd struggled. Harry was the bad guy at the moment, I'm sure we all knew that. "You bastard." Spencer scowled, running over to Aria, and kneeling next to her.

"She's out, there's no point on trying to wake her." Harry growled. He moved closed to Alison, who primly looked away, rushing over to Aria. Hanna and I followed. All Aria wanted to do was go home. I knew that. Louis placed his arms on my shoulders. "She'll be okay." He whispered, but I felt my ears burn as anger raised inside of me.

"Does Aria look okay? Do any of us? We've been kidnapped, kept away from the people we love. So she won't be okay, Louis." I snapped, and everyone looked at me in shock. I hardly ever lost my temper so boldly. "I-I'm Sorry." I whispered, looking at my feet. "Don't be." Louis said, grimacing, "Look what I've become."

I heard the back door slam shut, as Niall walked in. He took one look at Aria and grabbed Harry's collar. "What did you do to her?" He shouted, questioning him. "It was the only way to get her back. We can't let any of them escape Niall." Harry shouted, pushing Niall away. Niall looked at him with scorn, and hatred. "I don't know you any more. These are five totally innocent girls." Niall said, shaking his head.

Exactly. Five innocent girls. Well, Almost. Mostly. A little. Yes, Innocent.


Sorry It Took So Long, My Computer took a trip off the side of my bed to the floor, and took a while to re-boot.
Omg, Omg, June Is My PLL month, cannot wait.


yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...............................im weird..............wierd
HeyKevin.xx HeyKevin.xx
'Was somebody slaughtering hair gel or somthing?' AMA-ZAYN JOKE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......puns.......
So scary and when you have the sequel up, send me the link to it :l
Arianna Arianna